Sort Library by Resource Size?

I just figured out that to "hide" a resource is to also delete it from the hard drive--which is good. I need to do some culling of my Logos library. (I just hid=deleted all but four Perseus resources.)
It would be really helpful, however, if I could sort my library resources by size within the library window. I don't see the option, though. Is there any way to do this?
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word
Abram K-J said:
It would be really helpful, however, if I could sort my library resources by size within the library window. I don't see the option, though. Is there any way to do this?
I don't think that this is possible within the library but I can see the value of having this.
One work-a-round is to go to the actual file and sort by size - see below.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Bruce Dunning said:
One work-a-round is to go to the actual file and sort by size - see below.
Open command can convert file name to Library resource:
Abram K-J said:I need to do some culling of my Logos library. (I just hid=deleted all but four Perseus resources.)
An alternative idea (unsupported) may be relocating Resources folder; Logos wiki => Install in different folder or drive
FYI: personally have a MacBook Air (MBA) with 128 GB internal SSD that has 26.37 GB in Logos4 folder with 25.23 GB (enough to allow 19.12 GB Library Index to be duplicated during Indexing with adequate free space for temporary indexing files). External 128 GB USB has 80.19 GB of Resources and 4.65 GB of WebCache (Mobile Education course videos) so total space used is 111.21 GB for my Logos 7.11 Beta 3 installation. Caveat: am learning to handle MBA carefully as a quick exit from a car provided impetus to split an older USB drive into many pieces.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thank you both! After posting I figured out how to sort in Finder (equivalent: Windows Explorer) as Bruce suggested, but didn't know how to get from file names in Finder back to Logos library, but Keep Smiling's step seems to be the missing piece. Thanks.
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -
This approach doesn't work for, e.g., HIDEFCOM80JAM.logos 4. Any ideas?
Abram K-J: Pastor, Writer, Freelance Editor
Blog: Words on the Word0 -