Pronunciation Tool not working

Simon’s Brother
Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Apologies if this has been already addressed.  Searching appears to be working and it didn't bring up anything specific on this topic.


Pronunciation Tool appears is not working.  A search on a word returns nothing.  Help file indicates one should be able to scroll through list of words but there is nothing there to scroll through. Additionally no speaker icon appears in definition section of Bible Word Study or in the Word by Word section of Exegetical Guide.


  1. Open Logos 4
  2. Click on Tools | Pronounciation
  3.  Enter a search term (e.g. λογος)  in the Find Box
  4. Hit Enter

Actual Result

Nothing happens.

Expected Result

A list of words should be in the box available to be scrolled through and the term entered in the search box should be found in the list.

A speaker icon should be visible in the appropriate place in the Word Study and Exegetical Guides.

System Specs (if using multiple computers or not in your signature)

  • WINXP SP3 , INTEL PENTIUM 4 CPU 3.20 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128M RADEON 9600 Graphics Card


There appears to be no button to initiate lookup of term entered in Find Box so I tried using enter to initiate the search. it made no difference whether or not breathing marks were used in the search term.

