Psalms Explorer Problem on Web App

Hello all,
Psalms Explorer on the Logos Web App shows up blank after choosing a Psalm. See attached pictures.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Hi Gavin - and welcome to the forums
It's working fine for me.
I see you are running on a Mac. Which browser are you using?
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I primarily use Safari but I had the same problem on Google Chrome.0 -
Gavin Murphy said:
Hello Graham! I primarily use Safari but I had the same problem on Google Chrome.
Hopefully another Mac user will be able to comment on whether they see the same issue.
I was using Chrome on Windows so unlikely to be a browser issue
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Hmmm still not working. It does work on my Desktop Logos App.
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Gavin Murphy said:
Hmmm still not working. It does work on my Desktop Logos App.
Same version of Safari?
What version of the OS?
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Same as you [:)]
MacOS 10.13.6, Safari Version 11.1.2 (13605.3.8)
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scattershot: Are you using VPN? Firewall? Browser plugins that might interfere? What video card?
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Nope, only an ad blocker. I paused it and it didn't help anything.
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I have the same problem on Windows + Firefox
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Kin Wei Hsien said:
I have the same problem on Windows + Firefox
Kim and Gavin
I guess it might help if you would post a screen shot of your setup.
Other than that it looks like a call to customer support might be your only recourse.
I know that the Web App is in Beta but you might be able to pursued them to help if you give them access to your machine so that they can experience the problem for themselves.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Hello Mike,
I am using the exact same setup as you:
MacOS 10.13.6, Safari Version 11.1.2 (13605.3.8)
I chatted with Customer Service and they said they couldn't help since it's beta. They said the only thing I could do was post on here.