Tips & Tricks

Logos 4 Beta 1 doesn't have full documentation yet, so here's a few tips and tricks for features that may be a little hard to discover:
- Use Alt+L or Ctrl+L to quickly open My Library; Alt+S opens Search
- Drag My Library from the icon in the top left to dock it anywhere in the main window (for extended use)
- Click the "Interlinear" button in the ESV, NASB, NRSV, NKJV resource toolbar to see reverse interlinear data.
- Use the "Prioritize" panel in My Library to set your favourite Bibles, lexicons, commentaries
- Press Alt+` (that's the backtick, in the top-left of the keyboard) to get a quick comparison of the active verse/selected text
- add your own...
Rename your resources to change the default selected from the command line. for instance I renamed the BHS 4.2 shortname to BHS, BHS 4.0 to 2BHS and BHS WIVU to 1BHS. To do so from the library select the item you want to edit and click next to the little pencil next to the current short name.
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- Drag and drop external applications to shortcuts or bookmarks (like a shortcut to Word).
- Drag and drop layouts and tile arangments to shortcuts or bookmarks
- F8 to show a presentation layer where you can draw.
- Right click left side of interlienar area to turn of rows I don't care about
- ctrl+drag a tab to create a duplicate of that panel (some panels don't duplicate like My Library).
- shift+drag a tab to move a whole group of panels.
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Bob Pritchett said:
So if you type BHS and it brings up two resources, but you select the second, the next time you type BHS it will default to selecting the second.
very nice, but what your telling me is that my changing the short name did nothing, right :-) Is the new shortname what shows up in the tabs when there are a lot of them opened in a pane?
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This is slick...
You can create a custom PG (or EG or BWS etc) and drop it's icon onto the short cut area and then one click opens your custom PG like Logos V3 homepage...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Another nice feature!
When you drag windows around in a layout; they turn blue according to their size and position...when you get the right size and placement, you just "let go"
Very nice.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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This may have been mentioned elsewhere (this forum is getting quite cumbersome!), but I love the little horizontal lines in the scroll bar that show the location of search results in that resource.
Combined with the simplified table of contents / location-in-the-resource views, this will be EXTREMELY helpful for me as I use the Theological Journals. Yea!
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Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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it's easy; just make sure that nothing is open and go to:
Guides>made a new guide template.
Then choose which ever options you want "all on exegetical" or "all on passage" and then dump the offending sections as you please.
Close it.
go to:
Guides, then choose your custom guide and drag it to the short cut area...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
it's easy; just make sure that nothing is open and go to:
Guides>made a new guide template.
Then choose which ever options you want "all on exegetical" or "all on passage" and then dump the offending sections as you please.
Close it.
go to:
Guides, then choose your custom guide and drag it to the short cut area...
Thanks for the info - Ted
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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Clicking the TAB key while in a resource toggles throughout the features within the pane. From the selected feature (although the backward/forward arrows, nor the resource information act like they are selected) click on the space bar to execute the selected area within that pane. Pretty handy for those keeping their fingers on the keyboard.
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
- Alt+D puts focus in the command bar, which allows you to quickly launch many things in the application; try "open ..." or "search for ..."
- Ctrl+G puts the focus in the "reference box" of the current resource/guide
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Bradley Grainger said:
- Alt+D puts focus in the command bar, which allows you to quickly launch many things in the application; try "open ..." or "search for ..."
- Ctrl+G puts the focus in the "reference box" of the current resource/guide
Thanks Bradley. The more I read, the more I like it. Hmmm and we are just in the first beta. Wonder what is up the road? BTW do not drop the PBB or anything in v3.0. We want it all.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Scrolling the Interlinear pane:
If you left click/hold in the Interlinear pane of the ESV and can scroll fwd and back.
Why you'd need this I don't know....[:D]
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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From the other thread:
Hitting F8 allows you to draw right on the screen!
Hitting ESC takes Logos back out of drawing mode...
very very cool!
for those who teach using a projector this is a big thing!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Right clicking on a bible ref brings up lots of goodies...
Try the "bible explorer" it generates a mini passage guide with x-refs, handout option, and topical stuff...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Bradley Grainger said:
Logos 4 Beta 1 doesn't have full documentation yet, so here's a few tips and tricks for features that may be a little hard to discover:
Check out the Logos 4 Help resource, which is still under construction, by pressing F1 or clicking on the Help icon (?) on the right side of the command bar. You can also type show help on ... in the Command box to find help on a specific topic. For example, typing show help on guides will open the Help panel to information on Passage Guide, Edit Guide Template, etc.
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Bradley Grainger said:
Logos 4 Beta 1 doesn't have full documentation yet, so here's a few tips and tricks for features that may be a little hard to discover:
I've found that I like to use the "Cited By" tool in conjunction with a collection of Greek Lexicons to give a quick list of articles that cite the active verse. This works with the Apostolic Fathers too (as shown below).
Also note how I formed the collection -- "title:lexicon -title:hebrew -title:syriac -title:targum -title:old -title:strong" (the minus '-' excludes, I made this list iteratively as I examined the results of the rule), and then drug L&S Intermediate (not one of my faves) to the ignore section. If/when I get another Greek lexicon that matches that rule, it'll automatically be part of the collection.
Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print0 -
TimothyLovegrove said:
I love the little horizontal lines in the scroll bar that show the location of search results in that resource.
I need an option to permanently remove them from my computer! They become useless when appearing as a solid block or being too close together.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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In Library, what would be a typical usage for
- My Tags, and
- Rating
I understand they can be used to form collections with a query like "Mytags:xxx AND Rating:>=n" but where else can that be used and why rate some books low and some high (do you rate within a tagged category or in terms of overall usefulness).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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You can also use them to choose which books you search. I think Tags can become very useful. so.
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Dave Hooton said:
I need an option to permanently remove them from my computer! They become useless when appearing as a solid block or being too close together.
Dave, I partially agree that they lose a little bit of usefulness when clumped together - but actually for me this is what is helpful because it helps separate random mentions of what I searched for vs. an entire article on what I searched for. I.e., when I see a block of hits altogether, that lets me know I'm on to something pertinent.
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Clicking the "I" for information when in a resource.
If you have a resource open, click the circled "I" on the right side and it instantly gives you all of the info about that resource including it's searchable fields!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
Clicking the "I" for information when in a resource.
If you have a resource open, click the circled "I" on the right side and it instantly gives you all of the info about that resource including it's searchable fields!
That was the thing I missed very much in v3. Of course you do not need it in most frequent resources but with "breaking new ground" it is very useful. Also ratings might be very useful in picking up the books for reading and coming back to them. I know you remember your books, my memory however is just... weaker [:$]
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That's what I really like about the new home page; I've already seen a few articles and said to myself; hey! that's pretty interesting insight..." and then realized that it was my own book in my own library!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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When in drawing mode, you can turn the scroll wheel while drawing a line to make the color of the line darker or lighter.
Also, you remain in drawing mode even if you alt+tab to different resources. This is a very cool feature! Note: to exit drawing mode, you must alt+tab back to logos 4.0 and then press escape. The screen will still appear to be in the other program, but pressing escape will then return you to 4.0. If you do not alt+tab back first, pressing escape will not do anything.
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When I do that it changes colors, green, yellow, blue...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
When I do that it changes colors, green, yellow, blue...
Are you turning the scroll wheel while you're still holding down the mouse button, that is, while you are still in the process of drawing the line?
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No I wasn't but I just did and nothing happened...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
If you have a resource open, click the circled "I" on the right side and it instantly gives you all of the info about that resource including it's searchable fields!
I'm not convinced "I" tells the whole story, esp. when you compare fields available from the resource in v3 (Help | About this Resource | Search Capabilities).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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With reference to type:Bible and similar used in collection searches ... is there any way to see the types that a particular resource responds to?
2017 15" MBP, iPad Pro
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MartinFolley said:
With reference to type:Bible and similar used in collection searches ... is there any way to see the types that a particular resource responds to?
Agreed this is needed. I have found Anchor Bible Dictionary does not repsond to type:dictionary
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I realize that this is a Logos feature but there are freeware utilities that do this; Sketch it! being one of them.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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MartinFolley said:
With reference to type:Bible and similar used in collection searches ... is there any way to see the types that a particular resource responds to?
Yes. If you open My Library or your collections and change the View to see all the fields, you can right click and add additional fields such as "subject" and "type" These will give you the fields you can enter for subject: and type: Hope that helps. It seems like most of the fields can be used to filter collections as well, so you could create collections like publisher:Intervarsity Press or publisher:logos. I can't get Publication Date to work, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.
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What I miss, although if locked resources are not going to be included in Logos 4 I guess it's irrelevant, is the index that is included in About This Resource in Logos 3. That was helpful to me in deciding whether or not to purchase a locked resource.
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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David B Phillips said:
Also, you remain in drawing mode even if you alt+tab to different resources. This is a very cool feature! Note: to exit drawing mode, you must alt+tab back to logos 4.0 and then press escape. The screen will still appear to be in the other program, but pressing escape will then return you to 4.0. If you do not alt+tab back first, pressing escape will not do anything.
Good catch!
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Dave Hooton said:Robert Pavich said:
If you have a resource open, click the circled "I" on the right side and it instantly gives you all of the info about that resource including it's searchable fields!
I'm not convinced "I" tells the whole story, esp. when you compare fields available from the resource in v3 (Help | About this Resource | Search Capabilities).
I was also concerned about the lack of info in the new "About Resource".
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AndrewMckenzie said:
I was also concerned about the lack of info in the new "About Resource".
What would you like to see?
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Bob Pritchett said:AndrewMckenzie said:
I was also concerned about the lack of info in the new "About Resource".
What would you like to see?
Bob, the screen shot posted earlier by Rober P. showing the difference between Logos 3 and 4 for BDAG is what is raising our concerns. It maybe that this information is not available now that we don't have keylinks but I would assume there is still underlying datatypes that are revlevant to setting up prefered resources (I am yet to figure out that new system) and so knowing what datatypes are underlying a resource I think are still relevant. Also things like file location are not there - mabye not relevant at this stage of the beta but would be good to see in final release when we have control over resources location. I appreciate the goal to keep it simple and that is a good thing. Mabye, for want of a better description and advanced view button or setting to show the power user extra the information, assuming its still there in the system.
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Bob Pritchett said:
What would you like to see?
I miss seeing the TOC. I liked the fact that it was selectable from there.
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David B Phillips said:MartinFolley said:
With reference to type:Bible and similar used in collection searches ... is there any way to see the types that a particular resource responds to?
Yes. If you open My Library or your collections and change the View to see all the fields, you can right click and add additional fields such as "subject" and "type" These will give you the fields you can enter for subject: and type: Hope that helps. It seems like most of the fields can be used to filter collections as well, so you could create collections like publisher:Intervarsity Press or publisher:logos. I can't get Publication Date to work, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.
Thanks for the tip David I hadn't worked that one out. I found only 1 or 2 resources showing information for either publicaiton or electronic publication date. Series looks promising but has a lot of 'guff' in the field for resources that aren't part of a specific series. Subject likewise which I missing only seems to have 1 or 2 resources with useful information.
Another tip with this is drag either Author or series into the first column position and sort on that column. Because of the guff I mentioned earlier you get a better result with author.
From the screen shot you can see there is stil the issue of different books being published with slight variations on author name but being able to sort by author goes a long way in solving the issues that presents and for my needs that is a good solution, as I'd prefer the information to be consistent with what is in the world at large.
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Robert Pavich said:
Another nice feature!
When you drag windows around in a layout; they turn blue according to their size and position...when you get the right size and placement, you just "let go"
Very nice.
For another tip on using SHIFT + Drag and CTRL + Drag to arrange windows see:
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Resizing columns
If you have four vertical columns that are unevenly spaced and want to make them equal width , Layouts->Vertical. Even though the image shows three columns, it will leave you with four equal width columns.
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David B Phillips said:
Yes. If you open My Library or your collections and change the View to see all the fields, you can right click and add additional fields such as "subject" and "type" These will give you the fields you can enter for subject: and type...:
I too found this tip very helpful. While testing it I found the Cairo Fragments typed as "Bible." I would love a separate type for these resources of "Bible Fragement." They really fluff up the translation lists and are rarely used, at least by me.
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Philip Spitzer said:David B Phillips said:
Yes. If you open My Library or your collections and change the View to see all the fields, you can right click and add additional fields such as "subject" and "type" These will give you the fields you can enter for subject: and type...:
I too found this tip very helpful. While testing it I found the Cairo Fragments typed as "Bible." I would love a separate type for these resources of "Bible Fragement." They really fluff up the translation lists and are rarely used, at least by me.
Would like this also but I think there is only a slightly greater chance of this than there is of getting the full resource versions of interlinears included back in 4.0
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Philip Spitzer said:
I too found this tip very helpful. While testing it I found the Cairo Fragments typed as "Bible." I would love a separate type for these resources of "Bible Fragement." They really fluff up the translation lists and are rarely used, at least by me.
That would be nice, but you can accomplish that pretty simply:
type: Bible -title:fragment
type:Bible -title:fragment -subject:manuscript
The second will also exclude all the Greek papyri.