Translation Priority within a Translation

Jerry M
Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Just a tidbit for what it's worth.  If you regularly use more than one English translation of the Bible, you can go to your library and set advanced prioritization for a certain translation and where it says apply only to under   from this resource    set it to the same translation.  So for example with prioritize selected in your library and under ESV, where it would at first read from this resource, it now reads ESV.   What this does is that if you are in a different translation than your prioritized version and you hover over a Bible reference it will be in that same translation.  If you click on that hyperlink it will open that Bible reference in that same translation rather than your preferred translation.  Without doing this advanced priority setting if you click on that reference and your preferred translation isn't even open, it will open it.  If this isn't clear I (or someone else) will post screen shots.    

"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents


  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    Very good tip!!

    Thank you for posting that.

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki:

  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    All this did was to open up my NEXT prioritized bible when i hovered over a link....!

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki:

  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    All this did was to open up my NEXT prioritized bible when i hovered over a link....!

    Oh, I have from time to time posted things before completely testing them.  Thanks for the correction.

    "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    In order to get this to work as advertised, you'll need to add two entries for each Bible into your prioritisation list. The entries with advanced prioritisation set must be above the ordinary entries. <edit>Rather illogically, entries can be anywhere in the list</edit>. To save time, your most prioritised Bible doesn't need a second entry.

    You also need to watch that Logos doesn't delete your first entry when you add your second (it deletes duplicate entries, at least in the latest beta). So set your advanced priorities before adding the second entry.


    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    In order to get this to work as advertised, you'll need to add two entries for each Bible into your prioritisation list

    This is so bizarre.

    I haven't yet mastered prioritization nor taken the time to set mine up completely the way I'd want it, but this tip is useful. That has always bugged me about hovering over cross-references in other Bible versions. So thanks!

  • LaRosa Johnson
    LaRosa Johnson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    This is a useful tip! [y]

    Urban Scholar - 
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  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    This is so bizarre

    It's actually quite logical.

    Click a link in Bible3 Click a link in a commentary
    Bibles in PL once Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Unsurprisingly, that's Bible1, so it displays that. Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Again, that's Bible1, so it displays that.
    Bibles in PL once (advncd set) Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible.
    Because of advanced prioritisation Bible1 only works in Bible1, so that's ignored, as is Bible2. But advanced prioritisation allows Bible3
    from within Bible3, so Bible3 displays.
    Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Because of advanced prioritisation
    Bible1 only works in Bible1, so that's ignored, as is Bible2, as is Bible3 and so on. It gets to the end of the list and still hasn't found a Bible it's allowed to use, so it just uses Logos' default.
    Bibles in PL twice As above Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible.
    Bible1 only works in Bible1, so that's ignored, as is Bible2, as is Bible3 and so on. But then it comes to the second list of Bibles, without advanced prioritisation. It's allowed to use the first of these (Bible1) and does so.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Good job Mark. [Y]

    The idea of having the same Bible displayed in the pop-ups of that Bible sounds very interesting. I am going to play with it a little bit.


  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is so bizarre

    It's actually quite logical.

    Click a link in Bible3 Click a link in a commentary
    Bibles in PL once Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Unsurprisingly, that's Bible1, so it displays that. Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Again, that's Bible1, so it displays that.
    Bibles in PL once (advncd set) Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Because of advanced prioritisation Bible1 only works in Bible1, so that's ignored, as is Bible2. But advanced prioritisation allows Bible3 from within Bible3, so Bible3 displays. Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Because of advanced prioritisation Bible1 only works in Bible1, so that's ignored, as is Bible2, as is Bible3 and so on. It gets to the end of the list and still hasn't found a Bible it's allowed to use, so it just uses Logos' default.
    Bibles in PL twice As above Logos goes to the priority list, and works down until it finds a Bible. Bible1 only works in Bible1, so that's ignored, as is Bible2, as is Bible3 and so on. But then it comes to the second list of Bibles, without advanced prioritisation. It's allowed to use the first of these (Bible1) and does so.

    Ah, thanks for that explanation. Now I understand prioritization better! This should be added to the wiki under Prioritizing. Actually the Prioritizing section of the Library page has gotten so long and complex that it should be moved out to its own page. I know Steve has not wanted to split that page up because of bookmarks from elsewhere that link in to it, so I'd suggest leaving the Prioritizing section in the Library page but moving all of its contents to a new page and leaving behind just a link to the new page. Steve, what do you think? Are you reading this? I'd be glad to do the work if you're OK with it.

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    I know Steve has not wanted to split that page up because of bookmarks from elsewhere that link in to it, so I'd suggest leaving the Prioritizing section in the Library page but moving all of its contents to a new page and leaving behind just a link to the new page. Steve, what do you think?


    Yes, i have considered that. But it might be frustrating to others when a link takes them to Prioritize under the Library page, only to find another link to another Prioritize page. Also there are several links within the Prioritize area which are linked within the Library page, these would be broken and would be really ugly to the user to be jumping between a new Prioritize page and the Library page.

    I would suggest for the time being, let me create a copy of the Prioritze section into an new wiki page. While leaving the original in place in the Library page. i don't think having 2 copies would be a real issue. We could always make minor cross-links in the original to new sub-sections in the new page.

    What say you?

    EDIT: have copied the sub-section over to Prioritizing


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    In Wikipedia, complex subjects often have subheadings which explain a subject briefly, but have a prominent link to see more detail in a separate article. I've always thought that was an excellent model: for one example.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    Now I have ESV and NET Bible 3 times prioritized each and it works perfect in both general way (ESV is my #2 and NET is #3 Bible) and it also works perfect in the particular Bible as well as in the ESV Study Bible Notes (ESV) and in the NET Bible Notes (NET Bible) Great idea. Thanks.



  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭

    In Wikipedia, complex subjects often have subheadings which explain a subject briefly, but have a prominent link to see more detail in a separate article. I've always thought that was an excellent model: for one example.


    i already copied over the sub-section to a new wiki page Prioritizing. Whom ever wants to make adjustments and bring it up to full working level can do so. Then perhaps make the adjustments in the Prioritize section of the Library page to fit what you are suggesting.


    QLinks, Bibl2, LLR, Macros
    Dell Insp 17-5748, i5, 1.7 GHz, 8G RAM, win 8.1

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, i have considered that. But it might be frustrating to others when a link takes them to Prioritize under the Library page, only to find another link to another Prioritize page.

    That would only be an issue for old threads on the forum, because any links to the Prioritize section from the wiki we can update to point directly to the new page. And once people realize there's a new Prioritize page, if they're writing up instructions on the forum and sending people to go read it, they can use the new link.

    I would suggest for the time being, let me create a copy of the Prioritze section into an new wiki page. While leaving the original in place in the Library page. i don't think having 2 copies would be a real issue.

    It's a tolerable compromise, but I am always wary about having two identical copies of the same material in two places, because if anyone edits one, they have to remember to edit the other one in exactly the same way or the two sections will begin to diverge. Humans being subject to human frailty as we are, we never remember to keep two things in sync like that manually. So readers will wonder which one is correct; in some areas it might be one, while in other areas it might be the other. Wiki pages can't really ever be viewed as static finished products. The software might continue evolving, and we'll have to keep up with it on the wiki.

    I think we'll be able to delete the duplicate info in the Library page after a few weeks of having them both up and running. The Library page is so slow to load currently.

    EDIT: have copied the sub-section over to Prioritizing

    Thanks for doing that.

  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    and it also works perfect in the particular Bible as well as in the ESV Study Bible Notes (ESV) and in the NET Bible Notes (NET Bible)

    Thanks Bohuslav, I hadn't thought of applying the concept to study Bibles.  And to others for contributing.  Thanks also to Mark Barnes reminding us to keep our Bibles prioritized, your comments are always warmly received.

    "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents

  • steve clark
    steve clark Member Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭
  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Member Posts: 1,680 ✭✭✭

    "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"      Wiki Table of Contents

  • Ron Corbett
    Ron Corbett Member Posts: 860 ✭✭✭

    I may be stretching this too far [or may not have set it up right yet] but I have JPS Commentaries set to Lexham Hebrew Interlinear and a book on the Septuagint set to open the LXX Interlinear. I am getting my Prioritized Bible (ESV). Do I need to move these Prioritized Resources ABOVE the ESV for it to work? Or am I taking this in a wrong direction?

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    You have to put advanced (restricted) Bible prioritisations first, followed by general prioritisations like ESV - see Mark's example List above. That way the ESV is still #1 for other resources.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    I may be stretching this too far [or may not have set it up right yet] but I have JPS Commentaries set to Lexham Hebrew Interlinear and a book on the Septuagint set to open the LXX Interlinear. I am getting my Prioritized Bible (ESV). Do I need to move these Prioritized Resources ABOVE the ESV for it to work? Or am I taking this in a wrong direction?

    Rather counter-intuitively, you don't need to move advanced prioritisations to the top (see the earlier correction to my post, above). It looks like resources with advanced prioritisation trump those with ordinary prioritisation, even when they're lower in the list.

    Anyway, to get back to your Septuagint example, you shouldn't have any difficulty:


    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • TCBlack
    TCBlack Member Posts: 10,980 ✭✭✭

    Rather counter-intuitively, you don't need to move advanced prioritisations to the top (see the earlier correction to my post, above). It looks like resources with advanced prioritisation trump those with ordinary prioritisation, even when they're lower in the list.

    It just boggles my mind why/how this would be.  The prioritization list is supposed to give top down priority and now there are exceptions?  

    I guess that means that programmatically the advanced prioritizations are all checked first - which isn't a hard rule to follow, but shouldn't it have been documented somewhere?

    Hmm Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you. 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    but shouldn't it have been documented somewhere?

    We usually discover the logic and then document it in the wiki[H]


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,477 ✭✭✭

    To me the logic of the specific first and (if not existing for the given resource) than general, looks natural. It worked this way all the time.


  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    t just boggles my mind why/how this would be.

    This has been confirmed as a bug, and fixed in 4.2a beta 6: - so, for clarity, in this case the advanced prioritised resourced should be placed above the other resources.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    A little late to the conversation but none the less I wanted to express my thanks for this information. I noticed the problem a while ago but had no idea on how to resolve the Bible link issue. Tried it and it is working perfectly.

    However, this caused me to go back into Libronix to check to see if  the same issue existed there as well, and it does. When you hover or select a link the default Bible (at the top) will always be used. Was there a work around for this as well?  I searched the forum and the wiki page but could not find any reference to this issue.

    Once again, Thaaaannnnnnkkkkkkkk Youuuuuuuuuuu so very much for this solution. 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    Garcia said:

    Once again, Thaaaannnnnnkkkkkkkk Youuuuuuuuuuu so very much for this solution. 

    Normally best to post in the Logos 3/Libronix Forum. But L3 doesn't have advanced prioritization as documented here for L4 but you can make a reference open in another bible by using the equivalent of "Send hyperlinks here".


    Windows 11 & Android 13