How to leave Logos on Android immeditely..??

When I have navigated to certain areas in Logos, say a particular book at a particular Chapter, and want to exit... There is no menu option to Logoff or Exit anywhere to be found. You have to press Back several times, retracing you selections all the way to the start page of Logos. What am I missing?
How to you Exit Logos for Android From any spot within the program???
Thanks in advance for your help...
Hi Locksley - and welcome to the forums
There isn’t any mechanism to log out of the mobile apps.
Why do you want to do so?
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I do that to prolong battery time... I will turn off any app that I'm not currently using.
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Thanks for your quick reponse.
I guess the first answer to your question is because all other apps allow you to logout. .. and that is my habit.
I want to minimize space / memory usage on my tablet, which is barely coping with all the applications and books I have installed. I have a Samsung tablet that doubles as my Nook with tons of books on it. So I am in the habit of logging out of my apps, some for security reasons, bank, email apps, etc -- and some because of resources being used.
I can test leaving the Logos app running and just switch to the next app I want to use and see how it affects my overall performance. I have been using the Samsung feature to list apps running and closing it that way... but I am so used to the Exit / Logoff menu option in other apps.
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Leo Wee Fah said:
I do that to prolong battery time... I will turn off any app that I'm not currently using.
That would work for apps which “run in the background,” but not for other apps. I don’t know about the FL apps on Android, but they don’t run in the background on iOS.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I usually just (and have gotten used to it) navigate to the "Home" page using the menu, then pressing the home button on my phone (Galaxy Note 5) to exit out. This way, I don't mess with my history and last read position.
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With the Faithlife mobile apps you don't need to worry about them taking up too much space. Just don't download any books except the few that it requires you to download. Instead of logging out, just force close the app. Almost all Android devices have a task switcher button next to the home button ( usually software buttons). Tap that task switcher and then choose close all. If you don't want to close all of them, you can find the Faithlife app and swipe it left/right and it will close that app.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0