BUG: Newly applied highlighting takes up to 10-15 seconds to appear, 100% CPU
Stuart Robertson said:
How do I enable logging...? I've scanned the forums (briefly) but cannot find how to enable logging on Mac.
Logos 4 Mac => Complete Machine Crash (random shutdown) thread includes:
Wiki Mac Troubleshooting => How to Report Bugs in Logos 4 Mac includes link to 5504.Logos4MacLogging.app.zip (display logging setting, then optionally change); also links to Logos Log Scribe (create zip file of Logging folder with copy of console messages)
Personally scan forums quickly (so can copy and paste reply).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks to both of you! You learn something new every day... :-)
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Attached is a log file created by Logos Log Scribe. Procedure was as follows:
- Closed Logos and restarted, holding down Command key, then clicked "Sign-in" button and released Command key
- Selected a single word ("life") in ESV Bible pane and pressed "B" (the shortcut I've assigned to a "Bold" formatting style). Took close on 12 seconds to apply the "bold" formatting, with CPU (1 core) maxed out.
- Then I right-clicked on the word "life" and selected "Remove annotations". It took about 9 seconds to finally remove the formatting (again maxing out one CPU core)
- Exited Logos
- Created a log file "bundle" using Logos Log Scribe.
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Stuart Robertson said:
Attached is a log file created by Logos Log Scribe. Procedure was as follows:
Looking at Logos4.log file, noticed process number 57335 that shows 57,334 processes have started since last Mac OS X restart. Unfortunately, Logos 4 Mac has a Windows penchant about restarting Mac periodically (only way to clear some memory leakage issues). Logos4.log file also has several messages about Unsupported and Supported window creation. Near end of Logos4.log file is an Unsupported window creation followed by warnings: "Could not find Note for note ID ####"
Wonder if restarting Mac changes time to apply and remove "bold" formatting with text size of 18.67:
- Enable diagnostic logging. can use 5504.Logos4MacLogging.app.zip or Mac Diagnostic Logging terminal steps
- Restart Mac
- Launch Logos 4.5 Beta 3
- Click sync arrows, wait for arrows to stop spinning
- Selected a single word ("life") in ESV Bible (John 10:12) and press "B" (shortcut), note elapsed time and CPU usage
- Right click on "life" to remove annotations, noting elapsed time and CPU usage
- Exit Logos 4.5 Beta 3
- Use Logos Log Scribe
- Reply and attach archive along with elapsed times and CPU usage notes.
By the way, noticed Reverse Interlinear Rows = Surface,MSS,Lemma,Morph,Strong's (in New Testament, personally prefer Louw-Nida over Strong's for pop-up with semantic contextual range of word meaning). Observation: in John 1:9, νομή has one Strong's number (3542) and two Louw-Nida Numbers (1.98 and 84.1) that correspond with translations: "pasture" (John 1:9) and "spread" (2 Timothy 2:17).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Followed the procedure above (including restarting Mac, etc) to a T. Resulting log is attached.5808.LogosLogs Stuart Robertson 20111023-203411.gz
Times are actually worse. It took 15.2 seconds (as close as my stopwatch and reflexes can capture) to apply a "bold" highlight to the single word "life" in John 10:15 and it took 13.7 seconds to remove the highlight. Before I started the test all 4 CPU cores (viewed using iStat Menu's CPU display) were running at 0 or 1% load. Once I applied the highlight one of the CPU cores jumped to 100% load and stayed their until the highlight was finally applied and the screen repainted (that is, bold text appears). Removing the highlight resulted in two cores running at full load (average CPU load for Logos reported 187% by iStat Menus). I think the doubled CPU for Logos (normally only one core hits 100% when applying highlight) was caused by syncing, as I noticed that the sync arrows started spinning after I applied the bold highlight and were still spinning when I clicked "remove annotation".
In case no one believes this performance is truly as bad as it is, I'm happy to create a video and upload it to You Tube (I did this in the past - see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWhVwXzRBIs). I'll happily create another video, if need be, in the hope that someone at Logos will try to fix this.
It's so bad that I cannot use any formatting at all. As I read my Bible (using Logos) I often wish to highlight and mark up the Bible, but this bug (which I first reported on 12-December-2010, more than 10 months ago - see page 1 of this bug) makes marking up the Bible basically impossible and completely kills the battery.
A bug like this should not still be hanging around after 10.5 months... should it?
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Stuart ~ I've provided your recent logs to development. Apparently the problem had been resolved as you mentioned earlier with one of the 4.3 betas, and is now back again for you in the 4.5 beta. Many optimizations were made for Beta 3 and more continue to be made during this beta cycle.
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Hi Melissa,
Any idea when this might be prioritized and fixed? It is a somewhat crippling bug, no?
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Stuart Robertson said:
Hi Melissa,
Any idea when this might be prioritized and fixed? It is a somewhat crippling bug, no?
It is a high priority and developers continue to work on it. Did you see any improvement with Beta 4?
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Stuart Robertson said:
No. Unfortunately not.
If the same delay is still present in Beta 5, please let us know whether it is resolved when Beta 6 is released and installed.
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I'm not sure what, if any, work was done on this bug in 4.5 beta 7 but applying a highlight now takes around 3-5 seconds (still maxes out one CPU core, unfortunately). This may be because I'm running offline at present. Any word from Logos confirming that this has been looked at will be appreciated (there's nothing in release notes for recent betas that indicates this has been attended to).
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Stuart Robertson said:
I'm not sure what, if any, work was done on this bug in 4.5 beta 7
There was a case regarding this issue resolved for 4.5 Beta 6. When an issue cannot be reproduced in-house, we tend not to close the case or include it in the release notes until the customer who reported the issue has confirmed that the issue has been fixed/improved (that's what Melissa was getting at with her post just previous to yours. [:)] ) The Mac-specific issues have been cleared up, so highlighting performance should be similar on comparable Mac/Windows machines. There is still another open case for highlighting performance improvement, in general.