SUGGESTION: Allow Multiple Application Instances

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭
edited December 2024 in English Forum

Many programs allow you to open multiple instances of the application at the same time. You generally do this by right-clicking on the application in the taskbar.

This would be a very useful feature.

I know there is the option to open a floating tab. However, the floating tab doesn't have the menu bar with the go box. Additionally, every time you open a tab from the floating window, it opens in the primary application window rather than the floating window. 

It would be much better to allow multiple application instances in addition to the normal floating window functionality. Within each application instance, everything would work as it currently does. 

For example, I might be working on two or three different projects for school at the same time. I could have two or three instances of Logos with a different workspace for each project. Whenever I opened a link, it would open in the window I am currently using, rather than me having to go find it and drag it back to the window I was using.


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    I do this frequently by having both Logos (beta) and Verbum (gold) open at the same time. As they have separate storage of resources, they don't interfere with each other. I can also use the web as a third occurrence for some features.

    Yes, my solution is NOT optimal ... just letting you know there is an option.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭

    If there are challenges from two instances sharing the same storage, the same behavior could easily by recreated within one instance of Logos by:

    • First, allowing multiple windows to have to GO bar. Opening up Logos a second time could simply open a new window with a GO bar. Choosing to open a tab in a floating window would continue to open a window without a GO bar.
    • Second, and this would be VERY helpful, refining the logic of where new tabs are opened. New tabs should always be opened in the active window (i.e., the window where you clicked the link to open a new tab). Right now the new tab is opened in the base Logos window (the one with the GO bar, rather than the floating window I had open). When this happens, the base Logos window becomes the active window and hides the window I was previously looking at when I clicked on the link. The normal Logos behavior should apply to each individual window.
  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    refining the logic of where new tabs are opened. New tabs should always be opened in the active window (i.e., the window where you clicked the link to open a new tab)

    I think you'd get some discussion on this one. I use the initial window for all searches (currently, they automatically line up in a panel) ... with resources in subsequent windows.  I agree, the present logic is hit or miss. 

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    If there are challenges from two instances sharing the same storage, the same behavior could easily by recreated within one instance of Logos by:

    • First, allowing multiple windows to have to GO bar. Opening up Logos a second time could simply open a new window with a GO bar. Choosing to open a tab in a floating window would continue to open a window without a GO bar.
    • Second, and this would be VERY helpful, refining the logic of where new tabs are opened. New tabs should always be opened in the active window (i.e., the window where you clicked the link to open a new tab). Right now the new tab is opened in the base Logos window (the one with the GO bar, rather than the floating window I had open). When this happens, the base Logos window becomes the active window and hides the window I was previously looking at when I clicked on the link. The normal Logos behavior should apply to each individual window.

    No thanks on the first suggestion. I use floating windows amongst other things to get screen space back. I don’t want a menu at the top taking it away.

    Yes on the second suggestion. A floating window is a workspace within a workspace so resource tabs should open in that window. Taking is a step further we should have the option of creating window sets where two or more ’linked’ floating windows act together as a group.

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭

    If there are challenges from two instances sharing the same storage, the same behavior could easily by recreated within one instance of Logos by:

    • First, allowing multiple windows to have to GO bar. Opening up Logos a second time could simply open a new window with a GO bar. Choosing to open a tab in a floating window would continue to open a window without a GO bar.
    • Second, and this would be VERY helpful, refining the logic of where new tabs are opened. New tabs should always be opened in the active window (i.e., the window where you clicked the link to open a new tab). Right now the new tab is opened in the base Logos window (the one with the GO bar, rather than the floating window I had open). When this happens, the base Logos window becomes the active window and hides the window I was previously looking at when I clicked on the link. The normal Logos behavior should apply to each individual window.

    No thanks on the first suggestion. I use floating windows amongst other things to get screen space back. I don’t want a menu at the top taking it away.

    Yes on the second suggestion. A floating window is a workspace within a workspace so resource tabs should open in that window. Taking is a step further we should have the option of creating window sets where two or more ’linked’ floating windows act together as a group.

    I agree that the second bullet point would be more important than the first. 

    Regarding the first bullet point, you would still have the option to have the GO bar or not. Personally, I think it is nice to have the option to have the Library dropdown, for example. 

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    The only time I use GO button is if I want to issue a specific command otherwise I find it to slow to bother with it, I rather just do CTRL + L to access full library window. Each to their own as long as the software provides tbe choice.

  • Stephen Jones
    Stephen Jones Member Posts: 118 ✭✭

    You brought this up as an issue three years ago. I often wondered the same thing but for different reasons. Do you know if Logos has addressed this yet, because I still see the same floating window I've seen for a decade.

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    I use the floating window a lot.  I would love to be able to have a 2nd instance of Logos running... or to have full menu bar in floating window...

    Thanks for suggesting it.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    MJ Can you please elaborate on how you do that with Logos and Verbum?

    I want to open at least two instances, one instance with the interface in spanish, and the other instance with the interface in english, but found that I can't do it, as it has been reported in this post.

    Since I've been using the software since it was Libronix, I just made the upgrade to "Funciones Bilingual 10", and then bought "Verbum 10 (Español) - Conjunto completo de funcionalidades", because it was a better way for me to obtain all the spanish datasets that were not included in "Funciones Biligual 10". I verified my account and I can download Verbum but I haven't installed it because I just want to use Logos.

    So far I have to constantly change the language in settings, restart, and repeat. Or if you know of any other way to accomplish the same thing please let me know.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Sorry, I don't use any language setting other than English. I would have to try setting Logos to English and Verbum to Spanish, open them both, and see if they interfered with each other.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,175

    Edil said:

    I verified my account and I can download Verbum but I haven't installed it because I just want to use Logos.

    So far I have to constantly change the language in settings, restart, and repeat. Or if you know of any other way to accomplish the same thing please let me know.

    Well, that's your decision to make (and it may have to do with how many GB free space are on your SSD etc.pp.) - I can confirm that Logos and Verbum can be run side by side, and thus allow for beta and stable running concurrently, and that of course one can run in English and one in another UI language and the two won't interfere.

    I personally have a shortcut menu where I have the commands ready at hand to switch UI language to English and to German (just lazyness, I could easily type set uilang to en etc, but as you said, it requires a restart of Logos/Verbum to switch. Thus it's more convenient to have the two running in two different UI languages.

    I sometimes forget which UI language I'm in (thankfully, English language commands most often work in German UI as well for me), but that's okay. The only relevant change to my way of working when running two instances of Logos/Verbum is that I had to train myself to upload Personal Books when I build them, so the are available in both platforms. Everything else will sync automatically (assuming not running offline).      

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    Well, that's your decision to make (and it may have to do with how many GB free space are on your SSD etc.pp.)

    Now we are reaching the crux of the matter. I should care about how many GB I have free because everything is going to get duplicated, Is that the main concern?

    This is getting out of topic but oh well...

    If that's the case, I have a small library, Logos is occupying 40.1 GB in total. Resources are taking 27.1 GB out of those and indexing takes 9.1 GB. I assume the rest to be the binaries, etc., just 3.9 GB. So, what's going to get duplicated, everything or just the 3.9 GB of the binaries, .dlls and stuff like that?
  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,175

    Edil said:

    NB.Mick said:

    Well, that's your decision to make (and it may have to do with how many GB free space are on your SSD etc.pp.)

    Now we are reaching the crux of the matter. I should care about how many GB I have free because everything is going to get duplicated, Is that the main concern? This is getting out of topic but oh well... If that's the case, I have a small library, Logos is occupying 40.1 GB in total. Resources are taking 27.1 GB out of those and indexing takes 9.1 GB. I assume the rest to be the binaries, etc., just 3.9 GB. So, what's going to get duplicated, everything or just the 3.9 GB of the binaries, .dlls and stuff like that?

    In my installation, everything gets duplicated. There may be a chance to share the resource folder between such instances, but I have never done so (rather running the second instance on an external, NTFS-formatted SSD connected via USB) and don't know the specifics. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    In my installation, everything gets duplicated.

    MJ, NB Thanks!

    Ok so I finally installed Verbum next to Logos and so far so good. I also took a radical step. In order to minimize the duplicate resources, and since my intention is to use one exclusively in spanish and the other in english, I removed all english resources from one and the same with the other but with the spanish resources. Greek and Hebrew resources had to be left on both though, so those are duplicated. I'm now re-indexing to reduce space a little bit more.

    I noticed that there are things that didn't quite work because there are no resources in that particular language to provide any information, but I'm fine with that. That's what I was looking for and I can always check the same passage or whatever in the other language.

    So I'm going to continue using it like this. NB, MJ, and the others, Do you have any other comment or any problem or issue that you can foresee using this setup? I don't know something that is not going to work properly or something.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Unfortunately, I recall running into a problem with two installations in beta testing but I don't remember what it was ... I've run the dual systems for years and hadn't noticed the problem.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    Oh boy this is getting very interesting.

    Ok so after removing english resources from one side, the spanish resources from the other side and rebuilding the indexes on both, I ended up using almost the same storage space that I was using when I only have a single instance of Logos installed on the computer.

    I found two issues and the solutions. First the layout. If in your settings you have "At Startup Open to", set to, "most recent layout-any", after closing and reopening both programs, the layout in one of them is going to be change to the layout of the program that was closed last. The solution was to change the setting to "Most recent layout-local" on both. Second issue is with new resources. Since I'm buying and acquiring resources in english and spanish, and I  have one account only, if I set the library to "autoupdate", then the english resources are going to be installed where I only want spanish resources and vice versa, solution was to change settings under the Internet section of Program Setting: "Use Internet" set  to  "Yes", "Automatically Start Downloads" set to "Yes" and "Download New resources" set to "No".

    Ok now, I will like to know if you know that there is a way to remove not only resources but datasets. Same principle, I will leave english datasets in one side and spanish datasets in the other.

    At this point I'm basically trying to split my library in two. Something that I was not able to do because I was only able to run a single instance of Logos. I'm wondering if it's best for me to create a second account and move all resources of a specific language to that new account. I think you can do that contacting customer support and paying $20 or something like that, but I have to check that very carefully because is a radical step. My concern being that all this thing I'm doing is because Verbum and Logos are basically the same in terms of how they operate, for the way I use the program, but I wonder if that's going to change in the future. Now they are basically the same with few exceptions, but who knows if Verbum is going to diverge so radically that it will not be usable for me.

    So, datasets removal, Can do or not?

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    Ok so I found out that datasets are just like any other resource and they are listed as commentaries in the library.

    By the way don't you ever, never hide your resources....  restoring 3955, restoring 3954, restoring 3953, 3952, 3951, 3950, 3949......

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Edil said:

    Ok so I found out that datasets are just like any other resource and they are listed as commentaries in the library.

    Unless anything has changed recently - and I don't think it has - this is not the case as datasets are not shown in our libraries.

    Can you post a screenshot showing what you are seeing as datasets listed as commentaries?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Edil said:

    Second issue is with new resources. Since I'm buying and acquiring resources in english and spanish, and I  have one account only, if I set the library to "autoupdate", then the english resources are going to be installed where I only want spanish resources and vice versa, solution was to change settings under the Internet section of Program Setting: "Use Internet" set  to  "Yes", "Automatically Start Downloads" set to "Yes" and "Download New resources" set to "No".

    If I am following correctly what you are seeking to do I don't think this will work as you wish

    These settings will stop automatic downloads but at some point you will be presented with an option to download a number of newly purchased resources - and it is not possible to select from the download queue which resources you want to download, you will get them all into both installations.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Edil said:

    By the way don't you ever, never hide your resources....  restoring 3955, restoring 3954, restoring 3953, 3952, 3951, 3950, 3949......

    If your reason for doing this is to reduce space (but you are ok with the resources showing in your library) you could move them to the Logos Cloud instead of hiding them.

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    If your reason for doing this is to reduce space (but you are ok with the resources showing in your library) you could move them to the Logos Cloud instead of hiding them.

    Thanks for the tip. It is not due to space much as the convenience to identify resources more easily on each side. My mistake was that I hid the english resources on one side and the spanish on the other, assuming that it was like removing a resource from the device (which is a local system thing), and not knowing that your entire library is bound to your account so when you hide a resource it gets hidden everywhere. It is easy to hide resources in bulk but there is no option to restore them in bulk, you have to go one by one.

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    Unless anything has changed recently - and I don't think it has - this is not the case as datasets are not shown in our libraries.

    Sorry, my bad, you are correct. I said commentaries, that's wrong. What I was talking about is listed as  "Interactive" and I confused them with datasets:

    What I'm talking about is this:

    Can they be removed (locally)?

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    If I am following correctly what you are seeking to do I don't think this will work as you wish....... is not possible to select from the download queue which resources you want to download.......

    Well yes, you are correct, but knowing that I have purchased a resource I can go to the library filter by "not on this device", then "language" and download the resource from there.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Edil said:

    Can they be removed (locally)?

    No - datasets are not visible in the Library and cannot be removed.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Edil said:

    Well yes, you are correct, but knowing that I have purchased a resource I can go to the library filter by "not on this device", then "language" and download the resource from there.

    True but then - over time - your library (on both installations) will contain resources of both "type" which I thought you were trying to avoid.

    I know they won't be downloaded (which goes back to my suggestion about simply moving resources to the cloud) but will appear in search results etc.

    I think I understand what you are trying to do but I think you will struggly to get the clean separation you are looking for due to the way Logos / Verbum operates.

    Your suggestion of going to two separate accounts and splitting resources between them is worth exploring further - but any resources that you did want in both would then need to be purchased twice.

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    No - datasets are not visible in the Library and cannot be removed.

    Go it. Again I was looking for this just for convenience. Using the program in spanish shows up results from the english datasets and vice versa.

    True but then - over time - your library (on both installations) will contain resources of both "type" which I thought you were trying to avoid.

    So far I've been able to segregate the resources by language almost completely... with the exception of the datasets.

    I know they won't be downloaded (which goes back to my suggestion about simply moving resources to the cloud) but will appear in search results etc.

    I think I understand what you are trying to do but I think you will struggly to get the clean separation you are looking for due to the way Logos / Verbum operates.

    As I said the cloud suggestion has been well received.

    Simple, I want to use two instances of the program at the same time on the same computer. One configured with the interface and resources in english and the other configured in spanish. Something that I was not able to do in the past and the reason why I acquire all resources under one account. Now, it is not that I'm technically running two instances of Logos at the same time but it is almost the same with the Logos-Verbum "hack" that I now discovered thanks to MJ, MB, Dave and other forum's members like you.  

    If you are talking about the search for a specific book in the library, then yes, they are listed. But so far, everything is working the way I was looking for. For example, when using the passage guide or bible word study in Logos (which I have configured to use english resources only), I'm getting results from english resources only. If I'm reading a bible and I check "parallel results sets", none of the spanish bibles that I have in the library are getting listed. Apply the same, but vice versa, with Verbum that has been configured to use spanish resources only.

    Your suggestion of going to two separate accounts and splitting resources between them is worth exploring further.....
    ......but any resources that you did want in both would then need to be purchased twice.

    Yes I did check the conditions and is not that easy. First, is a onetime deal. Then my library is an amalgamation of resources that came from Libronix, mixed with resources that I have acquired separately, going through periods where I have not acquired any new version upgrade using the free engine only, and others where I have only acquired the complete or partial set of functionalities and datasets. And... I still feel uneasy depending completely on Verbum due to what I said about how the company is going to continue developing it and how similar to Logos it will continue working.

    About purchasing resources twice, yes, I have no issues with that. If I'm going to buy books physically and I want them in spanish and english I have to buy them both. For example I have Louw-Nida in english and if Faithlife decide to sell a spanish version of the lexicon, I will buy it without hesitation.

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    Ok found another situation. When giving priority to resources, there are no conflicts if you give priority to individual resources. I can set my preferred bible in spanish and it will not be listed in the priority list of the english side and vice versa. But if you give priority to a complete series of resources, like a series of commentaries, then that particular entry will be listed in the other priority list. If you remove the entry from one side, it will be removed from the other. Why this happens to the series entries of each list and not individual resources entries, I don't know. The only thing is that the entry will be listed with a 0. For example I have "Commentario Bíblico Mundo Hispano" that is composed of 24 volumes, in the spanish priority list it is listed in bold with the number 24, in the english priority list it is listed in bold but with a zero. I don't know if that's going to affect something. If so, I know that I can give specific priority to a particular resource that is part of a series, but then I will have to add all the volumes of that series one by one.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Edil said:

    in the spanish priority list it is listed in bold with the number 24, in the english priority list it is listed in bold but with a zero

    The numbers tell you the number of resources prioritized. In Spanish, it is the entire series i.e. 24; in English, it is prioritized but no resources are downloaded so it prioritizes zero resources.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Edil
    Edil Member Posts: 268 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    The numbers tell you the number of resources prioritized......

    Ok yes, I get that, the thing is if having an entry with zero resources will cause any issue. I think that those entries that are a group of resources are getting synchronized between lists because they are "documents" in the collection category. So if somehow I can tell Logos and/or Verbum not to synchronize specific documents, maybe they will be listed in the priority list where they were added and not in the other.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    Edil said:

    if having an entry with zero resources will cause any issue.

    I haven't tested all combinations, but I have not had problems with it.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795


    Now that Logos is so stable and fast, I would love to see the UI evolve a bit for power users, whilst keeping the software from becoming too complicated for those that aren't.

    At the moment, I create floating panels for groups of resources in my exegetical process. It works, but it is not elegant particularly in full screen mode.  For example, in the base programme I have my original language and exegetical launch points, as well as some supporting guide panels.

    Then floating I have a window dedicated to text comparison, I also have a window dedicated to exploring commentaries, I have a floating window for media and atlas, a floating window for notes, etc.  I use the Mac interface to jump around, which works...

    I would love to be able to dock these floating windows in the main window as 'tabs' of groups of 'tabs', maybe call them 'work zones' and be able to name each step.

    Perhaps this is not the same as being able to open another instance of Logos, but maybe it would be a solve in that desire as well?

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    Many programs allow you to open multiple instances of the application at the same time. You generally do this by right-clicking on the application in the taskbar.

    This would be a very useful feature.

    I know there is the option to open a floating tab. However, the floating tab doesn't have the menu bar with the go box. Additionally, every time you open a tab from the floating window, it opens in the primary application window rather than the floating window. 

    It would be much better to allow multiple application instances in addition to the normal floating window functionality. Within each application instance, everything would work as it currently does. 

    For example, I might be working on two or three different projects for school at the same time. I could have two or three instances of Logos with a different workspace for each project. Whenever I opened a link, it would open in the window I am currently using, rather than me having to go find it and drag it back to the window I was using.

    In the age of computers and many computerizers using multiple monitors, Logos is falling behind by not allowing this very needed function.

    I would add... the functionality of being able to open a tab (book) in a window and dragging that tab to another monitor and thus opening up another instance of Logos...

    Logos now has "open in floating window" and I make use of it... but it really doesn't work because it's like having Logos with no brains.

    I hope we can get Faithlife to listen on this one. 

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,795


    If we all really want to see this evolve for windows and mac, single and multiple monitor setups, we probably need to vote on it. 

    I searched the feedback listings and could not find anything that resembled this, so I created a new entry to register interest on.

    Please vote and add your opinions what is needed.  I think we are all wrestling with the limitations, though we might be approaching it from directions.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭

    Until they add it I create two windows by flowing something and then adding to that. However, I would like to use multiple instances on iOS. With Stage Manager that would be very nice.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    And to add to this drama....  I don't think (as some has suggested) it is viable to expect everyone to buy both Verbum and Logos just to have multiple instances of Logos (which really are not "instances of Logos" but instances of Verbum and Logos).

    What we need is to be able to run multiple instances of Logos or multiple instances of Verbum. But at the least multiple instances of Logos.

    imho that is.... [8-|]

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    xnman said:

    to buy both Verbum and Logos

    One doesn't "buy" them both, one downloads them both most commonly when one wishes to beta test on the same machine as one uses for actual work.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,904 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    xnman said:

    to buy both Verbum and Logos

    One doesn't "buy" them both, one downloads them both most commonly when one wishes to beta test on the same machine as one uses for actual work.

    I didn't know Verbum was free.....  But at the least.... I don't need to download it to take up more disk space.... Logos works just fine....  especially when we get multiple instances of it. Thank you very much.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,089

    Edil said:

    MJ. Smith said:

    The numbers tell you the number of resources prioritized......

    Ok yes, I get that, the thing is if having an entry with zero resources will cause any issue. I think that those entries that are a group of resources are getting synchronized between lists because they are "documents" in the collection category. So if somehow I can tell Logos and/or Verbum not to synchronize specific documents, maybe they will be listed in the priority list where they were added and not in the other.

    Your Prioritized resources will always sync. The list may not look right but it will behave correctly with respect to the actual resources you have. So the entry (a series) with zero resources will not cause any issue. If you download a resource in that series, it will change to 1.


    Windows 11 & Android 13