What will Logos 4.4 be about?

So version 4.3 was about PBB... Any guess as to what 4.4 will be about? ...handouts...?
Blessings, Fernando
Looking at voting for Logos User Voice suggestions (created 2 weeks ago), noticed
Logos 4 Mac Enhancements is now ranked 53rd with 37 votes (moved up from 133rd over past week), a possible follow-up to Suggestion for something special for the L4 Mac
Improve Logos 4 Mac Feature Parity with PC now ranked 62nd with 29 votes (moved up from 75th)
Improve Logos 4 Menu Responsiveness still ranked 84th with 16 votes (no change in 8 days)
Improve Logos 4 Mac Note Positioning now ranked 109th with 10 votes (moved up from 118th)
Please add Logos 4 Program Settings ranked 164th with 5 votes (up from 165th; no change in votes)
Logos user speculations:
Wonder about PBB enhancements, including sync across all Logos platforms (Mac, PC, iOS, & Android) along with highlighting and notes for mobile use. With PBB, wonder about improving Notes, which is now # 2 user voice suggestion => Rework notes function - in one or multiple phases (including feature parity in Logos 4 Mac along with Note positioning).
Looking at Features Coming Soon to Logos 4 wonder about sermon web site supplement and video resources.
Likewise wonder about handouts revamp, a future To Do as of 20 Jan 2011 along with other forum threads with hints of To Do list items (e.g. Logos 4 Mac feature parity) plus many more user voice suggestions.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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It's gonna be exciting!
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Some of the discussion here seems to suggest that there will be no beta testing for version 4.4 (??) [^o)]
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A clarification was just posted to the fact that there will not be a version 4.4, Logos is going straight to 4.5.
Just to clarify, there will not be a version 4.4, we are going straight to 4.5.
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I can't wait for 4.5! [O]
I guess I need patience... [A]
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Looking at voting for Logos User Voice suggestions (created 2 weeks ago), noticed
Logos 4 Mac Enhancements is now ranked 53rd with 37 votes (moved up from 133rd over past week), a possible follow-up to Suggestion for something special for the L4 Mac
Improve Logos 4 Mac Feature Parity with PC now ranked 62nd with 29 votes (moved up from 75th)
Improve Logos 4 Menu Responsiveness still ranked 84th with 16 votes (no change in 8 days)
Improve Logos 4 Mac Note Positioning now ranked 109th with 10 votes (moved up from 118th)
Please add Logos 4 Program Settings ranked 164th with 5 votes (up from 165th; no change in votes)
After couple more weeks of User Voting:
# 41 => Logos 4 Mac Enhancements with 51 votes (needs 3 more votes to move up to page 2 of top User Voice ideas)
# 54 => Improve Logos 4 Mac Feature Parity with PC with 38 votes
# 85 => Improve Logos 4 Mac Note Positioning with 16 votes
# 85 => Improve Logos 4 Menu Responsiveness with 16 votes
# 167 => Please add Logos 4 Program Settings with 5 votes
Fernando A Gonzalez said:I can't wait for 4.5!
I guess I need patience...
Anticipating Logos 4.5 Beta 1 within a month, possibly as soon as next week. Also wondering about exciting changes that prompted skipping Logos 4.4 numbering.
By the way, learned many years ago to not ask for patience, see Romans 5:1-5 (also look for faith, hope, and love).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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By the way, learned many years ago to not ask for patience, see Romans 5:1-5 (also look for faith, hope, and love).
I've heard... but have you heard John 16:33 (and James 1:2-3). [^o)]
BTW, I still crave for 4.5B1 [:)]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
BTW, I still crave for 4.5B1
LIkewise looking forward to 4.5 Beta 1 public release. Wednesday August 31st will be 4 weeks since last public Logos 4 Beta release.
Bible search for looking forward includes several verses, including Proverbs 4:25 and 1 Peter 3:11-13
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Amen. Let me contribute Heb 6:1
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
Looking at Logos 4 Beta Release Notes noticed bit over 5 weeks between Logos 4.2a and Logos 4.3 (wonder about history repeating between 4.3 and 4.5).
Wonder if Logos developers looking forward to Labor Day weekend for enjoyable time with their families, later to be followed by public Logos 4.5 Beta 1 release.
By the way, Logos 4 Mac Enhancements is now ranked 34th with 66 votes while Improve Logos 4 Mac Feature Parity with PC is now ranked 53rd with 41 votes. Perhaps Logos 4.5 Beta 1 release will include Logos User Voice suggestion status updates (e.g. started, planned).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Oh, Logos, beta me.[:'(]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
Oh, Logos, beta me.
After Melissa's response => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/36949/283322.aspx#283322 anticipating public Logos 4.5 Beta 1 later this month (perhaps Tue 20 Sep) with Notes improvement(s) that hopefully brings a smile to many Logos 4 Mac users, including Jack Caviness.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Halo Hound said:
Paul was in prison when he penned Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord Always, again I will say, Rejoice"
Bible Study exercise (from Chapter 8): Read Ephesians 1 and make a list of everything it says about you as a believer in Christ.
Bob Perdue (2008-06-12). Ten Life Choices: Recovering the Life You Were Always Meant to Live (Kindle Location 1400). Diakonia Publishing. Kindle Edition.
By the way, praying for a Logos resource => Suggestion: "10 Life Choices" by Bob Perdue (would buy Logos resource even though already have Kindle version).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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To beta or not to beta? That is the question...
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
To beta or not to beta? That is the question...
Wonder if Logos 4 Mac alternative (e.g. stable user) or backup (e.g. Time Machine) ready ? (just in case Logos 4.5 Beta's repeat buggy crashes like early 4.3 Beta's)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
Oh, Logos, beta me.
Fernando -
Thought you might like to know the little tidbit I received in another thread...
Melissa Snyder said:This will be fixed in version 4.5, which will be available for beta testing in the next couple of weeks.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Paul was in prison when he penned Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord Always, again I will say, Rejoice"
Mission accomplished :-)
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Just looking at the MAC BETA forum makes my heart ache... [U][:'(][W]
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Fernando -
I get a kick just visiting this thread to see if you are still heartbroken. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Fernando A Gonzalez said:
Just looking at the MAC BETA forum makes my heart ache...
Seems strangely quiet in comparison to many months ago. Wonder if calm before a storm ?
Thankful for Logos 4.3 usability on Mac (and PC); looking forward to more improvements (likewise miss Beta updates every couple weeks).
Knowing many mobile Logos users looking forward to highlighting and note syncing with Logos 4 plus knowing Logos has many places for Notes (whose underlying storage is changing), wonder about public Logos 4.5 Beta release(s) to verify underlying changes are working. Beta testing with several Logos 4 installations seems appropriate (including some cross platform): do highlighting and note changes sync ? Once Logos 4.5 Beta ready for release candidate, wonder about mobile app updates ?
Pondering potential for relatively short public Beta testing for this Logos development cycle. Also cognizant that replication coding and implementation lacks public beta testing viability until private testing is reliable. Public testing during middle of replication coding has potential for awful data explosion (or loss), see When Syncing Goes Bad...
Keep Smiling [:)]
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David Buckham said:
Quiet only because I am waiting and complaining just doesn't accomplish...but hey, while I'm here, here is to hoping tomorrow brings a Beta release with Handouts retooled for Mac/PC...yeah, that'd be sweet!
With Personal Book capabilities and possibilities => PBs are great when using a projector or TV not know when for handouts revamp. Wonder about potential for Logos export to docx (Personal Book) for handout customization ?
Looking at http://wiki.logos.com/Logos_4_Beta_Release_Notes seems Tuesday is preferred for Beta releases.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
Oh, Logos, beta me.
After Melissa's response => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/36949/283322.aspx#283322 anticipating public Logos 4.5 Beta 1 later this month (perhaps Tue 20 Sep) with Notes improvement(s) that hopefully brings a smile to many Logos 4 Mac users, including Jack Caviness.
Keep Smiling
After Tonya's response => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/35609/289353.aspx#289353 now anticipating public Logos 4.5 Beta 1 next month, perhaps in conjunction with Proclaim Beta on Tue 11 Oct 2011 (couple weeks), follow up to Bob Pritchett's iPhone/iPad reply today => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/38682/289428.aspx#289428
Bob Pritchett said:Things we can tell you:
- Proclaim is going into public beta October 11th, so we're shipping things that support that. (This mobile app update has support to follow Proclaim presentations.)
- The next priority is "sync v2" which enables smarter, faster, more robust annotation and highlighting, and treats highlights as notes without note text. We have to ship this on the desktop in order to deliver it to mobile, but we're working on it in parallel with Proclaim and it's not far off. We know that mobile notes and highlighting are high on everyone's list. It's taken a while, but I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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...to go from caterpillar to butterfly we need a betamorphosis...[*-)]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
...to go from caterpillar to butterfly we need a betamorphosis...
Observation: a caterpillar needs time to eat and grow before pupating (beta) precedes adult (stable) form.
Wonder if Logos cook-off's helping growth ?
By the way, caterpillars have lot more muscles than humans => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caterpillar
Keep Smiling [:)]
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This morning I open my Logos and then I see the downloader getting something, a ~77MB download, so naturally, I drop everything I was doing and scramble to get to the forums to find what I have been anticipating for so long... a description of the features of Logos 4.5beta. While trying to click on Safari, (I am so excited that my hands are trembling, I can hardly control the mouse) my mind is running, thinking of features - handouts, notes, PBB's, but my mind is confused... they had said it would still take weeks... Could it be that they want to do it earlier? After all they opened to the user community the Proclaim software today and perhaps they are so excited as well that decided to celebrate by launching their newest beta for Logos (of course I am assuming that everybody throws "beta parties" every time a new beta comes out of Logos, like I do...) I was so excited and confused...
While downloading, I finally get to the forum, and I don't see the "Tonya note" nor the "Melissa note" regarding the new beta. Obviously my confusion increases. My hopes remain alive, enough to keep my composure and see through the task of finishing the download (sorry, I assume that everyone understands what "task" I refer to here. Perhaps a little explanation is due. Everyone knows that once a download is started you don't have to do anything to complete the installation of Logos, just click on the installer "continue" button..., but I am sure that most Logos users will continue clicking on the Logos downloader icon every 4 seconds to see the progress of the download, and that is the "task": watching the download progress in "real time"). Coming back to the story... Oh what despair, to slowly realize that it is possible to have a download of about 77MB and it not be a beta update. I am trying to figure out what is it, who would have made such a cruel joke, to machiavellicaly allow a 77MB resource to be sent to the Logos users at a time when the Logos community is frantically awaiting a beta update. But NO, it cannot be, the people of Logos have a heart, I know they must be checking those updates sizes to avoid unnecessary hardships to us... We have been warned that their "sense of humor is on the dry side", but they have a heart! There must be a different explanation...
The tension, the confusion, the expectation, I can hardly breath... and the download is completed! It starts installing! Do you understand?!? it is installing an update! Can it be Logos 4.5b? Could it be that weeks had already gone by and I did not notice? I scramble the mouse to click on the "About Logos" in the Logos drop down menu and discover that I updated to the Stable L4.3 SR-4 version. I had forgotten that I set my actualization to the Stable channel and had not returned to the Beta channel. [8-)][:$][:'(]
[Disclaimer: Some of the actual actions and thoughts were changed for dramatic and artistic purposes. For example, I don't actually have a mouse, I use a trackpad.]
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Observation: Logos 4.3 SR-4 was released to Beta and Stable channels (seems appropriate for Beta channel to have latest release: either current Beta or stable Service Release).
From download size on Mac, wondered what's up ? Thankful for Personal Book fix (Hebrew word display order)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I heard somewhere that the reason we don't have a Beta today is those VHS users...[:P]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
I heard somewhere that the reason we don't have a Beta today is those VHS users...
That is funny! [Y]
http://hombrereformado.blogspot.com/ Solo a Dios la Gloria Apoyo
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My Mac is downloading a 76.6 MB file... Could it be? Last time it was such a heartbreak...[U] Could it be? YES!!!
Beta! Beta! Beta! Beta! BETA!!! [^][:D]
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Fernando A Gonzalez said:
My Mac is downloading a 76.6 MB file... Could it be? Last time it was such a heartbreak...
Could it be? YES!!!
Beta! Beta! Beta! Beta! BETA!!!
Logos 4.5 Beta 1 has a bug, so Logos 4.5 Beta 2 should be available later today. Yippee. => Beta 2 coming shortly to fix "The remote name could not be resolved" sync error
Keep Smiling [:)]