Not possible to close expanded view of "Set Prioritization Limits"

David Novick
Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
So I discovered the "Set Prioritization Limits" in the right-click menu in the resource prioritization.
However, once I've "expanded" the title to display the details and make a change, I can't seem to hide the details. This makes it difficult to work my way through the list of prioritized resources, as many of them now take up lots of room.
It appears that this may be done on purpose to explicitly indicate that changes to default setting have been made. However, it seems that we should be able to hide the details from view...and maybe have a visual cue on the title to indicate that advanced settings have been "tweaked."
Hi I think this has been considered and we haven't had time to implement something like this yet. But thanks for reminding, I will file a case for this.0