Searching Collections
i am still having trouble figuring out how to search collections in the new app. I can go to basic search and search a collection, but it does not produce anything that is even in the current selected collection. Btw, I have made my own dynamic collection of illustrations and I am trying to search them for specific topics. At least it does not produce results like I am used to seeing in the previous app or like I see on my laptop.
Can anyone tell me if I an do something to remedy this?
I just checked several collections, and it worked as expected. I think. Searches on mobile certainly could use improvement. In any case, I verified the collections on my desktop, performed the search on mobile. The results "first page" results were all from the correct resources.
Perhaps you can show us a couple of screen shots?
- Collection on desktop
- Results on mobile.
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Here are a couple of screenshots to provide an example. I searched for "grace" and "love" using a basic search and limiting it to my “illustrations” collection. I checked my illustrations collection on my laptop and it is populated with the right resources. The search worked well there, but here is what I got when I performed this search on my iPhone. I have no idea why it returns these resources within this search. They are not in my collection and provide no value to my Bible study. The same is happening on my iPad.
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Can we see how the collection was built?
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Jason Wiley said:
It is built through the tags.
I'm going to take a hunch and say that this is where the problem lay. When you perform this search on your computer, all of it is handled on your computer. When you perform the search on your mobile device, it is going through the FL servers. My guess is that, for whatever reason, the mobile app doesn't like this kind of collection. This is just a hunch, however.
Have you tried seeing what happens on the web app with this search?
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JT (alabama24) said:
Have you tried seeing what happens on the web app with this search?
Nevermind. I just checked and I dont think the ability to search collections has been added yet.
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OK. I think we may be on to something. I just checked a collection built on a tag and it failed to work properly. I tried another one built upon ("study bible" AND type:bible*) and it worked fine.
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Ok. So I need to rebuild the collections I changed. So much for making it easy to build a collection that works on both the app as well as within the program. Is this a bug that could be fixed or is this just something we need to learn to live with? And what would you suggest as the best way to build a collection like this? Thanks. I really appreciate your help and quick responses.
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I don’t know if it is a “bug,” and “unemplemented feature,” or a “limitation of the platform.” FL would have to chime in. As for building the collection... nothing wrong with it unless you want to use it on mobile! Again, FL should chime in.
On a side note: have you tried using a topic guide? There are differences in a “search” and a “guide.” The guide would be better for this kind of thing, but only for resources tagged for that feature.
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I actually do use the topic guide, but have added the collection "illustrations" to the topic guide so that I can search that particular collection. I am not opposed to topic guide but I really only want to search specific books when I am looking for an illustration that is appropriate. Thanks for your help. I will try and rebuild the collection so that it works on my mobile apps as well.