iOS Reader Suite 6.0.1 Stable Release Notes

The iOS team is pleased to announce the 6.0.1 Stable release of the Bible, Biblia, FSB, Verbum, Vyrso and Noet apps.
The apps should be available soon in the iTunes store.
If you discover any issues please create a new post and include the following info:
Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred?
App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Noet, Verbum or Vyrso)
Device Info – (iPad Mini Gen 4, iPad Air Gen 3, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPhone X, etc.)
iOS Version – (10.1.x, 10.3.3, 11.0.1, 11.2, etc.)
Our Biggest Update Ever!
- Tabbed Browsing: Open multiple books, tools and documents in tabs and navigate between them
- Reference Scanner
- Bible button
- Simplified reading screen and navigation bar
The Power of Tabbed Browsing
- Drag and drop tabs to reorder them, or swipe up on a tab to close it.
- Split your tabs by tapping on the split icon to use two features in the same tab.
- Link multiple Bible/Commentary tabs so that they scroll in unison.
Known Issues
- Noet includes "Bible Word Study" instead of "Word Study"
- The section controls appear/disappear after tapping twice on the BWS circular graph
- Word Lookup includes punctuation
- Catching up a behind Reading Plan makes the readings disappear
- With two apps open on an iPad Pro, the left app's Library icon is spaced incorrectly after a device rotate
- Enabling iOS split-screen on iPad Pro devices initially overlays the resource title with the device time
- Reading Plan/Lectionary Book cover images sometimes disappear/reappear on the Home Page
Updated Logos Pro training videos:
What's "Reference Scanner" and how do we access that?
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What is tab browser?
I am operating an iPad Air 2
What I am familiar with is a plus sign in the top right to add tabs. I don't see a plus sign.
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PL said:
What's "Reference Scanner" and how do we access that?
It's a neat tool. Kind of limited use for me, but many may find it useful. I wish it was better at handwriting recognition.
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Joe Mayden said:
What is tab browser?
I am operating an iPad Air 2
What I am familiar with is a plus sign in the top right to add tabs. I don't see a plus sign.
The Tab / Workspace browser is located along the bottom toolbar, the 4th button:
It opens the browser below where you can browse open tabs/workspaces, create new tabs/workspaces, split the view on a tab/workspace, and create links across both split views and across tabs.
EDIT: I missed that Daniel had posted a link to new video tutorials here:
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Joe Mayden said:
What is tab browser?
Updated Logos Pro videos can be found here:
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This a great update! Thank you!
A couple of comments/suggested improvements:
- For me the library would need a filter button so I can filter the library by type and/or offline status without having to remember a search syntax
- Is the reference scanner limited to the English? It won't recognize German references, even when the app language is German.
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I absolutely love the update! Great job to all who worked on it. It seems it's taking a bit of time for highlights to appear on resources that are opened for the first time, but I suspect that is probably normal.
My only complaint is that Logos periodically freezes on my iOS 11.2 iPad Pro.
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Randy W. Sims said:PL said:
What's "Reference Scanner" and how do we access that?
It's a neat tool. Kind of limited use for me, but many may find it useful. I wish it was better at handwriting recognition.
Wow, I totally missed that during the beta. It's going to be quite useful going forward. Thanks Faithlife!
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Solved my own problem, my iPad had not updated. It is update now and the previous post is outdated!
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Description – The library page has a bar underneath each book that shows how much of it has been read. When I scroll down and then scroll back up, the blue bits of the progress bar underneath the first book disappears. This has happened since the previous version of the app.
App Info – Logos Bible 6.0.1
Device Info – iPhone 6S
iOS Version – 11.20 -
Joshua Tan said:
Description – The library page has a bar underneath each book that shows how much of it has been read. When I scroll down and then scroll back up, the blue bits of the progress bar underneath the first book disappears. This has happened since the previous version of the app.
But I suggest creating a new thread to report this so it doesn’t get lost in this release announcement thread.
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I have experienced the freezing on both the iPad Pro 10.5 and the iPhone X as well.
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Got it running on my phone. Nice job.
Can't see the update for my iPad mini.
Can someone point me to the release notes, or more particularly the system requirements for 6.0.1....
thanks, Alan
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Alan Hardy said:
Can't see the update for my iPad mini.
Can someone point me to the release notes, or more particularly the system requirements for 6.0.1....
It needs at least iOS 10 - which I know isn't supported on the original iPad mini. Which version of the mini do you have?
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Yes, I have the original mini. That settles that. Thanks
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Alan Hardy said:
Yes, I have the original mini. That settles that. Thanks
Current model, Full sized, non "pro" iPads are currently on sale for sub $300 prices at BestBuy.
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With the old app, the top pane and bottom pane synced whether on WiFi or not. Today while off WiFi they refused to sync and when I swiped to other panels they came up blank. I'm using an iPad mini 4 and all the resources were downloaded.