Plan for Handouts?

The hoped-for feature I have longed for in Logos is the abilility to mark up a passge, add notes, and then print out that passage as a handout. In the past versions I can mark and I can annotate but when I export I lose all that.
Some of you will recall in Quickverse (at least in version 4 as I recall) you could print handouts that included all your added notes.
I have quickly tried the handout feature in 4, adding a note to a verse then choosing a range with that verse included to a handout. But no note appeared in the handout. I noted there were also no verse numbers in the handout, so I'm guessing the setting of options for handouts is not yet available (or I haven't found it yet).
In the development plans can we hope for the ability to prepare annotated and marked text and export that to a document for a handout?
Dave Housholder
I would vote (if polling is open), that this would be a worthwhile feature.
In the past I have marked up and then taken a screen shot; not near as good as an actual "Print markups" or "copy with markups" feature.Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
I would strongly be in favor of the suggestions for handouts that David made.
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An additional word - for those of us who are working pastors (well, anyone, really) who regularly teach our congregants, the ability to be able to customize and annotate handouts for Bible Study and any other area for faith formation makes a quantum leap in the power and enjoyment of the new engine.
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David Housholder said:
Some of you will recall in Quickverse (at least in version 4 as I recall) you could print handouts that included all your added notes.
Ah yes, QV4, that was a long time ago and I remember around that time using Dales macros for WP.
This is an excellent suggestion Dave.
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I would also second this suggestion...
This would be a HUGE timesaver...make it similar to the choose what elements you want on your handout and in what order they appear!
Robert Pavich
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