Matthew's Optimal & Ethical Use of Dan's Plan for Pre-Pubs

Matthew C Jones
Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

My plan, in a nutshell: Order everything, immediately cancel most   

Why should you do this MY WAY? (Good question.) Doing it my way is initially faster than a properly considered decision on each individual title. Doing it my way locks in the lowest available price through June 2011 on EVERY title. You may think you don't need the Moody Church Leadership Collection (24 Vols.) now but you could be called to pastor a church in January and get a book allowance with your new responsibilities! (Who knows what the future holds?) Doing it my way gives you time in the future to leisurely investigate each purchase before deciding to buy.

Preliminary considerations:
What is the Pre-Pub program? Look here
Who is Dan? Director of Sales & Marketing departments as well as CEO Bob Pritchett's little brother & a determined and capable individual.
Who is eligible? You MUST read Dan's post here for this answer. If you have actually read the post, you now qualify.

Limitations. This is only for Pre-Pubs that you can add to your Pre-Pub order page in your account during the remainder of October. Don't whine if a new Pre-Pub gets listed November 2nd and Dan won't let you add it to the plan. Also, don't get angry because Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library has already shipped (making it impossible to add to the Pre-Pub order list. ALL titles you seek to handle with the special provisions of this offer MUST be in an October dated snapshot of your Pre-Pub page. That snapshot is the umbrella. Anything not in the snapshot will have to be negotiated through Sales and will likely cost a bit more. Current catalog titles (already published) can not be added either. The Pre-Pub system isn't built to handle anything other than titles holding Pre-Pub status. I don't even think a manual override is possible.

Maintaining integrity of the Pre-Pub plan. Several people have warned how this could undermine the stated purpose & functionality of the Pre-Pub program. Bob Pritchett points out the program is designed to aid Logos in deciding which resources to pursue first. If everyone adds everything to their lists and leaves them there, the Logos development team will have a harder time knowing what titles are sure sales and what titles are likely to cave right before shipping. My suggested plan of action here will have you purge your Pre-Pub list of all titles you are not prepared to pay for on ship date. This will ensure you have the privilege to purchase titles at the special price any time through June 2011 without sending false signals to Logos that would hamper true productivity & profitability. Bob's Pre-Pub program is still viable and you still have choices till next Summer. That is a win-win.

Facts you need to know. Pre-Pub do not ship on weekends. They do not begin shipping until noon on release date. Your Logos account Pre-Pub page is currently not sortable by price or title. The page only displays the most recent entry at top. If you enter them by price (low to high or high to low) they will be presented on your list in a graduated fashion. Lastly, you must perform my Megaplan yourself. The Logos Sales department doesn't have the time to do this for each individual. If you want to save lots of money, expend a little effort!

Matthew's MegaPlan:
1) Go to the Pre-Pub page, sort titles by price: high to low or low to high
2) Click the "Easy PreOrder" button. Immediately after clicking, reposition your mouse cursor over your Browser Back Button. When you see the order confirmation page, click the Back Button to return to the Pre-Pub page. Notice: the page takes several seconds to refresh. If you click your mouse while it is refreshing it will home to the top of the page and you will have to keep scrolling back to your position. If you allow the screen to complete refreshing and take you there before clicking, you will save a lot of time.
3) Work sequentially down the page, keeping the window open until you are done. Use a second window with your account Pre-Pubs page to keep track what you have added in case you forget your place.
4) Skip any titles you are absolutely sure you will never, ever, buy. I skipped all but one Spanish resource. Skip all the Baker Academic stuff because the Pre-Pub prices are the same as their regular sale prices. Skip the Nelson Commentary Collection if you already have the contents. If there is a slight interest in a title, add it! Accidental duplicate entries won't affect you if you delete them before ship date.
5) When you are done, snapshot your list (need more advice how to?) Print out your list in hard copy too. Call Logos Sales and request they do the snapshot too. The snapshot is your claim to buy at the cheap prices.

WARNING: Three titles ship on Monday, 10/11/2010 at Noon.  If you still have them on your list, your credit card will be charged! Delete them as soon as Sales has your snapshot.

6) Start deleting all titles from your Pre-Pub list that you are not 100% committed to buying as soon as they are available. You now have the freedom to delete the ones you are unsure of. You have until June 2011 to make up your mind.
7) Do NOT delete titles you want Logos to actively develop and bring to publication. This tells Bob Pritchett how much money is on the barrel head and the Development team which titles to prioritize.

Follow up post coming that explains another good reason WHY you should go overboard on the snapshot.

Logos 7 Collectors Edition


  • James W Bennett
    James W Bennett Member Posts: 308 ✭✭


    I see one possible problem with your suggestion. Logos also depends upon the number of pre-ordered titles to indicate when there will be a sufficient number of sales to warrant development of the said title. I have seen the percentage graphs for "gathering interest" pre-pub titles go up, but never have I seen then go down. Since the "October special" was not how Logos had planned to use the pre-pub scenario they may not have accounted for dropping the percentage for when a pre-pub moves from "gathering interest" to "under development." If that is the case then everyone ordering every pre-pub will move everything into the "under-development" category.


    James W Bennett

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭



    Since the "October special" was not how Logos had planned to use the pre-pub scenario they may not have accounted for

    You are correct. But as we have seen again, Logos (It's leadership) is a company that can think on it's feet. This was an unforeseen crisis that was addressed by the CEO quickly and resolved to the great benefit of all parties. One way of showing appreciation for the offer extended is to accept it by participating. Keep reading, it makes more sense below.

    I have seen the percentage graphs for "gathering interest" pre-pub titles go up, but never have I seen then go down.

    I just asked Bob Pritchett in another thread yesterday if we can have progress gauges instead of status titles. It would be a hassle but worthwhile to implement.

    I see one possible problem with your suggestion. Logos also depends upon the number of pre-ordered titles to indicate when there will be a sufficient number of sales to warrant development of the said title.

    Hence the thread title ("Ethically") and the paragraph on "Maintaining integrity of the Pre-Pub plan."  Bob already addressed this:   You can be sure the CEO is well aware of Dan's offer. He probably actively formed some of the details himself.

    The key to this working is following through on the last two steps of Matthew's MegaPlan:

    6) Start deleting all titles from your
    Pre-Pub list that you are not 100% committed to buying as soon as they
    are available. You now have the freedom to delete the ones you are
    unsure of. You have until June 2011 to make up your mind.
    7) Do NOT
    delete titles you want Logos to actively develop and bring to
    publication. This tells Bob Pritchett how much money is on the barrel
    head and the Development team which titles to prioritize.

    If all Logos account holders would commit to this step only, Bob Pritchett would have truer statistics from the Pre-Pub orders than he has ever had to date. There will always be unforeseen circumstances that cause Buyers to cancel. But many orders presently sit on the list that will never be completed. Following all steps of my plan will allow the dreamers to keep dreaming they will have $1000 to spend each week, for 32 weeks in a row. The plan is only writing yourself a coupon that expires next June. To be fair to Bob all Logos users must maintain as honest and accurate list of Pre-Pub orders as we can. Dan's Plan helps us do that without losing out on the best prices. {This sales move will someday be recognized as the revolutionary genius that it truly is.}

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    For myself, though Dan (Logos) was very generous...I just can't afford a lot of the resources, even if they are spread out in payments or even 8 months from now...nothing in my financial situation is likely to change drastically (lotto) I just kept what I had where it is...


    Just my approach....

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki:

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    For myself, though Dan (Logos) was very generous...I just can't afford a lot of the resources, even if they are spread out in payments or even 8 months from now...nothing in my financial situation is likely to change drastically (lotto) I just kept what I had where it is...


    Just my approach....

    To Robert:

    I don't want to disturb you with this thought but you can experience a great financial change (in either direction) within the next 8 months. You could receive a huge inheritance from a loved one's passing, or you could suffer a long hospitalization that consumes all your financial resources. I'm also not suggesting you commit to additional purchases or that you cancel your current commitments. My plan is nothing more than preserving the extension of the purchase opportunity. I do believe if everybody would follow the last two steps Logos would have better data to draw on when deciding what projects to push first.

    To Everybody:

    If many keep up the practice of using the Pre-Pub program as a de-facto "wish list", thereby promising to buy $8000 worth of stuff to see it go to production and subsequently breaking their promise by canceling on the eve of shipment, the program loses it's usefulness to Logos. (Why not just disolve the program?) But if you really want any of the Pre-Pub lineup but can't imagine how you could ever afford it, do yourself a favor and perform all 7 steps of my plan. I predict there will be hundreds of people who regret not following my suggestion but most will never admit it. (I know, MJ will tell you there is a logical fallacy somewhere in that last boast. [:^)] )

    To show Bob Pritchett your gratitude for the Pre-Pub program, review everything you have ordered and be ready to follow through with your purchase commitments. Take a snap shot of those titles you only "wish" for, or know you won't have money for next month, and remove them. Dan's plan will allow you to purchase them if circumstances permit you. Don't leave insincere promises in your Pre-Pub order list. There is no excuse for it anymore. (Formerly we could plead, "I will lose the savings potential if I cancel my wishlist.")


    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Kevin Becker
    Kevin Becker Member Posts: 5,604 ✭✭✭

    There is one possible hole in your plan, slow moving pre-pubs. Say you place an order for a Prepub, freeze the price, and then cancel it... if that book has not entered development by June 2011 and you canceled it then it is possible that you would be unable to maintain the lowest possible price. Otherwise I think your plan is feasible.

  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    To Robert:

    I don't want to disturb you with this thought but you can experience a great financial change (in either direction) within the next 8 months. You could receive a huge inheritance from a loved one's passing, or you could suffer a long hospitalization that consumes all your financial resources. I'm also not suggesting you commit to additional purchases or that you cancel your current commitments. My plan is nothing more than preserving the extension of the purchase opportunity. I do believe if everybody would follow the last two steps Logos would have better data to draw on when deciding what projects to push first.


    I realize what you are saying but i"m just gonna stick with "buy what you can afford, and nothing more" and If I get a huge inheritance, well then I'm happy to buy at full price...and If sweat there either... :)


    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki:

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Say you place an order for a Prepub, freeze the price, and then cancel it... if that book has not entered development by June 2011 and you canceled it then it is possible that you would be unable to maintain the lowest possible price. Otherwise I think your plan is feasible.

    Hmmm. VERY good observation. Dan Pritchett said anything not entered into a purchase transaction will be totally wiped from the snap shot file when the offer expires the end of June. I do not know if Logos will offer to reinstate those items to our Pre-Pub orders at the frozen price on June 30, 2011 but we can not bank on it.  I guess If you are not 100% committed to wait out the development stage with it on your order form, you can always put a new order back in for whatever price is current.

    Really good call. Well, at least of the rest of the plan is feasible.  [:D]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    With all due respect to all those who have posted, I consider a commitment to purchase a pre-pub as my word that I intend to make that purchase. It may not be legally binding and Dan's gesture of goodwill toward those who have been sitting on a large dollar amount that cannot afford to fulfill those commitments all at one time is generous. However, if I give my word to make a purchase with the intent of cancelling a portion of those purchases then IMHO I am not returning the same goodwill that has been extended. For me it would be an ethical problem.

    As Robert said, I will buy what I can afford and if that means I miss a pre-pub price because I cannot afford it, I will either do without it or pay full price later on. If I have pre-pubs and experience some sort of financial setback that prevents me from making a purchase I have committed to, I will cancel my order and purchase it  when I can afford it.

    Not trying to start anything, or judge anyone else with this post, simply stating something I am not sure has been considered.   

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I encourage everyone to carefully read Dan's offer.

    Dan requires you to delete all Pre-Pub items you can not afford on the anticipated ship date. Neither Dan, nor Bob, nor my little self are asking you to inflate your order sheets. The "snap shot" is nothing more than a coupon to extend the current Pre-Pub sale prices through June 2011.

    Bob quickly responded to the wails from people who patiently waited for Pre-Pubs and were caught by the flood of October releases. The people begged for a balanced release so they could afford what they had already given their word to purchase.

    Bob responded within 4 hours and promised to broker a solution while preserving the integrity of the Pre-Pub plan. The offer posted by Dan is the win-win answer to the needs of Logos and the user base. Nobody has to accept the extension. Just don't anyone complain if they don't take Logos up on it.

    Lastly, whether or not you do the snapshot, you owe it to Bob & the Development team to only carry Pre-Pub orders on your account that you honestly intend to buy.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Alain Maashe
    Alain Maashe Member Posts: 390 ✭✭

    With all due respect to all those who have posted, I consider a commitment to purchase a pre-pub as my word that I intend to make that purchase. It may not be legally binding and Dan's gesture of goodwill toward those who have been sitting on a large dollar amount that cannot afford to fulfill those commitments all at one time is generous. However, if I give my word to make a purchase with the intent of cancelling a portion of those purchases then IMHO I am not returning the same goodwill that has been extended. For me it would be an ethical problem.


    Pre-pub are no different than restaurant, hotel, car rental, cruise reservations or Amazon pre-orders (to mention something in the same books selling industry). Logos did not invent this business model and experience has told them how to factor in cancellations (even at the last minute). I do not feel bad when I cancel book pre-orders at Amazon because I find a better deal, changed my mind or cannot afford it. I have the same approach to the pre-pub program. Of course, I do not do it frivolously (following Dan's post, I added only $2000 + worth of resources for a total of less than $5000 because the rest would probably never be used more than once or twice).

    I am not bound in any way by the "reservations"  I make (until the product goes live and my credit card is charged) and will probably not purchase more than half of what I have on my pre-pub page and very little of what I added (even under regular cimcunstances, I always review my pre-pubs and eliminate things I might do not really need).

    Let us not forget that Logos can opt out too. Pre-pubs can be cancelled, delayed, or modified at their discretion. There is nothing unethical when they do so.

    The bottom line is this, as long as the program is used according to the stated terms, Logos and the customer have a lot of freedom and everyone benefits.


    As long as both customer and Logos understand how the process works, there is nothing unethical when customers take advantage of the program (without abusing it with frivolous orders designed to confuse the data Logos receives).


  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    As long as both customer and Logos understand how the process works, there is nothing unethical when customers take advantage of the program (without abusing it with frivolous orders designed to confuse the data Logos receives).

    That is probably where the breakdown happened. Logos did not see a problem releasing 100 titles in one month. We buyers never dreamed we would have 30 titles coming due in one month. There was no mutual understanding.

    I don't want to get in to which guy's ethics are better.....We all know mine are the best. [:P]    I just wanted to encourage my fellow Logos users to take advantage of Dan's offer without experiencing actual or perceived guilt for doing so.

    I still say, the closer to reality we keep our Pre-Pub list, the better it will work. We can save some money and afford more purchases by taking advantage of Dan's offer. And isn't that what all the moaning was about the last week?

    I just had a particularly trying month in the budget arena. The sudden flood of product releases caught me off-guard. I had to drastically cut back on the Pre-Pubs I had intended to buy because of hospitalization and other large layouts.  I can honestly tell you Dan salvaged many of my lost sales by this plan. I can even plan on getting the Göttingen Septuagint (65 Vols.)  

    It would be a shame for others to miss out because they did not look at the offer. That is the only reason I posted this thread. I don't really question anyone's ethics or right of self-determination here.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    I don't want to get in to which guy's ethics are better.....We all know mine are the best

    [:D] MEMVP (most ethical mvp)

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,764

    With all due respect to all those who have posted, I consider a commitment to purchase a pre-pub as my word that I intend to make that purchase.

    I agree. I had almost responded to the OP but decided he was trying to be funny and his sense of humor didn't match mine. The thought that he might be serious didn't enter my mind.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    It is becoming obvious to me nobody carefully read what Dan said in his offer and nobody is carefully reading what I am saying in the post. If that is really the case, it is just as well nobody take advantage of the generous extension Dan is genuinely offering.

    Bob Pritchett already has the statistics on what percentage each of us defaults on following through on our Pre-Pub commitments. If you don't "snap shot and delete", Bob will know to ignore that % of your good intentions. If you do "snap shot and delete",  Bob will know he can count on what you leave in your order sheet as something you really want.  And Bob can see who did or did not "snap shot and delete."

    My snippet of my Pre-Pub order page is not some fabricated image. It is genuine. I am now responsibly deleting things I do not want shipped during the balance of October ($3000+ so already)    Present snippet:   image     

    While everyone else either takes a big hit this month (& continues their complaining) or cancels and pays full price later, I am holding a rain-check that says I can buy it after my daughter's upcoming wedding, and after Christmas and still enjoy the Pre-Pub price. Does anyone understand this?

    Also, it is not dishonest to pay a cheap price for a good thing if the Seller knows how generous he has set his selling price. Bob & Dan know they are being generous. They want their customers to be happy.

    I'm determined to be one of those happy customers!  [:D] [:)] [:P] [;)]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Paul Strickert
    Paul Strickert Member Posts: 335 ✭✭

    I'm with Matthew C. Jones on this one.  He's just trying to explain how to take Dan Pritchett up on his offer.  Nothing more.  Why give him such a hard time?  Geesh!  Lighten up, people! 

  • Steve Maling
    Steve Maling Member Posts: 737 ✭✭

    I agree with Fred Chapman's post - when I sign up for a pre-pub, I've given my word t Logos.

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I agree with Fred Chapman's post - when I sign up for a pre-pub, I've given my word t Logos.

    I don't think anybody understands this whole thread. Here is what Dan said:

    Fill up your Pre-Pub cart with as many titles as you want. "All of them" if you want... 

    Once they assure you that they have a full record of your entire
    cart, locked in at the best price you were able to grab, and that they
    have made notes on your account, you should begin deleting all the
    orders that you can't afford at this time.

    Any time after the Pre-Pubs that you originally ordered shipped, you
    may call your sales rep. and ask them to place your order. You may even
    combine products onto orders and even use the payment plan.

    All orders must be placed before the end of June 2011. You may hold
    off all ordering until the very last day and then add them all up onto
    one big payment plan for 12 months if you like, but starting July, we
    will wipe out all records and holds for this program, and it will

    I am only doing what Dan said I have to do to receive the generous offer. The extension of the Pre-Pub prices is conditional. You are not entitled to get those good prices after ship date unless you have complied with Dan's instructions. (It is so hard to not use a theological analogy here. [6] )

    If I announced I had just received a coupon booklet in the mail with 100 tickets good for buying one recent release at the Pre-Pub price and they are good any time through June, everybody would say, "Where is my coupon booklet?"  This thread is essentially the same thing. I did not originate the idea, Logos did. And a fabulous idea it is! I am just trying to share the good news with everyone.


    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    image                                                           image                            

    Still deleting, like Dan requires.   [;)]                       10:03 pm and still complying with Dan's offer  [|-)]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539 ✭✭

    I'm with Matthew on this. The key advantage of Dan's incredible offer is that I can now afford to purchase from Logos a lot more than I could previously. That is a clear win-win situation.

    I'm starting with a more modest initial list of around $15,000 (since I typically only purchase academic and scholarly titles), but I'm also being uncompromising about deleting responsibily.

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,764

    Why give him such a hard time? 

    On my part it is lack of imagination - I can't imagine that anyone would actually be interested in all the titles and even less imagination that anyone would actually use them all. Okay, I can imagine the latter if someone is doing their thesis on how many times certain phrase occur in Logos resources and the distribution of those resources over time as an indicator of the makeup of Logos users and the effects of Logos resource distribution on their research. Now I only have to image a discipline for the thesis to be presented in - sociology perhaps?[:P]

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    [quote]Why give him such a hard time?

    I didn't give him a hard time...I don't think that disagreeing with someone is "giving them a hard time" just as you just disagreed with many here, I didn't take offense at it...I just noted that you are of a different biggie.

    I don't  have any emotional investment in what Matthew does with his money...I merely pointed out that although Dan was generous, I'd just keep buying as I have....which is what I can afford and no more.

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki:

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    On my part it is lack of imagination - I can't imagine that anyone would actually be interested in all the titles and even less imagination that anyone would actually use them all.

    Only four of my 13 kids have left home so far. But the "over 18s" have already racked up one Masters degree, 2 Bachelors, and 4 more yrs of undergraduate work amongst them. I have a 10 yr old studying string theory (and comprehending it, I kid you not.) My children throw theological questions at me I never got from fellow church board members. I have preached from the pulpit and taught at every age level. I wish I had owned Logos resources for every time I did. I'm just a lay person who likes using the best tools.

    Ask a Pro why he spends so much on the tools of his trade.  I own Klein electrical tool kit # 33527 .     imageAnd I did not pay $1600 for it.

    I will also enjoy another bunch of Logos resources for discounted prices too. It is sad nobody else will be saving money on these 446 resources through June 2011.

    I will let Rosie take it from here on why buy $3000 of resources in one month. [8-)]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I'd just keep buying as I have....which is what I can afford and no more.

    I'm still fine with someone choosing to pay more for something than they have to. (As long as it is not my wife   [^o)]  )

    The reality here (no hyperbole) is the absolute best price you are going to get from a Logos Sales Rep will be more than a 10% markup from the Pre-Pub price. Many times it is much greater an increase, closer to 15%.

    I have created my own little stack of "Logos Dollars." I have 446 of them. Every purchase I make from the list of 446 choices I will enjoy approximately a 15% savings. If Dan wrote you a 15% rebate check next July on all purchases you make from that list of 446 titles, would you be smiling? If you buy $1000 worth of these titles and comply with Dan't requirements, you will save $150.   How much did you spend on Logos last year? Would not a 15% rebate of that be cool? Most people probably don't realize Dan's offer applies to EVERYTHING currently on the Pre-Pub page, so long as you get that "snap shot" of it. So whatever you buy after ship date Robert, will cost Matthew 15% less.  [6]

    Just snap shot those titles you really wish you could get. Then if Grandmom gives you a Birthday check you can make it go further. Grandmom would be happy about that. Stewardship? [:-*]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I am getting there. image

    When you do the small stuff in the add or remove process, it gets bogged down. Anyone doing this will have to decide if a 15% savings is worth the effort on a $30 title . In my case it is.  [C]   My local bistro gives me free refills and wireless with my Gold card.  Since I am retired I have the time and need the savings.

    Edit, addendum: I have completed the deletion process! I will not post a final snippet but I will say my Pre-Pub order page is only populated by product that I am committed to purchasing and would like to see come to publication sooner rather than later. No "wish list" stuff, no "maybe/maybe not" stuff. The financial commitment is reasonable and realistic. I have reviewed each title on the list and know I want them and will use them.

    Oh, I still have a stack of "Logos Dollars" I will be saving money with. I estimate the effort I invested gives a return rate calculated to a handsome tax-free wage of $100 per hour. Not bad for sipping coffee. [C]    

    Thanks Dan.      Thanks Bob.     Thanks Dave Kaplan.      [G]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539 ✭✭

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • Chris Thompson
    Chris Thompson Member Posts: 132 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    On my part it is lack of imagination - I can't imagine that anyone would actually be interested in all the titles and even less imagination that anyone would actually use them all.

    Only four of my 13 kids have left home so far.


    Maybe you should do a search in Logos to see if you can determine what is causing all those kids. [:P]

    i can only hope that you MVPs keep your cat fight going, so us commoners can talk amongst ourselves, without being interrupted. [:P]

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Abi Gail said:

    Maybe you should do a search in Logos to see if you can determine what is causing all those kids. Stick out tongue

    Verse 3 in each of these Psalms says it all for me.

    Psalm 127

    1.  Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
    2.  It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
    3.  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
    4.  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
    5. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

    Psalm 128

    1.  Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways.
    2.  For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
    3.  Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.
    4.  Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the LORD.
    5.  The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
    6.  Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel.

    ditching the tv set helps [:P]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I'm starting with a more modest initial list of around $15,000 (since I typically only purchase academic and scholarly titles), but I'm also being uncompromising about deleting responsibily.

    Academic collections are where a Gold mine in savings can be realized.

    Since you are an academically focused Logos user you already know by now the extremely high prices of current academic publications. You can spend several hundred dollars on just one current edition academic textbook. The Pre-Pub prices for recent copyright collections from T&T Clark/Sheffield are discounted around 85%. If you can see the value of assembling an extensive library of these titles, do a "snap shot" and file it away. You will then have the option to buy them next June if there aren't more needful resources coming out then. It is one way an impoverished seminary student can save money and read some interesting scholarship.

    Here is a typical example:
    Hebrew Studies Collection (7 Vols.)

    There are a lot of such academic collections currently in Pre-Pub.

    ($15,000? I guess not all Academics are impoverished seminary students. [8-|] )

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Paul Strickert
    Paul Strickert Member Posts: 335 ✭✭

    To Robert:  I don't think I had anyone specifically in mind.  [:)]  It was more of a reaction to the general "drift" of the conversation. 

  • Ted Hans
    Ted Hans MVP Posts: 3,173

    Hi Matthew,

    Help me to understand your action: why are you deleting so much? Why don't you just delete the items shipping? I have taken snap shots of my Pre-Pub page account and got my sales rep to do likewise(that means I am locked in at the Pre-Pub price. My sales rep have the record and I also have a record). Why not just take a snap shot of your pre-pub and get a sales rep to do likewise and just delete items that are shipping that you cannot afford? If I am understanding your action by the decrees of the figure amount in dollars, you seem to be deleting items that are not shipping. Why,I am just curious?



    Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ

  • Edwin Bowden
    Edwin Bowden Member Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭

    Dave Kaplan is a legend. The one and only.

    Agreed! [Y]

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭


    Ted Hans said:

    why are you deleting so much? Why don't you just delete the items shipping?


    Good question. I have several good answers for.

    1) My plan is designed to maximize the savings potential of Dan Pritchett's offer. It was tiresome clicking 446 different titles into my account. Really you only have to do those titles you have mild interest in. Anything you KNOW you won't buy, spare yourself the effort and just skip it. Since I did 98% of the whole Pre-Pub list, I now have an extended opportunity to buy each of them but no obligation. By deleting them now I help maintain the reliability of the statistics Bob Pritchett collects from the Pre-Pub orders. I suspect Bob and Dan spent a little time discussing this "delete" step for just that reason.
    2) I understood it was a condition of Dan's offer. Dan said "delete." It could be it was the selling point to CEO Bob. I was not privy to the development of this plan.
    3) If you have $33K on Pre-Pub and land in the hospital 4 days, your bank account could be depleted quickly with releases. Unless you let your wife into your Logos account to delete them. [:S]`    It is easier to have my salesman process my order after ship date than worry about a huge hit when I'm not looking. Dan even offers the option of a bundled payment plan as late as next June. This option is only available with the help of a sales rep.
    4)I know what I can personally afford over the next 8 months. the "snap shots" are there in case I find I can afford additional resources. To carry $12K on the active sheet tells Bob I will buy all of them when reality says it is not likely. My current list comprises the titles I will sacrifice greatly to purchase.

    If you load up your Pre-Pub pae to obtain a snap shot, delete them after they have served the purpose. You won't lose anything if you & Logos Sales have secured it all in the "snap shot."

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Ted Hans
    Ted Hans MVP Posts: 3,173

    Edit, addendum: I have completed the deletion process! I will not post a final snippet but I will say my Pre-Pub order page is only populated by product that I am committed to purchasing and would like to see come to publication sooner rather than later. No "wish list" stuff, no "maybe/maybe not" stuff. The financial commitment is reasonable and realistic. I have reviewed each title on the list and know I want them and will use them.

    Oh, I still have a stack of "Logos Dollars" I will be saving money with. I estimate the effort I invested gives a return rate calculated to a handsome tax-free wage of $100 per hour. Not bad for sipping coffee. Coffee    

    Thanks Dan.      Thanks Bob.     Thanks Dave Kaplan.      Gift

    Okay, now I get it Matthew. I did not see/missed your addendum which explains the reason for your action. It makes sense, Blessing.



    Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ

  • Ted Hans
    Ted Hans MVP Posts: 3,173


    Ted Hans said:

    why are you deleting so much? Why don't you just delete the items shipping?


    Good question. I have several good answers for.

    1) My plan is designed to maximize the savings potential of Dan Pritchett's offer. It was tiresome clicking 446 different titles into my account. Really you only have to do those titles you have mild interest in. Anything you KNOW you won't buy, spare yourself the effort and just skip it. Since I did 98% of the whole Pre-Pub list, I now have an extended opportunity to buy each of them but no obligation. By deleting them now I help maintain the reliability of the statistics Bob Pritchett collects from the Pre-Pub orders. I suspect Bob and Dan spent a little time discussing this "delete" step for just that reason.
    2) I understood it was a condition of Dan's offer. Dan said "delete." It could be it was the selling point to CEO Bob. I was not privy to the development of this plan.
    3) If you have $33K on Pre-Pub and land in the hospital 4 days, your bank account could be depleted quickly with releases. Unless you let your wife into your Logos account to delete them.   It is easier to have my salesman process my order after ship date than worry about a huge hit when I'm not looking. Dan even offers the option of a bundled payment plan as late as next June. This option is only available with the help of a sales rep.
    4)I know what I can personally afford over the next 8 months. the "snap shots" are there in case I find I can afford additional resources. To carry $12K on the active sheet tells Bob I will buy all of them when reality says it is not likely. My current list comprises the titles I will sacrifice greatly to purchase.

    If you load up your Pre-Pub pae to obtain a snap shot, delete them after they have served the purpose. You won't lose anything if you & Logos Sales have secured it all in the "snap shot."

    Thanks Matthew for taking the time to respond. I now see the LIGHT[:)] Sorry I missed you addendum from your previous post. I can see you have really thought through this. Kind regards.



    Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ

  • Jonathan Burke
    Jonathan Burke Member Posts: 539 ✭✭

    Academic collections are where a Gold mine in savings can be realized.

    Since you are an academically focused Logos user you already know by now the extremely high prices of current academic publications. You can spend several hundred dollars on just one current edition academic textbook. The Pre-Pub prices for recent copyright collections from T&T Clark/Sheffield are discounted around 85%. If you can see the value of assembling an extensive library of these titles, do a "snap shot" and file it away. You will then have the option to buy them next June if there aren't more needful resources coming out then. It is one way an impoverished seminary student can save money and read some interesting scholarship.

    Yes indeed. I do have the Hebrew Studies Collection locked in, and anything from T&T Clark/Sheffield. I already purchased Hermeneia, and I have the Anchor Yale Reference Library, Migne, and EEC locked in as well.

    Win 7 x64 | Core i7 3770K | 32GB RAM | GTX 750 Ti 2GB | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (system) | Crucial m4 256GB SSD (Logos) | WD Black 1.5 TB (storage) | WD Red 3 TB x 3 (storage) | HP w2408h 24" | First F301GD Live 30"

  • Pat Flanakin
    Pat Flanakin Member Posts: 255 ✭✭

    Concerning ethics in general:

    1 Cor. 2:11 - For who knows a person’s thoughts qexcept the spirit of that person, which is
    in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit
    of God.

    My suggestion is let Logos filter the ethics of business dealings and what they miss, God will handle.

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Concerning ethics

    I am happy Dan Pritchett has commented further on his October Pre-Pub offer.

    I apologize to everybody for a literal reading of Dan's initial post here  without understanding the dynamic equivalence and the socio-rhetorical backgrounds. I've stated in other threads I believe the creator has the final say in how the created is to function. "Dan'd Plan" is exactly just that, Dan's. I was out of bounds to start this thread. I came to this conclusion using discourse analysis. {See? Logos can teach an old dog new tricks!}

    "Ethical": My use of the word and working out of the details in Matthew's MegaPlan had nothing to do with "Let's see how far we can bend the rules and rip-off Logos."  I mistakenly believed Dan's offer represented a sales strategy that lowers the bar to allow more people to purchase Pre-Pubs. (I still believe it could generate profits that will otherwise be unrealized. But that doesn't matter) The "ethics" I was championing were to keep your Pre-Pub order commitments as best as you can. How you do that is between you & Logos (and God.) Matt 5:37    I won't try to be anyone's conscience and I apologize for raising the issue at all.

    I will stick to resource referrals. I don't usually get in trouble doing that.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition