Making one pane full screen - How?

I apologize in advance if this is in the forums but I couldn't find the answer to my question. I'd like to know how to make one pane display full screen.
For example, let's say I type Jeremiah 18 into the search window. Up comes a display with passage guide/exegetical guide in a pane on the left. The middle is two panes ESV and WBC, and a couple of panes on the right side. How do I quickly make the WBC pane full screen? That's all I want to do.
I have access to both the a14 beta and the Windows 4a and can't do it in either.
Thanks for the help.
Go to the Bible you want to see in full screen(WBC) click it so it is the active tab. Under the Book icon there is an arrow that produces a drop down this is where you would assign it a link set. click the option float this panel.
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Heath Choate said:
Go to the Bible you want to see in full screen(WBC) click it so it is the active tab. Under the Book icon there is an arrow that produces a drop down this is where you would assign it a link set. click the option float this panel.
My floating panel is the same size as my standard program windows which is why it is not completely full screen. Also I did this using my default set up rather than the specific books you mentioned as the process works the same regardless the resource you trying to enlarge.
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Thanks - that does work to full screen in a couple of steps.
Now how do I return it to a non float and back where it started? I could do this easily in Logos3 and it was my preferred way to work.
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Drag the tab into the center of the module you want it to appear in
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It seems the only way is to drag it back to the original window. Seems we should request a fix. There is a close button but it closes the resources completely. Need an unfloat, shrink type button
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L4Win has a "dock this panel" option, which means we will see something similar in L4Mac
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Michael - thanks.
It works. I'm sure having a hard time wrapping my mind around the new ways of doing things.
I'd add my vote for an unfloat button as well