Bugs seriously imparing use of the Android Production Version

BillW Member Posts: 59
edited November 2024 in Beta Forum Archive

I've enrolled (once again) into the beta program for the Android App with the hope that a long time bug with Notes not linking to the reference would have been resolved.  However, I'm disappointed to see that this is still not being addressed in the current beta.  So, I'm posting this to request something be done about this issue...

I've been a long time user of your software (starting back when it was using the old Libronix engine).  Since the release of the Android version I've been using it on my tablet and phone much more than the desktop program.  Overall, it's really a great program and I've certainly gotten a lot of great value from it in both my personal study and in my ministry! 

Unfortunately however, the functionality (and enjoyment of use) has been seriously marred by bugs which have plagued the Android version.  These problems have severely limited it's usability and have caused a fair degree of frustration on my part (and I'm sure a great many others as well).  Recently, one long time bug with Reading Plans (https://community.logos.com/forums/p/131085/886917.aspx#886917) where instead of dates it showed 'x weeks' in the reading list, was finally fixed!  Thank-you!

However, there is another long time bug (since at least August 2016) which is severely limiting the functionality of your Android App.  Bible Notes are no longer linked to the verse where they were created, even if they were marked as 'attach to reference' (https://community.logos.com/forums/p/129216/876075.aspx#876075 and https://community.logos.com/forums/p/134685/875920.aspx#875920).  This is a serious problem that severely limits the way we can use the program.  I used to routinely create notes as a bookmark for example, but this is no longer possible (well ok, it is POSSIBLE, but utterly useless).  I also have created over the years many (hundreds) of notes by topic, very useful when wanting to look up scripture that I've felt was especially pertinent to some topic.  However, these Notes are also largely useless because although I can look up the Note, I cannot any longer go to the actual verse or even see what it is (in the Android version).  For the few verses that I have attached to the reference, I can at least see what the reference is, but even with these I can't actually go to the reference without exiting the Note and manually navigating to the reference.  For all the rest of the hundreds of Notes (not attached to the reference) I can't even see what the verse is!  In my opinion, the Notes feature is central to the functionality of your software and this has been severely impaired since last August!  I'm sorry but this is really very frustrating and I would like it to be given some attention.

I'm taking the time to write this for 2 reasons:

  1. Please address the failure of your beta program to catch these kind of issues.  Neither of these problems should have made it out of beta!  That they did is a demonstration of the failure of your beta program - afterall, identifying (and resolving) bugs such as these PRIOR TO RELEASE is precisely the purpose of such a program.  You may need to allow products to remain in Beta longer, increase the number of testers, and/or put in place a more structured feedback process for your testers.  Even just causally looking on the forum here its apparent you are not getting very much feedback at all!  This is certainly inadequate.

  2. I would like to request this particular bug be resolved in the next beta release ('Notes not linked to the verse where they were created').  Is there anything I can do (beyond posting the request here) to ask that this be accomplished?

(I've posted this in the beta forum because I believe this is an issue with the beta testing & feedback process and also because I'm requesting the next beta version address this issue)

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider my concerns.


  • Alexander Moch
    Alexander Moch Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    I wanted to address the same issue. There is no possibility to get quick to the reference where I set my notes. That is really annoying and I hope it will be fixed soon. Otherwise the note-function in the app seems like a half baked feature.

    A small feedback from faithlife would be great to know that the message has arrived.

  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    BillW said:

    You may need to allow products to remain in Beta longer, increase the number of testers, and/or put in place a more structured feedback process for your testers. 

    Thanks, Bill. You've provided some fair feedback here. I wanted to reach out and let you know that we recognize that we can have a stronger Beta program. Over the coming weeks, we'll be taking some active steps to scale up our Beta program so that we can do a better job catching issues. 

    We appreciate your candid feedback and we look forward to your participation in our improved Beta program. 


    -Daniel Di Bartolo

    Mobile Product Manager

  • BillW
    BillW Member Posts: 59

    Thanks so much for your response Daniel!  I'm looking forward to seeing and participating in the improved Beta program.  Honestly, it's a fantastic program that I really love!  I've hated to see it so greatly marred by issues such as these. 

    As you are considering Beta program improvements; it would be excellent if we could have the beta version installed alongside the current production version (as with the now defunct Bible vNext app).  This way any problems in the Beta won't impair our usage on a daily basis (which is why I dropped out of the beta program before - too many crashes made it unusable).

    Thanks again!

  • Alexander Moch
    Alexander Moch Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    According the missing links in the notes there is a uservoice-vote since 2013!!!


    Please go on to vote, maybe it will be considert in the next beta then.

  • BillW
    BillW Member Posts: 59

    According the missing links in the notes there is a uservoice-vote since 2013!!!


    Please go on to vote, maybe it will be considert in the next beta then.

    The early android version did not have the ability to link notes to a verse, I believe this user voice post was to add this functionality, which actually has been accomplished - it just doesn't work anymore (since last August) due to a bug.  The other link you provided is for another feature - to auto create hyperlinks when one is typed - which has not be completed, but it gave me an idea...

    We could manually enter the reference (any number of references, actually) to our Note as a hyperlink if we want to link them, as below.

    Create a new Note, then at the beginning of your Note (or where ever you wish the link to be) do the following:

    1. Click the Format Menu icon '...' (top right of screen in the Note)
    2. Enter the reference to the verse under the 'HYPERLINK' label
    3. Click 'back' (on your phone/tablet)
    4. If entered correctly this will add the reference to the verse as a hyperlink in the text of the Note
      (if nothing was added to the Note text then you didn't enter a reference Logos recognized - so, try again)
    5. Click 'Done' to save the Note as usual

    When viewing the Note from the Documents List (or anywhere else) this reference can be clicked to open or jump to that verse.
    I guess that's not too bad as a workaround (for new Notes anyway).

  • Alexander Moch
    Alexander Moch Member Posts: 47 ✭✭

    Thanks for the workaround. But workarounds are for things, which does not work as expected. To avoid misintepretations:

    Here the view of notes in the desktop-version. On the left side are the notes with a hyperlink to the reference where I created the note. With a click on the link I can jump to this reference (right side).

    Here the view in the android-version. On the left side there are also notes. But they waste a lot of space on the screen and don´t have a hyperlink. For the reference I need to open the note, read the reference and open it manually on the right side.

    @faithlife: Please change the layout in the android-version that the note-panel looks and works like in the desktop-version.