Search results...what can I do with them

Lots of people seem to be excited by the speed of search....for me the more important question is what can i do with those search results. I just got around to runnning my first search : a Basic Search on my entire library for Hebrews 10:13-25 yielded 14,246 results in 8,948 articles in 19.06secs.
What do I do with those 14,000 results.
In Basic search I can rank them or order by Book. Order by book is a good start. An enhancement here could be that I can adjust a books rating on the fly as I work through the results and find books that give me sort of results I was personally requring. In future searches when I group by book the search results they could then be ordered by my rating, with the higher rating books at the top so that books I find I like to keep coming back to come up first on my results. This particular search yielded 30 pages of results so it would be useful over time to 'teach' the system which books I want to consider first.
Something that does not appear to be an option at the moment is the ability to discard a result that is not relevant to what I am looking for in the current search. A discard is an all or nothing approach though and mabye to save the user from themsleves something along the lines of a mark for deletion option where say the background of the result is change to light red colour or some or some other marking is used to indicate the result has been reviewed and found not useful in this instance. This would have no impact on resource ranking. Couple an option to mark a result found particularly useful with an alternate colour or marking. A couple of alternative approaches would be the option a hide a results from view (and the ability to reshow those hidden results) or another would be to move the result to the bottom of the list or if you like a discard pile at the end of the search results.
Having started working through those 30 pages of esults something comes that requires my immediate attention ( if I were a pastor it may be a parishoner that I need to visit) and I need to shutdown my computer, its my laptop say, and I need to take it on the road with me, but I don't want to loose the work I have done so far in sorting the results and moving to the end of the lists results that aren't relevant etc. While re-running the search would be quick, its all the leg work I've done on those results that I would loose. What would be useful here is that if Logos 4 allowed for the worked results to then be saved as a document. A document that could be re-opened later, maybe even the document could be titled and tagged and show up in My Content section of Passage Guide, the options start opening up when it can be saved as a document for later use.
At some point the document would become obsolete because of new additons to a user's library and they could simply delete the document if they choose and by this point its possible that the original reason for doing the search is long past the users immediate context anyway. Possibly when the document is first saved it could be time stamped and the current user resource count could also be included also. This info could then appear somewhere at the top of the document when opened to give the user an idea of the staleness of the result for instance it may say this search was run 44 days ago, 5 new resources added to library since search was ran.
Another option might be to have the ability to add a search result to a clipping. This could be an alternative to some of the above ideas or as an extra option. It would not allow you to come back to the result set once you have closed the result set, but it would allow you to come back to resutls you particularly found useful.
I am sure others has different ideas on how they would like to process search results and for some mabye the program meets your current needs. These are just some ideas I would like to see explored for a future release to make Logos 4 more valuable as a research tool.
AndrewMckenzie said:
Something that does not appear to be an option at the moment is the ability to discard a result that is not relevant to what I am looking for in the current search. A discard is an all or nothing approach though and mabye to save the user from themsleves something along the lines of a mark for deletion option where say the background of the result is change to light red colour or some or some other marking is used to indicate the result has been reviewed and found not useful in this instance. This would have no impact on resource ranking
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It would be great to be able to go through the list of results and delete those which are obviously of no use and those which are no longer needed. BUt, I reckon this would be a difficult thing to program....
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Damian McGrath said:
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It would be great to be able to go through the list of results and delete those which are obviously of no use and those which are no longer needed. BUt, I reckon this would be a difficult thing to program....
I don't know about the practical do-abliity of this and I did think about that aspect which is why I included the thought about being able to add a result to a clipping as something that *may* be more do-able. It would be great if something could be done as at the moment I see the whole process as being only partially addressed. The search in reality should be the lesser part of that process and Logos 4.0 has made some in-roads into that - whether we can see soem in-roads into working with the results in a latter v4 release well just have to wait and see if Logos responds.