BUG: Highlights lost
I just ran again into an issue that I have experienced several times before: While flying across 9 timezones, I highlighted passages in a book on my iPhone. Once I arrived at my destination, I used Logos on my MacBook. I don't remember which device (iPhone or MacBook) was first connected to the Internet. However, all the highlighting during the flight is now lost.
I have experienced this numerous times before. But it only seems to occur if I fly across timezones.
This is really annoying as it takes away the whole purpose of reading while traveling.
Armin, thanks for your report and sorry for your frustration. Would you be able to send your logs so we can try to get to the bottom of this issue? You can do so from Help -> Report a Problem.
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Hi Todd,
Many thanks for your reply. You can download the logs from this link:
My guess of what maybe happening is that depending on the timezone and which device connects first, my laptop's old notefile might be considered as newer by your server than the notefile on my iPhone with the new highlights. But this is only a guess.
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If you haven't already, could you also send logs from the mobile device in question?
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Hi Todd,
I just submitted the logs from the device.
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Thanks Armin.