New Windows option in 7.9 Beta 1 to make Logos faster
well the ryzen motherboard situation has been pretty bad across the board. Though I got the one with the least problems, I suppose its possible. Running the crosshair hero vi. Possibility its my power supply too, failing to supply enough power under load.
Its 8 years old, and suspect. The new one gets here today. lets see what happens. In the mean time this computer is still ALOT faster than the laptop.
Here is the desktop on Passmark (~3000):
CPU shows about 1/2 the speed of where it should be. Memory is slower than I would expect also.
I'll see if there is a bios update. they have been coming weekly, but I quit updating when the enabled 3066 mhz for my memory.
Laptop (~1000):
Desktop is objectively faster. by quite a bit.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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After a bios flash, and a PSU upgrade my benchmark results are more in line with what I expected. Will run some logos start tests and see if/how they've improved with roughly 2x more processing power.
Hopefully running in an undervolted state for the last few months hasn't shortened the life of anything in the long run.
CPU is around 12k now.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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(post PSU replacement, and Bios update) Ngenabondservant said:abondservant said:
AMD Ryzen 1800+ (well 1700 overclocked to the speed of an 1800), 16gb ddr4 running at 3100mhz. Logos lives on a samsung SSD 960 EVO NVMe M.2 500gb.<br><br>
Finished Startup: 30.39, 19.18, 18.04, 19.27
Main Window: 21.9, 12.751, 11.9, 12.648
Ran /unngen
Finished Startup: 29.81, 23.71, 23.65, 24.22
Main Window: 19.337, 15.3, 15.6, 15.9Laptop: AMD A10-7300 Radeon R6 6gb ddr3 64 bit 256gb ssd
Finished Startup (old version) 31.58
Finished Startup (Beta) 29.15
Finished Startup (ngen) 24.10
Main Window (old) 32.426
Main Window (beta) 15.406
Main Window (ngen) 15.523
5584.Logos - old.log
0218.Logos - beta.log
Finished startup at 26.24s.
17.692 seconds
Won't let me post the log... I get an error. But I can email it in if someone is interested. Or else dropbox.
L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
(post PSU replacement, and Bios update) Ngen
Finished startup at 26.24s.
17.692 seconds
Won't let me post the log... I get an error.Was that the initial startup? Run Logos a couple more times.
Zip (compress) the logs.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Finished startup at 13.62s
Main window at 9.029Finished Startup 14.65s
Main window at 10.11 seconds
Finished: 14.86s
Main: 10.11
Seems pretty stable at those times.
Only included logs from the last three.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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abondservant said:
Finished startup at 13.62s
Main window at 9.029Finished Startup 14.65s
Main window at 10.11 secondsThat's more like it! I also noticed your SSD performance (Disk Mark) increased significantly after the motherboard upgrades; that is quite important for Logos.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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The more I think about it, the more convinced I become the problem was with the Power Supply. r9 290 draws a ton of power under load... Plus what - 6 or 7 mechanical drives, two ssd, and an M.2. The CPU tdp is low for AMD, but its clocked up to be the same as the 1800x - tdp for that is another 65-70 watts.Dave Hooton said:abondservant said:Finished startup at 13.62s
Main window at 9.029Finished Startup 14.65s
Main window at 10.11 secondsThat's more like it! I also noticed your SSD performance (Disk Mark) increased significantly after the motherboard upgrades; that is quite important for Logos.
I was probably pulling 8-900 watts at peak on an 850 watt power supply I bought in 2006. New PSU has corsair link... Just need to get it set up, and it will tell me exactly what I'm drawing at idle and under load if I understood the sales pitch right.
The bios updates were AGESA code and memory compatibility mostly. which could have been the problem all along, but in my experience a bios that doesn't work right cripples the board. you either have to replace it, or re-flash it if the board has provision for that. I can't think of one situation where it just slowed things down. Still possible though. There have been a bunch of weird problems with the platform.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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After the most recent update to Version 7.09.0013, neither of the commands seem to work for me. The elevated command prompt accepts both the /ngen and /unngen commands, but there is nothing except a very brief pause and return to the command prompt. (It also launches the Logos program)
The command worked perfectly prior to my updating to the latest version.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas?
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Frank Sauer said:
After the most recent update to Version 7.09.0013, neither of the commands seem to work for me. The elevated command prompt accepts both the /ngen and /unngen commands, but there is nothing except a very brief pause and return to the command prompt. (It also launches the Logos program)
This is part of the last update. ngen now runs silent and doesn't display the console. It is working correctly.
From :
[quote]Modified ngen to hide the process log and launch Logos.
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Hi Randy,
Do you know if we still have to run the NGEN script ourselves, or does it now run automatically as part of the install?
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PL said:
Do you know if we still have to run the NGEN script ourselves, or does it now run automatically as part of the install?
Yes, you still need to manually run this yourself.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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I guess I was expecting the command prompt to be minimized and Logos launched. It would be nice to have some type of confirmation that ngen is active/inactive
Logos 10 - OpenSuse Tumbleweed, Windows 11, Android 16 & Android 14
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Frank Sauer said:
It would be nice to have some type of confirmation that ngen is active/inactive
Or some indication that it has completed successfully, or at least without errors. Should we assume that ngen completes without errors, if we see no error dialog? Is there another, or better way to check?
Could be logged (in the Logos Log Files folder), or included in the Logos.log (or a new/separate LogosSetup.log), when it becomes integrated into the setup engine? It seems that it would help users and support to have this information available in some way that's not too esoteric.
Help links: WIKI; Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)
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Rich DeRuiter said:Frank Sauer said:
It would be nice to have some type of confirmation that ngen is active/inactive
Or some indication that it has completed successfully, or at least without errors. Should we assume that ngen completes without errors, if we see no error dialog? Is there another, or better way to check?
Could be logged (in the Logos Log Files folder), or included in the Logos.log (or a new/separate LogosSetup.log), when it becomes integrated into the setup engine? It seems that it would help users and support to have this information available in some way that's not too esoteric.
You can always check NGEN's logs: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 (for my system config & .NET version). I don't know if this can be changed; I don't see options for specifying. But it's hard to imagine cases where NGEN would fail in this scenario. And if it did fail, Logos would continue to operate. NGEN is one of those under the hood things that we shouldn't need to know or see anything about under normal conditions. It should be invisible.
I am curious given the last changes when compilation will happen? during Install (which seems common and preferable, but I don't know how this meshes with the way Logos is installed), the first time Logos launches after an install, every time Logos launches (it would not compile if already compiled, but would have to check; a small(?) inefficiency but always up to date), or something else?
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maybe put a "run once" into the registry as part of installing the new version. then at the next reboot, it would compile.
Also, with the new update, having run ngen again, I'm at 6 (main window), and 9 seconds (finished startup) respectively consistently.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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I can't get the /ngen thing to work with the latest installation.
When I run the command line again with, all that happens is the software runs as usual, without any of the 5 minute processing in the command prompt window that happened before.
Has the /ngen option been removed or altered in any way with this build?
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The processing still happens, but the command prompt window is not displayed, and the application doesn't wait until it completes before starting.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thanks Andrew ... however, I ran from a command prompt rather than a batch file - would I still see nothing in the command prompt?
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Richard Lyall said:
Thanks Andrew ... however, I ran from a command prompt rather than a batch file - would I still see nothing in the command prompt?
I'm not aware that we shipped a batch file. The release note is talking about running the command prompt as indicated in the initial post of this thread.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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I have Logos installed on Drive D (D:\Program Files (86)\Logos\Logos.exe) [I know that is not an 86x] and I got an error message <'D:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external Command, operable program or batch file.>
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George T. said:
I have Logos installed on Drive D (D:\Program Files (86)\Logos\Logos.exe) [I know that is not an 86x] and I got an error message <'D:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external Command, operable program or batch file.>
Looks like you might be missing the quotation marks around the path. The system is only reading the path up to the first space.
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Jonathan Pitts said:George T. said:
I have Logos installed on Drive D (D:\Program Files (86)\Logos\Logos.exe) [I know that is not an 86x] and I got an error message <'D:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external Command, operable program or batch file.>
Looks like you might be missing the quotation marks around the path. The system is only reading the path up to the first space.
I got that error once when I accidently mistyped the file path. In my case, I accidently omitted the Logos directory and skipped right to Logos.exe. That got me thinking about the textual criticism and the lives and scribal habits of ancient scribes!
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Fantastic tip! I used it and works as advertised. Thanks much!
Glenn Hawkins
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I was able to apply the new performance command. Thanks for the easy instructions.
However, the /ngen command resulted in 40 second startup times, which seemed about the same as before. I used the /unngen command and started getting 12 second startup times. I went back to applying the /ngen command and it slowed down to 40 seconds startup again. I repeated the steps a couple of times and the best results for me are after the /unngen command.
The 12 second startup is much faster than I have ever had before. Any idea why it seems to work faster with the /unngen command?
Either way, I am very happy that I found this. I only spent 15 minutes on this and it will save me over two hours a year, and I will have great joy every time I startup Logos
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Tom Marcus said:
I was able to apply the new performance command. Thanks for the easy instructions.
However, the /ngen command resulted in 40 second startup times, which seemed about the same as before. I used the /unngen command and started getting 12 second startup times. I went back to applying the /ngen command and it slowed down to 40 seconds startup again. I repeated the steps a couple of times and the best results for me are after the /unngen command.
The 12 second startup is much faster than I have ever had before. Any idea why it seems to work faster with the /unngen command?
Either way, I am very happy that I found this. I only spent 15 minutes on this and it will save me over two hours a year, and I will have great joy every time I startup Logos
From your description, I'd guess that you ran it with the /ngen command once and noted the startup time. Then you ran it again with the /unngen command and noted the time. However, when you run it with the command, it doesn't actually take effect until the next time you start the application (assuming you give it 30 seconds or so for it to finish up the preparation work it does in the background).
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Could be. However, I am still getting the faster results 24 hours later. The last command I ran was the /unngen command. Maybe I will try the /ngen command again and wait 24 hours to see what results I get.
Either way, something happened to dramatically improve my start up times.