Search Speed

I just timed the actual time it took to do a search in 4.0 vs. 3.0. The search was "Kingdom of God". It took 4.0 30 seconds to perform the search from the moment I pushed the arrow until it listed all the results from the NASB95. To accomplish the same in 3.0 took 10 seconds.
4.0 reports the search took 6.40 seconds, but that timer must start at some time after I pushed the arrow or stop sometime before I started seeing results for it was 10 seconds before anything began to appear on the screen. 3.0 of course doesn't tell you how long the search took.
It also takes longer to set up a search in 4.0. You have to wait to get your Bible selected, unlike in 3.0 where there is a quick selection from a drop-down list.
Now I am curious. I thought with all the indexing going on that searches would at least go faster in 4.0. Lightning fast. But 3.0 is overall faster to the results. Have I misunderstood or did I just select abad example?
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
What comarable results do you get if you leave 4.0 to search "Entire Library". Rumour has it that it is faster than a restricted search like you have carried out on NASB95?
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I have 2500 resources and don't want to sit here with a stop watch while 3.0 tries to do that. I am sure it would be very slow. (If 3.0 had a clock and reported the time like 4.0 I wouldn't mind.)
Still, my bread and butter searches are like the one I just reported. It takes longer in 4.0 to set up a new search and far longer to execute it and report all the results. The search time indicator in 4.0 only reports a portion of the time it actually takes to get the results. If Logos is using that as their baseline of comparison it is only telling part of the story (perhaps just the good part, and only truly beneficial for searches of huge amounts of material, which I don't ever do - too many results to deal with). Likewise if one of the big improvements to Logos is that things are faster this is one more area (along with most of the rest of 4.0 that I've explored so far) that is decidedly slower than 3.0.
Haven't done enough search comparisons to form a judgment. Just wondered what others are observing and whether the speed is at this point seriously degraded by what I've heard called 'optimization' issues.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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I am finding some discouraging results myself with the search engine. I'm doing simple searches in just one Bible translation. For instance, I set the scope of the search to: Search Bible in NASB95 for Abimelech. It took v4 7.36 and a while to draw on my screen (Pentium 4, WinXP sp3, 1Gig Ram). That - to me - was not fast if I am to compare it to v. 3.
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
Searching for Kingdom of God in V3 in only English bibles 1:40 seconds (to be fair; V4 does the equivalent of "aligned hits in context" doesn't it?) and v4 did it in 3.5 seconds (while still loading up the results as someone pointed out.)
Even with the "optimistic" search results report...there was no contest.
V4 now:
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Yikes, this DOES NOT look good in terms of simple searches within one Bible translation.
v. 3, then v. 4
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
I duplicated your search
<a href="">NASB Abimelech search</a>
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Quick question: how did you get the two SWF's to play back to back?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert, I simply hit the Alt+Tab keys to switch apps while Jing was recording. In other words, I just continued recording (I didn't combine 2 swfs into 1).
http://www.franklinchurchofchrist.com0 -
Brilliant....thanks mitch!
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Mark A. Smith said:
Haven't done enough search comparisons to form a judgment. Just wondered what others are observing and whether the speed is at this point seriously degraded by what I've heard called 'optimization' issues.
Bible searches in a range of books are decidedly slower than All Passages, which allows the search engine to regard the whole resource as being searched. The difference is several minutes for a New Testament range vs a few seconds for All Passages. Logos have to optimise their algorithm for managing results in a range of bible references. Whilst Bible is equivalent to All Passages (same results) it is vastly slower.
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