Sentence Diagramming

I use the sentence diagram add-in. I can not find it under file/new as an option. Will this add in be available?
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
The sentence diagrammer didn't make the first release, and won't be in 4.0. It should follow soon after.
-- Bob0 -
That is a REAL shame!! Please reconsider! One of my most used features.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Agreed it is most disappointing to here it won't make the 4.0 final release....I hope the upside is that it will be much improved when we do get it back.
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am glad to hear its on the drawing board at least..
i also use this lots
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
AndrewMckenzie said:
Agreed it is most disappointing to here it won't make the 4.0 final release....I hope the upside is that it will be much improved when we do get it back.
It is planned to be a bit better, though there's still time for your suggestions on improvement...
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I'd love to see it become easier to drag words and phrases around on the screen. I use it primarily in English get the text of my sermons in view visually - the relationships of ideas.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Because of Logos 3.0 and its ability to cover Greek, Hebrew and even Aramaic, I am in the process of learning Hebrew and NT Greek.
I have had to go back to my school days for English and French grammar to help me compare and learn what I am doing. I have never used sentence diagraming in English Language classes (or French for that matter). I am in the process of learning how to use this tool in v3.
Please keep it in v4 as I am finding it a great help as I can visualise the text better and understand the meaning much better.
(BTW the Greek alphabet I know from studying Physics, but the Hebrew alphabet is really holding me up! Thank goodness I can still do original language study because of the power of Logos.)
PS I find the interlinears in v3 easier to use than v4
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Personally, I like the sentence diagramming tool...ahem...but it had its shall we say....quirks?
If this would return with some improvements I'd be delighted.
Just to be specific...I really got frustrated by picking 'wrong things" and by not being able to "unhook" things when I changed my mind...
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Bob Pritchett said:
It is planned to be a bit better, though there's still time for your suggestions on improvement...
Thanks, Bob. Glad to hear it's not gone. Diagramming is a key part of my bible study. Because the old diagrammer was difficult to use, I would make my diagrams on paper and then once i had my final version enter it into Libronix. I am hopeful that the new and improved tool would be able to let us "play" with our diagrams more dynamically on the sreen (easier to select, deselect, group, & move things).
It was difficult to select more than one item, and inevitably I'd move everything but one or two pieces and then couldn't grab those cause they'd be too close to something else.
I really like feature of auto-importing text and color coding parts of speech
Thank you for trying to improve it.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church