Issue with downloading resources

Anthony Dowden
Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

A couple of days ago I purchased a set of 39 books. I wanted to download them to my Samsung S8+ and decided the easiest way would be to select 'download all'. And before you ask, I do have plenty of space for them all.

Unfortunately there appear to be some items (I believe 'Timelines') which will not download to the phone. Unfortunately the app itself is not able to distinguish and goes into a continuous loop of crashing as it tries to download them. I tried by uninstalling, deleting all data and then re-installing, but the same thing happened.

I have so many books that it will take forever to download them individually so I am without the app on my phone at the moment.

I sent a report but on another occasion, when I had problems with the app, I got absolutely no response from support, even when I chased up with a further email. This is really annoying me now because I have spent an awful lot of money on the resources and although it works OK on my computer I do use it on the phone a lot when I am out and about.

Tony Dowden.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,097

    Hi Tony

    I wanted to download them to my Samsung S8+ and decided the easiest way would be to select 'download all'. And before you ask, I do have plenty of space for them all.

    Having sufficient space doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea to download everything in your library (not sure if that is what you were trying to do). One of the reasons for this is that reisntalling the app (which is sometimes required) requires in having to download them all again.

    Unfortunately there appear to be some items (I believe 'Timelines') which will not download to the phone

    Are you able to clarify this? I'm not sure what resource you are referring to here.

    I have so many books that it will take forever to download them individually so I am without the app on my phone at the moment.

    Are you aware that - assuming you have Internet connection - you don't need to download resources? You can access them remotely from within the app

    A couple of days ago I purchased a set of 39 books. I wanted to download them to my Samsung S8+

    The best way to just download a set is to filter your library to just show that set. Depending on the set this will be easy or more complicated. For example, if I want to just reference the Pillar commentaries I can use a filter "Pillar New". Then there will be a "Download all" button which allows you to just download those specific resources.

    (From what you wrote above this might have been what you were doing but I'm not sure)

    Does this help at all? Which set of resources were you wanting to download?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I sent a report but on another occasion, when I had problems with the app, I got absolutely no response from support, even when I chased up with a further email.

    The best way to get official support is by phone. Email works well when you have a contact person.

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  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Hi Graham,

    Thanks for your response.

    I know that I can access remotely from the app but when I am away from home it means using mobile data which is currently capped ate 3Gb per month. Eating into this on top of other things will run me out. I have a 200Gb connection at home and the Logos site is pretty quick, downloads come down at well over 100Gb so not too much of a problem. The Web version is brilliant when you have Wi-Fi available, but not much good when you are out and about travelling around.

    The item that it seems to be hanging on is the Bible Versions timeline.

    Unfortunately the only place that the "Download All button appears is when I show the unfiltered library, as soon as I filter the library that option disappears. 

    In brief, what I was trying to do was to download everything and then just delete the ones I don't need. This is infinitely quicker than downloading a resource at a time.

    Ideally Logos should flag items that will not download to mobile devices and not even attempt to download them. Failing that their programme ought to move on to the next item when a download fails after a couple of attempts. At least then one would have the chance to see what hasn't downloaded and then take it from there. I can see that timelines would not be very useful on the phone as most of them need a large screen to be of any real use. Still, that's just my take on it.

    I also am a bit disappointed with support. In the last 18 months I have spent over $4,500 dollars on resources and I expect there are many others that have spent more. With people spending this sort of money the support should be pretty prompt and they should at least stick to their stated aim and respond within 24 hours.

    Thanks again for your response,

    Tony Dowen

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,097

    The item that it seems to be hanging on is the Bible Versions timeline.

    I'm sorry but I still can't identify that? Could you provide a link to the resource on the Logos store so I can try to reproduce what you are seeing?

    Unfortunately the only place that the "Download All button appears is when I show the unfiltered library, as soon as I filter the library that option disappears.

    That is very strange. The Android app is designed to only show the Download all button when a subset of resources is selected (I think this is limited to 50 but it may have been increased to 100) so I don't understand why you are seeing what you are seeing.

    This is infinitely quicker than downloading a resource at a time.


    One other option is controlling downloads from the Logos desktop program

    In the Library window you can select a set of resources that you want to download and then associate them with particular apps on specific devices

    Would that help you manage this at all?

    Ideally Logos should flag items that will not download to mobile devices and not even attempt to download them. Failing that their programme ought to move on to the next item when a download fails after a couple of attempts. At least then one would have the chance to see what hasn't downloaded and then take it from there.

    Makes sense - but I'm aware I don't know what the mechanisms are. Hence interested in trying to reproduce what you are seeing.

    I also am a bit disappointed with support. In the last 18 months I have spent over $4,500 dollars on resources and I expect there are many others that have spent more. With people spending this sort of money the support should be pretty prompt and they should at least stick to their stated aim and respond within 24 hours.

    I understand but, as a fellow-user and not part of the Faithlife team, I'm afraid I can't respond meaningfully to that.


  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Hi Graham,

    I seem to learn something new about Logos each day. I had no idea that feature was in the desktop library. That will indeed be a great help as I can mark the ones I want on my phone and know that if I ever do need to re-install they will be downloaded automatically.

    Thank you for your help in this matter, I much appreciate it.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    That will indeed be a great help as I can mark the ones I want on my phone and know that if I ever do need to re-install they will be downloaded automatically.

    Some resources are ineligible for that service, strangely, due to publisher restrictions. 

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  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Hi Graham,

    Can I pick your brain again please.

    After not having much joy I went to manage my devices and removed my phone. I checked my library and the device wasn't showing against resources. I closed Logos on my computer. I removed the app from the phone and then downloaded and re-installed the free version, I then signed into my account and it immediately started downloading. Then I went to manage my device and the phone was once again showing. However, when I checked some of the resources they all had a tick against them for the phone which meant that as soon as I logged into my account they started downloading and then I hit the original problem of the app crashing again.

    Would you know if this feature is new on the latest upgraded of the app. In the past, if I purchased a resource I had to go to my library on the phone and physically select it to download. Now, because I don't have that option, I am stuck with an unusable app.

    Sorry to trouble you but you do seem to have a good idea of how it works.


  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Hi Alabama 24,

    Sorry, I forgot to thank you for your help also.

    Many thanks,


  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Hi again Graham,

    Fortunately I've found a work around. I discovered that if I was quick when I first opened the app I could select cancel all downloads and after tapping on it a couple of times it stopped trying to download.

    Now it is back to how it used to be and I can select items from my library. Also, the option you mentioned of selecting a group of resources and downloading all of them works. The wholesale download of everything in the background was obviously preventing that from appearing.

    Not 100% satisfactorily but at least I now have my app working as it used to.

    I shall drop an email to support and get them to look into this matter as there is obviously a bug in this latest version somewhere.

    Many thanks again and have a blessed day.


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,097

    Hi Tony

    Well done and glad you have it working as it used to.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    EDIT: For some reason (old page load?), your last reply (and Graham's) weren't showing when I responded. [:s]

    when I checked some of the resources they all had a tick against them for the phone which meant that as soon as I logged into my account they started downloading and then I hit the original problem of the app crashing again.

    ...which is one of the reasons we caution against using "download all." Of course, our advice is not necessarily intended for everyone. Some users have less than 100 resources. Likely no problems. The real problems come when downloading hundreds or thousands of resources. 

    I removed the app from the phone and then downloaded and re-installed the free version

    What do you mean by "the free version"? 

    In the past, if I purchased a resource I had to go to my library on the phone and physically select it to download. Now, because I don't have that option

    What option? What resource? Do you own the resource? 

    Would you know if this feature is new on the latest upgraded of the app.

    Which feature? 

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