Library Find Filters List

Kevin A. Purcell
Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I know I can filter resources in the library find box. Is there a list of supported filters. I know of type: and a few more.  I'd like to learn them all or at least more of them. 

Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    I know I can filter resources in the library find box. Is there a list of supported filters

    The helpfile has a list

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    What does it say about the general quality of software help systems that I never ever even think to look at them anymore. 

    Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll give it a look. 

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,510 ✭✭✭

    I find the Help quite useful and easy to navigate.

    Library Filter Fields

    Use filters to reduce the number of items in the Resource list in Library and Collections. To filter the resource list, type one of the filter fields below, followed by a colon, and then the filter. To type a multi-word filter (that is, one containing spaces), enclose the filter in double quotes.

    For example, type:dictionary will show all resources that have “Dictionary” as their resource type, but title:dictionary will match resources that have the word “dictionary” in their title. title:"english standard version" will match a resource with that phrase in the title (note the quotations marks surrounding the filter phrase).

    Supported library filter fields:

    • abbrev — Abbreviated title. abbrev:nas displays only those resources with title abbreviations that begin with “nas”.
    • alttitle — Alternate title. alttitle:Bible displays only those resources with the word “Bible” in their alternate title.
    • author — Author. author:smith displays only those resources by an author with the name “Smith”.
    • communitytag — Community tag. communitytag:illustrations displays only those resources with “illustrations” as a community tag
    • devices — This filter isolates resources that are downloaded to a Logos mobile application. You can search for a given device by typing in the exact name of the device, or by using devices:* to search for all resources that were sent to an external device.
    • edition — Edition, that is, what sort of editorial process was used to create the resource. edition:logos displays only resources built by Logos for Logos Bible Software and purchased by the user, filtering out “User Created” and “eBook” (Vyrso) resources.
    • epubdate — Electronic publication date. epubdate:2009 displays only those resources that were electronically published in 2009.
    • language or lang — Primary language of the resource. language:greek displays only resources that are primarily in Greek; lang:spanish displays only those primarily in Spanish.
    • license — license:Permanent or license:Temporary: "Permanent" indicates licenses for resources that you own, and "Temporary" indicates licenses that you are renting or otherwise have access to but do not own.
    • myrating — My (that is, the current user’s) rating of the resource. myrating:5 displays only those resources with a 5-star user rating; myrating:>3 displays only those resources rated more than three stars.
    • mytag — My (that is, the current user’s) tags applied to the resource. mytag:favcom displays only those resources with the “favcom” tag; mytag:* displays all resources that have any user tag.
    • pubdate — Date of publication. pubdate:1900 displays only those resources with print publication date of “1900”.
    • publisher — Publisher. publisher:"logos bible software" displays only those resources published by Logos Bible Software
    • rating — Rating. rating:5 displays only those resources with a 5-star effective rating, which is the user rating if set, or the community rating if not.
    • series — The series this resource belongs to, if any. series:anchor displays only those resources that are part of the Anchor Yale Bible Commentary series; series:* displays resources with any series.
    • subject — Subject the resource is about. subject:"bible study" displays only those resources tagged with the “Bible Study” subject heading. Note that quotation marks (" ") are used to specify a multi-word filter.
    • tag< — Resource tag. Includes both personal and community tags. tag:homiletics displays only those resources with either a personal or a community tag of “homiletics”.
    • title — Title of the resource. title:"holy spirit" displays only those resources with “Holy Spirit” in the official or user title. Note that quotation marks (" ") are used for the multi-word filter.
    • type — The type, or kind of resource. type:bible displays only those resources tagged with the “Bible” data type.

    Library filters can be added together with spaces:

    • type:bible lang:spanish displays only Spanish Bibles.
    • author:hodge title:"systematic theology" displays books titled Systematic Theology authored by someone named “Hodge”.

    Filters can be alternated with OR and grouped with parenthesis brackets:

    • type:bible (lang:spanish OR lang:english) displays Spanish or English Bibles.
    • (author:hodge OR author:grudem) title:"systematic theology" displays Systematic Theology with authors of “Hodge” or “Grudem.”

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Gao Lu said:

    I find the Help quite useful and easy to navigate.

    Let me be clear. I wasn’t criticizing Logos’ help files. I was speaking generally about software as a whole. I don’t bother anymore because they almost always stink, no matter what program you’re using. So it is a pleasant surprise to find a decent one, like this case.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association