Hey! they just broke this collection up!
More splits!
From: Brill
Syriac and Scripture Collection (2 vols.).The Syriac Language of the Peshitta and Old Syriac Versions
of MatthewFrom: College
Press Theological Studies Collection (2 vols.).Thirteen Lessons in Christian Doctrine
From: Cynthia Heald
Collection (13 vols.).Becoming a Woman of Excellence
Becoming a Woman of Simplicity
Becoming a Woman Who Walks with God
0 -
These titles come from the Gender and the Bible Collection (12 vols.):
- Feminist Interpretation of the Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation
- Smooth Words: Women, Proverbs, and Performance in Biblical Wisdom
- Sexual Politics in the Biblical Narrative: Reading the Hebrew Bible as a Woman
- Are We Amused? Humour About Women In the Biblical World
- Wise, Strange and Holy: The Strange Woman and the Making of the Bible
- Gendering Wisdom the Host: Biblical Invitations to Eat and Drink
- Plotted, Shot, and Painted: Cultural Representations of Biblical Women
- Anti-Covenant: Counter-Reading Women’s Lives in the Hebrew Bible
- Fragmented Women: Feminist (Sub)versions of Biblical Narratives
- Good, the Bold, and the Beautiful: The Story of Susanna and its Renaissance Interpretations
- Woman’s Place is in the House: Royal Women of Judah and their involvement in the House of David
- Women, Ideology and Violence: The Construction of Gender in the Book of the Covenant and Deuteronomic Law
These titles come from the Christian Approaches to Contemporary Thinking Collection (6 vols.):
- Will There Be Free Will in Heaven? Freedom, Impeccability and Beatitude
- This is the Night: Suffering, Salvation, and the Liturgies of Holy Week
- Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? Wisdom in the Bible, the Church and the Contemporary World
- The Sense of the Supernatural
- The Unexpected Way: On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism
- Literary Encounters with the Reign of God
These titles come from the New Testament Textual Studies and Documents Series (3 vols.):
- The Profile Method For Classifying And Evaluating Manuscript Evidence
- Text-Critical Methodology and the Pre-Caesarean Text: Codex W in the Gospel of Mark
- The Textual History of the Letter to the Romans
These titles come from the Studies on Job Collection (4 vols.):
0 -
More individual titles available from Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.Twelve Great Chapters from the Book of Life
0 -
These titles are available from Tabletalk Magazine, 2000–2001:
0 -
More splits!
From: Thomas
Cranmer Collection (10 vols.).Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer,
vol. 1Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer,
vol. 2The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, vol. 1
The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, vol. 2
The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, vol. 3
The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, vol. 4
A Short Instruction into Christian Religion
Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation
The Life, Times, and Writings of Thomas Cranmer
From: Gorgias
Press Syriac Collection (9 vols.).The Bible in the Syriac Tradition (Syriac Version)
The Old Syriac Gospels, Studies and Comparative Translations
Lectures on the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages
The Earliest Life of Christ: The Diatessaron of Tatian
Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament
Short History of Syriac Literature
The New Testament: A Literal Translation from the Syriac
Peshitto Version0 -
More splits!
From: Virginia
Fugate Collection (2 vols.).On the Other Side of the Garden
From: The Ugaritic
Baal Cycle (2 vols.).The Ugaritic Baal Cycle: Volume I
The Ugaritic Baal Cycle: Volume II
From: Opening
Up Commentary Collection Upgrade 2 (5 vols.).From: Face2Face
Collection Upgrade (4 vols.).Daniel: Encountering the Jerusalem Exile Living in a Babylon
WorldEzra: Encountering God's Revival Man
Joseph: Encountering the Man Who Saved His People
Judas: Encountering the Betrayer of Jesus
From: Pauline
Studies Collection (10 vols.).Suffering and Ministry in the Spirit: Paul’s Defense of his
Ministry in 2 Corinthians 2:14–3:3Between Horror and Hope: Paul’s Metaphorical Language of
Death in Romans 6:1–11Parallel Lives: The Relation of Paul to the Apostles in the
Lucan PerspectivePaul and Conflict Resolution: An Exegetical Study of Paul’s
Apostolic Paradigm in 1 Corinthians 9Paul’s Understanding of the Church’s Mission
0 -
Some outstanding new individual resources...thanks, Logos!
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
0 -
More individual downloads!
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
From: Medieval
Historical Theology Collection (2 vols.).Discovering Aquinas: An Introduction to His Life, Work, and
InfluenceFrancis of Assisi: Performing the Gospel of Life
From: The
Life and Sermons of Edward D. Griffin (2 vols.).0 -
Thanks, Dana, for continuing to post these collections breakups. Breaking up is hard to do, we know. I hope that SESB 3.0 (the 52 volume version) can be broken up someday so that I can get the French Bibles that are in it.
0 -
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
0 -
fgh said:
Thanks for pointing that out! One was for the CD-ROM, but since it is now available as a download we no longer will be selling the CD-ROM so I removed it.
0 -
That may well be the fastest response I've ever had from Logos on a forum post. [:)]
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
0 -
More splits!
From: Free
Will Baptist Studies Collection (5 vols.).The Free Will Baptists in History
Free Will Baptist Minister's Manual
From: Puritan
Sermons 1659–1689 (6 vols.).Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes, vol. 1
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes, vol. 2
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes, vol. 3
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes, vol. 4
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes, vol. 5
Puritan Sermons 1659–1689 in Six Volumes, vol. 6
From: Classic
Commentaries and Studies on Genesis (22 vols.).The Book of Genesis and Part of the Book of Exodus
Exposition of the First Eleven Chapters of Genesis
Genesis Critically and Exegetically Expounded, vol. 1
Genesis Critically and Exegetically Expounded, vol. 2
The Book of Genesis, with Introduction and Notes
A Commentary on the Book of Genesis
Genesis: With a Talmudic Commentary
Creation and the Fall: A Defence and Exposition of the First
Three Chapters of GenesisA Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis
Lectures on the History of Abraham and Jacob
The Exile from Eden: Meditations on the Third Chapter of
GenesisThe Last of the Patriarchs; or Lessons from the Life of
JosephA Study of Augustine's Versions of Genesis
Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Genesis
Book of Genesis in Hebrew, with Various Readings, Notes,
Etc.0 -
More splits from Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.Guide to Christian Stewardship
Redemption Explained through Pictures & Symbols
Thirty Errors of Modern Tongues Advocates
Pioneers of the Present Reformation
Sanctification a Second Cleansing
Holy Spirit Baptism and The Second Cleansing
Can a Christian Fall from Grace?
Divine Physical Healing for You
The Kingdom of God: Time, Nature and Place
The Sabbath: Mosaic and Christian
The Spiritual Home of God's Redeemed
Twentieth Chapter of Revelation Explained
0 -
Now available for individual download! From: Focus
on the Bible Commentaries Upgrade 2 (3 vols.).Amos: An Ordinary Man with an Extraordinary Message
0 -
Splits from: Stuttgart
Electronic Study Bible (SESB), Version 3.0 (52 vols.).Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: SESB 2.0 Version with
Apparatus and WIVU IntroductionThe Greek New Testament, Fourth Revised Edition (with
apparatus)Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers (1984)
Gute Nachricht Bibel: Mit den Spätschriften des Alten Testaments
Kleines Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament: Griechisch-Deutsch
Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament: Hebräisch/Aramäisch-Deutsch
und Hebräisch/Aramäisch-EnglischBHQ with Critical Apparatus, including Minor Prophets and
ProverbsThe Gospel of Thomas (6 vols.)
Septuaginta: SESB Edition with Apparatus and Alternate Texts
0 -
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
0 -
More individual splits!
From: Focus
on the Bible Commentaries Upgrade (6 vols.).Galatians: God's Proclamation of Liberty
Ephesians: Encouragement and Joy in Christ
Focus on the Bible: Philippians
James: Wisdom for the Community
From: Focus
on the Bible Commentaries (32 vols.).Deuteronomy: The Commands of a Covenant God
Focus on the Bible: Judges & Ruth
Ruth & Esther: God Behind the Seen
1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart
2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity
1 Kings: The Wisdom and the Folly
2 Kings: The Power and the Fury
1 Chronicles: God's Faithfulness to the People of Judah
2 Chronicles: God's Blessing of His Faith People
Job: Will You Torment a Windblown Leaf?
Psalms 90–150: The Lord Reigns
Proverbs: Everyday Wisdom for Everyone
Focus on the Bible: Song of Songs
Isaiah: A Covenant to be Kept for the Sake of the Church
Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah: God's Just
DemandsHaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: God's Restored People
Matthew: Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth?
Mark: Good News from Jerusalem
Romans: Revelation of God's Righteousness
1 Corinthians: Holiness and Hope of a Rescued People
2 Corinthians: The Glories and Responsibilities of Christian
Service1 & 2 Thessalonians: Triumphs and Trials of a
Consecrated ChurchFocus on the Bible: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus
Focus on the Bible: 2 Peter & Jude
Focus on the Bible: 1, 2, & 3 John
Revelation: The Compassion and Protection of Christ
From: Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.Revelation God's Great Disclosure
The Church and the Kingdom of God
The Holy Spirit and the Charismatic Movement
The Kingdom and the Church of God
Things Which Become Sound Doctrine
About the Gift of Tongues?Why the Millennial Doctrine is Not Biblical
You Can Have a Better Sunday School
The Teachings of D. S. Warner and His Associates
0 -
Thank you Dana. I had been asking about those (Focus on the Bible Commentaries).
0 -
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
0 -
A couple individuals available from The
Essential IVP Reference Collection Version 3.0 -
More splits from Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.The Ordinances of the New Testament
Prophetic Lectures on Daniel & the Revelation
What the Bible Teaches, Condensed
Ver.Historical Geography of the Bible
How to Conduct a Sunday School
The Holy Spirit and Other Spirits
Have Ye Received the Holy Spirit Since Ye Believed
The Truth About Divorce and Remarriage
The Truth About the Millennium
0 -
Dana ... you sure are dedicated. Thank you!
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
0 -
One more from Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.0 -
More splits from Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.Ephesians: A Map to Your Incredible Future
The Miracle and Power of Blessing
The Tongues-Evidence Theory In the Light of the Scriptures
Two Hundred Genuine Instances of Divine Healing
Effective Leadership Development
The Contributions of D. O. Teasley to the Church of God
Reformation Movement0 -
I don't know how you get these split up so fast, but I'm glad you do! (Although, I'm not sure why I'm so glad...it is costing me money.)
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
0 -
[:)] More individuals from Church
of God Digital Library Collection 9.Brief Sketch of the Origin, Growth and Distinctive Doctrine
of the Church of God Reformation MovementPractical Wisdom for Everyday Living
A Bible Examination of the Book the Late Great Planet Earth
An Examination of Daniel's Prophecy
A Study of Final Election Results
Peace of Mind - A 30 Day Devotional
The Relationship Between God's Law and God's Love
The Scripture Cannot Be Broken
Standards of the Christian Dress
Biblical Answers About Baptism
How to Do Personal Work at the Altar
Praying Always with all Prayer
Preparing for Personal Revival
Study Notes on the Book of Romans
The Andrew and Timothy Program of Evangelism
The Ministry of Visitation Evangelism
The Pastor's Platform Leadership
The Ten Ates of Biblical Preaching
0 -
The following individuals from Tabletalk (Feb. 1989–Jan.
2011) (264 Issues) are now available.Tabletalk Magazine, December 1989: The Majesty of Christ
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1989: The Sacraments
Tabletalk Magazine, October 1989: Overcoming Sexual Guilt
Tabletalk Magazine, September 1989: Grace & Beauty
Tabletalk Magazine, August 1989: Guilt
Tabletalk Magazine, July 1989: Why Study Theology? Saint
AugustineTabletalk Magazine, June 1989: Prayer
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1989: Archaeology: The Stones Cry
outTabletalk Magazine, April 1989: Pleasing God
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1989: The Power of Preaching
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1989: Romans . . . The Letter
That Shook the WorldTabletalk Magazine, December 1990: In the Fullness of Time
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1990: Encountering the Holiness
of GodTabletalk Magazine, October 1990: The Hall of Science in the
School of FaithTabletalk Magazine, September 1990: Volunteerism: Loving
Your NeighborTabletalk Magazine, August 1990: Parables: Kernels of Truth
Tabletalk Magazine, July 1990: Hell?
Tabletalk Magazine, June 1990: Held Captive by Time
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1990: Abortion: A Nation Divided
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1990: The Lamb that Was Slain
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1990: The Providence of God
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1990: What Hath Gutenberg
Wrought?Tabletalk Magazine, January 1990: A New Dark Age?
Tabletalk Magazine, December 1998: What about the Jews?
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1998: Eating Their Own Tails:
Self-Defeating WorldviewsTabletalk Magazine, October 1998: Rediscovering Bach
Tabletalk Magazine, September 1998: The Rare Jewel of
ContentmentTabletalk Magazine, August 1998: Missions: “… unto the
Uttermost Part of the Earth”Tabletalk Magazine, July 1998: Evangelism: “From Jerusalem
to Judæa …”Tabletalk Magazine, June 1998: Baptism: To You and Your
ChildrenTabletalk Magazine, May 1998: “You Say Rightly, I Am a King”
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1998: Exposing Islam
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1998: Poverty: No Easy Answers
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1998: Te Absolvum
Tabletalk Magazine, January 1998: Evangelicalism: Upon This
RockTabletalk Magazine, December 1997: Where Do You Keep Jesus?
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1997: Family Worship
Tabletalk Magazine, October 1997: The Rational Biblical
Theology of John GerstnerTabletalk Magazine, September 1997: Consuming Ourselves to
DebtTabletalk Magazine, August 1997: Counting on God: The Faith
of AbrahamTabletalk Magazine, July 1997: Christian Liberty or the
Tyranny of the Weaker BrotherTabletalk Magazine, June 1997: Taming the Tongue
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1997: The Death of Calvinism
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1997: Nehemiah—Let Us Build God’s
CityTabletalk Magazine, March 1997: Homosexuality: Unnatural
SelectionTabletalk Magazine, February 1997: Crazy Little Thing Called
LoveTabletalk Magazine, January 1997: Fame: Evangelicals and the
Cult of Personalities0 -
Since this thread is getting so long, and we may lose some stuff in the clutter, has any thought been given to starting a new thread and calling it, "Broken Up Collections, Season 2"?
Then, when each thread hits about five to six pages, a new thread can be started.
In each case, a link to the new thread should be the last post in the old thread.
Any takers on this?
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
0 -
Doc B said:
calling it, "Broken Up Collections, Season 2"
Not bad, but it might get marked as spam [;)]
parkbench234 AT gmail DOT com
0 -
I also prefer the way it is, since I have "email me when someone responds." Thus every time they have broken up another collection, I basically get an "email alert" informing me of this. So I don't miss any of it.
0 -
More individuals from Tabletalk
(Feb. 1989–Jan. 2011) (264 Issues).Tabletalk Magazine, December 1996: From Eden to Calvary
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1996: As Puritans and Pilgrims,
This Is Not Our HomeTabletalk Magazine, October 1996: Fearing God
Tabletalk Magazine, September 1996: Speaking No Evil: The
Church's Failure to DisciplineTabletalk Magazine, August 1996: Running the Race before Us
Tabletalk Magazine, July 1996: Waiving Our Rights
Tabletalk Magazine, June 1996: Augustine of Hippo
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1996: The Book of Ruth
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1996: Total Depravity
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1996: All God's Children
Tabletalk Magazine, January 1996: Men: Forging Strong
Families For ChristTabletalk Magazine, December 1995: Mary: Hail To Our Lord's
Earthly MotherTabletalk Magazine, November 1995: Are We Not Amused?:
Entertaining DoubtsTabletalk Magazine, October 1995: John Calvin
Tabletalk: September, 1995: Awash In Experience: The Church
& Mass IndividualismTabletalk Magazine, August 1995: Covenant: Our Hope for the
FutureTabletalk Magazine, July 1995: Joy
Tabletalk Magazine, June 1995: Anger
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1995: Deuteronomy: God's Law for Us
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1995: The New Geneva Study Bible
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1995: For the Lord Gives Wisdom
0 -
It's a marvelous collection, but recently I formatted my laptop, so I need to find the name of F. W. Boreham Collection, that "____.lbxlls" file (I'm using Logos Scholar Gold Libronix 3.0g). My system is slow so I use only 200 books at a time.
Thanks in advance
0 -
More from Tabletalk
(Feb. 1989–Jan. 2011) (264 Issues).Tabletalk Magazine, December 1994: Our Union with Christ
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1994: Crying “Wolf” or Sounding
the Alarm?Tabletalk Magazine, October 1994: Manipulating the Soul
Tabletalk Magazine, September 1994: Manipulating the Body
Tabletalk Magazine, August 1994: What God Hath Joined
Together, Let No Man Put AsunderTabletalk Magazine, July 1994: As Long as We Both Shall Live
Tabletalk Magazine, June 1994: The Fight of Our Lives
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1994: Should Old Aquinas Be Forgot?
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1994: Heresy
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1994: Beware the Ides of March
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1994: Right Now Counts Forever
Tabletalk Magazine, January 1994: Vanity
Tabletalk Magazine, December 1993: Marley’s Message to
ScroogeTabletalk Magazine, November 1993: Mobilizing the Laity
Tabletalk Magazine, October 1993: “The Earth Is the Lord”:
Radical EnvironmentalismTabletalk Magazine, September 1993: A Divine Assembly
Tabletalk Magazine, August 1993: Discerning God’s Will
Tabletalk Magazine, June 1993: Heaven: The Pearl of Great
PriceTabletalk Magazine, May 1993: Fundamentals of the Gospel
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1993: Dissecting Biomedical Ethics
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1993: Blown and Tossed by the Wind
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1993: Hearing the Master’s
Voice0 -
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
0 -
More from Tabletalk
(Feb. 1989–Jan. 2011) (264 Issues).Tabletalk Magazine, December 1992: Immanuel: God with Us
Tabletalk Magazine, November 1992: Awful Sovereignty: The
Potter’s PrerogativeTabletalk Magazine, October 1992: Martin Luther: Man of
CourageTabletalk Magazine, September 1992: Statism: One Nation over
GodTabletalk Magazine, August 1992: Culture Wars: The Church
under Seige?Tabletalk Magazine, July 1992: The Covenant Family
Tabletalk Magazine, June 1992: Nurturing the Soul
Tabletalk Magazine, May 1992: The Spotless Bride of Christ
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1992: The Ravaged Bride of Christ
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1992: To Be, Or Not To Be, ‘PC’?
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1992: After Doubt . . .
AssuranceTabletalk Magazine, January 1992: The Anatomy of Doubt
Tabletalk Magazine, December 1991: Worship: Heralding His
GloryTabletalk Magazine, November 1991: He Loves Me, He Loves Me
NotTabletalk Magazine, October 1991: Repentance
Tabletalk Magazine, September 1991: To Whom Much Is Given
Tabletalk Magazine, July 1991: Apologetics: Championing the
FaithTabletalk Magazine, June 1991: The Revival of Jonathan
EdwardsTabletalk Magazine, May 1991: The Lordship Debate
Tabletalk Magazine, April 1991: The Gift of Friendship
Tabletalk Magazine, March 1991: The Trinity
Tabletalk Magazine, February 1991: Truth: The Test of
EducationTabletalk Magazine, January 1991: After Darkness, Light in
Eastern Europe0 -
The individuals from The Works of
John Dick (4 vols.) are now available.Lectures on Theology, vols. 1 & 2
0 -
More individuals are available!
From: Arminian
Theological Studies Collection (5 vols.).Classical Arminianism: The Theology of Salvation
Grace, Faith, Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation
The Quest for Truth: Theology for Postmodern Times
Understanding Assurance and Salvation
From: Eerdmans
Jewish Studies Collection (3 vols.).An Introduction to Ancient Mesopotamian Religion
Ancient Judaism: New Visions and Views
Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time
of Jesus0 -
Thank you Dana!!! Jodi Magness was great with Qumran archaeology and now a VERY affordable addition. Already downloaded it. Judging from the download time, looks like a lot illustrations too.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
0 -
DMB said:
Jodi Magness was great with Qumran archaeology and now a VERY affordable addition.
Thanks for pointing that out! I will put it on my wish list. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
DMB said:
Jodi Magness was great with Qumran archaeology and now a VERY affordable addition.
Only if you're happy paying 36% more for a Logos file than for a paperback.
I've had my eyes on it as well, and I'm happy they've split the collection up, but since I don't have time to read it right now anyway, I'll just wait and hope it turns up on the Daily Deal or something.
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
0 -
More individuals are available!
From: The
Works of Dionysius the Areopagite (2 vols.).The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite, vol. 1
The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite, vol. 2
From: Ray Comfort
Collection (4 vols.).How to Live Forever without Being Religious
Scientific Facts in the Bible: 100 Reasons to Believe the
Bible Is Supernatural in OriginFrom: Preserving
Bible Times Collection (5 vols.).Encounters with Jesus: The Rest of Their Stories
Making Disciples Jesus' Way: Wisdom We Have Missed
The Rest of the Story: A Closer Look at Familiar Passages
Zechariah and Elizabeth: Persistent Faith in a Faithful God
From: The Works
of Richard Sibbes (7 vols.).The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 1
The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 2
The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 3
The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 4
The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 5
The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 6
The Works of Richard Sibbes, vol. 7
From: Samuel
Collection (4 vols.).Narrative and Novella in Samuel: Studies by Hugo Gressmann
and Other Scholars, 1906-1923Telling Queen Michal's Story: An Experiment in Comparative
InterpretationThe Wages of Sin: A Reappraisal of the 'Succession
Narrative'Hannah's Desire, God's Design: Early Interpretations of the
Story of Hannah0 -
Individuals from SPCK
New Testament Studies Collection (6 vols.) are now available.The Bible in Politics: How to Read the Bible Politically,
2nd ed.Jews and Anti-Judaism in the New Testament: Decision Points
and Divergent InterpretationsPeople of the Spirit: Exploring Luke's View of the Church
Searching for Meaning: An Introduction to Interpreting the
New Testament0