Crash report: Selecting a layout after a previous crash

This has happened twice so I am reporting it now. After a crash I reopened 4.0 and displayed the Home Page. No problem. I then tried to select the layout I had open when the previous crash occurred. Crash.
Last time this happened, I again reopened the program, selected another layout first and it opened fine. Then I could select the layout on which the first crash occurred and it opened just fine. I will try that again. (Hope this makes sense.)
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
Is there a way to save layouts. Libronix seems to be selective in which ones it saves. I spent a lot of time creating one and the software did not save it.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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There are 2 ways.
1) Drag the layout to the shortcut bar
2) There is a little pencil to the right of each layout name, click on that and give it a new name. It will become one of the named layouts and will be saved.
I looked for the little pencil for almost a week before I finally saw it.I have stated this elsewhere, but I think the lighter icons they have for de-emphasized stuff are too light.
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Thanks. Could not drag it to the shortcut bar, but was successful in namin an saving it. Guess this replaces workspaces in 3.0
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Yes it does replace workspaces. To eliminate a layout is a bit more of a process.
1. Search for it by name and wait until it comes up on the right hand column. (i have some problems getting this to happen without the layout trying to open up.
2. Right click and hit delete.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA