Training to use Logos as a Ministry Leader/ Pastor

Linval London
Linval London Member Posts: 45 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Howdy folks, Just wondering if I can get some input from you all....

A colleague and I have been asked to conduct some training on using Logos for our fellow ministers.  The idea is that most folk do not use it to anywhere near its potential and may be in need of some usage scenarios in which Logos really helps get things done. 

So here is my request...Could you respond via comments to all or some of the following questions:

1. How do YOU use Logos in your ministry?  (prep for sermons, bible studies, etc.)

2. What steps have you taken or resources you have used in order to get to your level of proficiency using Logos?  Do you feel you use it effectively?

3. What frustrations have you had using Logos in your ministry?

4. Other comments...?

Any input you all may have is greatly appreciated....and I'll be sure to let you know how things went after the event!  :-)

God bless, and look forward to hearing from you all...


  • Michael A. Mnich
    Michael A. Mnich Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Dear Linval,

     Looks like those who use this forum are uninterested or very few.

    1. I am a new user. I've used it for devotional study and prep. for a mid-wk. series.

    2. I use the free training videos about 1/wk., especially the Morris Proctor tips that come in my start-up page. I do not feel I know enough to use it efficiently.

    3. Many of the best resources are beyond my budget. Many of the training videos highlight features or resources I do not have. I feel the EGW resources are not well prepared to be used as effectively in Logos as they could be.

    God Bless,


  • Richard Bonjour
    Richard Bonjour Member Posts: 180 ✭✭

    Hi Linval.

    I apologize for not getting back to reply to this as I had intended. 

    I've had Logos now for about 4-5 years and I enjoy it now even more.  I really love having all my books all connected in one place. I especially like all of my SDA books all linked with my bibles. I have the Sabbath school lesson in the form of a personal book and in a layout specific for lesson study with commentaries, bibles and study bibles as well as several other layouts for other needs.  I have really enjoyed the sermon editor and hoping for even more with as it is a work in progress. I'm hoping for the ability incorporate my existing slide pictures from Proclaim into the sermon editor. I make all of my sermons in the editor now. Bible study is so more intuitive with Logos. 

    Yours in Christ,

    Richard Bonjour
    Head Elder
    Hawkeye SDA Church

  • Richard Villanueva
    Richard Villanueva Member Posts: 510 ✭✭

    How did the event go?  This post may have been overlooked since it was placed in a Denomination-Specifc forum?  This question would have been great in the General Forum.  I have organized a few training meetings before with a handful of other pastors in my church (although I am by no means a Logos Pro!)  Getting people set up, prioritized, and familiar with the basics gives them a sense of peace in their purchase.  

    1. How do YOU use Logos in your ministry?  (prep for sermons, bible studies, etc.)

    I am a Youth Pastor at a local church, that's my ministry context (sorry, not SDA but we DO have a Sabbath service if that helps!)  I use it for Sermon & Curriculum Prep, studying and saving information for writing Seminary papers, Bible Verse Lists to distribute to preaching teams and small group leaders, prep/study for Spiritual Guidance/Counseling Meetings with church members, reading textbooks and marking them up with custom highlighters, 

    2. What steps have you taken or resources you have used in order to get to your level of proficiency using Logos?  Do you feel you use it effectively?

    Logos Pro Videos, Creeping through the Forums has been a BIG help (thanks, MVPs!), natural curiosity in the program, continually using it, the 30-Logos Challenge (now 10 Day) was insightful, having my pastor friends ask me how to do stuff drives me to discover new things

    3. What frustrations have you had using Logos in your ministry?

    The search strings are frustratingly technical and impossible to remember (although there are "cheat sheets" in the Search pane and the Concordance & Bible Browser are becoming more helpful in these areas), the Atlas tool is not tremendously helpful, I feel the same about the timeline tool (it has potential!)

    Any other questions, ask again or maybe bump this thread regularly to keep it recent for others to see and comment.

    MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro

  • Linval London
    Linval London Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    Thanks for your comments!  I will take that on board....

  • Linval London
    Linval London Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    Some good stuff there from both of the Richard's!  I think I'll be able to utilize a lot of what you shared in the training environment.  The training takes place between Feb 6-11, and I'll be sure to pop back here to let you know how it went!  

    Also, I have posted this question in the general forum as well (good suggesting Richard V!) so if you have any friends you could encourage to give their input, please do so... 

    Much obliged! 

    God bless...

  • Just seeing this Linval. Have not been on the forums lately.

    I use Logos for general reading, sermon prep, Bible study etc.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Hector Marquez
    Hector Marquez Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Hi Linval.

    During the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to get acquainted with all what Logos can do for Bible Study and sermon preparation.  Browsed  the Jonah 30 Day challenge.  Need to recognize that I started completing the daily assignments, but later skipped the actual practice and focused on watching the videos only.  Recently I found a presentation in the Faithlife Tv channel (app), entitled "Live Special Event" which was the one presentation made for the Logos 7 launch.  Although this provided an overview of the application, it gave some additional insight into some of the features that Logos 7 has, which for some reason, I did not see or keep in my mind before.  

    I still consider myself  novice in Logos, but consider the following as interesting

    The Sermon Editor; where you can prepare your sermon and slides for your presentation at the same time

    The ability to see Systematic Theology results in the Passage Guide, sorted by "Tradition" (Adventist, Anglican, Baptist,...) 

    Area of Improvement:

    Still find the organization of notes a little annoying since as you add notes from your individual studies, a cumulative list of notes is presented under "Documents".  Would prefer a format in which folders are placed into other folders (nested), or notes are placed wherever you like s it fits you.  Perhaps there is a way to do this, but I have not seen it yet. 

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,971 ✭✭✭

    What I find Logos most useful for is the ability to add Personal Books.  I have over 300 that I got from PDF, mobi, and other sources.  Logos allows me to use the search features of Logos on them. 

    [[Under US copyright law there is a fair use clause. So I can use them for my own use but I can not share them]].

    [[Have even added some Logos Blog items]] 

    [[If I just want to read them I copy the PDF file to my tablet and skip Logos]] 

  • Fred Littlefield
    Fred Littlefield Member Posts: 145 ✭✭


    I do the same thing, although it is getting harder to break the copy protection code now. I have several Personal Books that I have copied from PDFs and .mobi formats to MS Word format. Several can be found in the SDA faithlife site in the documents page. All the posted books are in the public domain so they are free. There are probably 40 or so books there so look far back to find them all.

  • Fred Littlefield
    Fred Littlefield Member Posts: 145 ✭✭

    Hector - A Strategy for Taking and Organizing Notes.

    I wrote my way of taking and organizing notes in this forum post. Hope this will help.

  • Linval London
    Linval London Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

    Just an update as to how the training went.

    We had 2 sessions on using Logos in our ministry context.  The first hour was spent mainly on basics (setting up your layout, prioritizing the library, etc.).  The second session we delved into searching, creating selections, and the using the sermon editor to prepare weekly messages. 

    We did not get to go as deep as we would have liked (no syntax searching I'm afraid :-), but the feedback from the attendees was positive and we were able to help them get a bit more out of their packages.  I gave a special shout out to Reimar Vetne and his resources as well [Y]

    Our church is working on an online training platform to enable e-learning and is looking for helpful courses to test it out. My thoughts are to address some of the issues you have raised and demonstrate some of the ways to use the program so others can learn at their own pace. 

    Thanks again for your willingness to share your experience with Logos!


  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Linval, have you considered video conference/presentation?

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.