Vocabulary List for Galatians in Web App

My normal computer needs repair so I am temporarily using Logos on a via the web app on a public computer. I can't seem to find out how to make a vocabulary list (in this case, for the book of Galatians) through the web app, though. Is that possible with the web app?
JJ Proodian said:
I can't seem to find out how to make a vocabulary list (in this case, for the book of Galatians) through the web app, though. Is that possible with the web app?
I don't think the web app can generate new Word List documents yet. To help you out, I built a Word List on Galatians (from NA28, yielding 522 lemma entries) and shared it with the Faithlife group Logos Flashcards App - once you are a member of that group, you can get your copy of the Word List https://documents.logos.com//documents/d496b6de526e40438f10882746318f01 and use it in the Logos web app.
Hope this helps,
EDIT: Word List in Logos desktop:
Word List in web app:
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thank you, Mick! That's super helpful!
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You're very welcome! Glad to hear.
Have joy in the Lord!