Original language lookup

is it necessary to ALWAYS be connected the internet while doing a look up a particular word? For instance, using the ESV and as you are reading the text and come across a word that you want to investigate deeper I am unable to get to the Strong’s or Mounce definition unless connected to the internet which is not always feasible where I live. Any help would be sincerely appreciate.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
I admit it has been a bit since I have tested this, but the Desktop application should be able to do this - assuming you have the relevant resources. The ESV bible with the ESV reverse-interlinear can take you to the Greek, where you should be able to look up the Greek in any Greek Lexicon for which you have a license.
That said, I personally think it is more useful to look at all the usage information in the Bible Word Study report that can show some usage information that can be the gateway into looking deeper instead of just a gloss that often closes me off.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
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Ken, thanks for the reply. I did however fail to mention that I was more interested in being able to look up the original language information from an ipad. I have not really tried it much on my laptop since I use my ipad far more these days. I do however use another program which allows me to instantly get the original language information without being connected to the internet. Just wondering if it is possible with the ipad using Logo. I do own the necessary resources to be able to do this and I have them downloaded onto my ipad but it seems to still require internet access. I may very well be doing something wrong, I just don't know what it is.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23
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Bob Deacon said:
I did however fail to mention that I was more interested in being able to look up the original language information from an ipad. I have not really tried it much on my laptop since I use my ipad far more these days. I do however use another program which allows me to instantly get the original language information without being connected to the internet. Just wondering if it is possible with the ipad using Logo. I do own the necessary resources to be able to do this and I have them downloaded onto my ipad but it seems to still require internet access.
Currently doing this type of lookup - or running a BWS Guide for example - on mobile devices does require Internet access.
I did, however, see a note from the mobile products product manager yesterday saying they hope to improve this during 2018.
In general, posting these types of questions in the mobile readers forum - https://community.logos.com/forums/142.aspx - will get you a more focused response.
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Thank you as well Graham. Not really the answer I was hoping for but it did confirm what I expected.
Bob Deacon
Ipad Air 2 (ios 9.7 (0014)
Windows 11 inside edition
Samsung S23