Bugs: 4.5c Beta 3 - BHS with 1995 WTS Morphology has issues

Follow-up to thread => Hebrew definitions in the Mac version

Thankful for friendly discussion with Logos that added BHS resource with 1995 Westminster Theological Seminary morphology (LLS:1.0.201 bhsmorph.lbxlls) to my library.  Confirmed  this resource has a number of issues in Logos 4.5c Beta 3 on Mac OS X 10.6.8:

Right Click Lemma is missing vowel points plus incorrectly shows final form of letter mem

Font Scaling in Bible Word Study (BWS) shows Dagesh Dot placement issue with letter yodh

BWS sections: Translation, Example Uses, Grammatical Relationships, and Preposition Use have nothing to show on Mac while Lemma section is lacking lexicon entries.

Clicking BWS Textual Search for Hebrew Bible shows aligned results are missing the letter heh


Known User Interface (UI) issue of drop down appearing in Guides has yet another example; looking forward to Logos 4.5c Beta 4.

By way of comparison, Logos 4.5c Beta 3 on Windows 7 shows a bit more for BHS resource with 1995 WTS Morphology:


Note: personally added 1995: prefix to this BHS resource (similar pattern as other Bibles so Text Comparison can show Bibles in chronological order).  Confirmed BHS resource issues using Logos 4.5c Beta 3 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 before adding prefix to resource abbreviate and full titles.

Keep Smiling [:)]


  • Homer Russell
    Homer Russell Member Posts: 43 ✭✭

    Mr. Smiley is right as always, but now I think I have uncovered even another bug; and this is the real bug I think.



    Doesn't this seem reminiscent of my other post, guess what, it is the OTHER BHS: image


     That is, the BHS/WIVU. Now this is one of the 2 (the other being the AFAT) that I got when I upgraded to Scholar's.


    The thing is, both the WIVU and the AFAT give me the definition for remiyah (the famous word in Psalm 32:2), now I noticed that the lemma for the WIVU does not have either the vowel points or the dagesh (doubling dot). When doing the word study with the word remiyah, I get the same results as with my "old" BHS which displays the ending consonants. 


    When  I did a word study in the same BHS/WIVU of the word Jehovah, I got a "real" word study:



    So you see, it cannot be just the version of the BHS. But seems like the odd happenings happen when the words that have a different ending letter (M, N, P, etc.) are asked to do a word study. I suspect that If i right click on all the words that DON"T have the ending letters (on the WIVU) I will get a real word study, and even if I do get a definition with the WIVU, it won't give me a word study on any of the words that have a letter with the different form for ending, except when the letter is found eat the end, as in Amen.

  • Homer Russell
    Homer Russell Member Posts: 43 ✭✭

    Here is a screenshot of the right mouse click Lemma on the WIVU BHS:



    As you can see, it looks different than the offending one (from my first postings on this), the consonants are correct, no nikkud, no dagesh.

    And... no proper word study.


    BUT... The AFAT does do a word study on remiyah! So that my old BHS:image 

    does not display the consonants with the different endings, or give the definition, or give a real word study (on the different ending consonants).


    The BHS WIVU: image

    does display the consonants correctly, and give a definition, but no real word study (on the different ending consonants).


    But the AFAT BHS does it all right, gives the definition, displays the consonants correctly (but no vowel markings, or doubling dot) and gives a real word study (on both the words that have the consonants with the different endings, and on the other words - i.e., on all words:


  • Vincent Setterholm
    Vincent Setterholm Member Posts: 459 ✭✭

    I suggest you don't use the "1995 edition". In fact, I'd hide that resource so that you're never tempted to look at it again, along with (if you have them) the 3.5 and 4.0 versions of the Westminster database. Major changes to how we handle Hebrew were implemented around the time we shipped the 4.2 version, so digging into the older editions is like taking a time machine back to the Logos of 10 years ago, except worse, because back then we had a number of hacks in place to work around the limitations of not having some features we now take for granted.

    If you have the 3.5 version, but not the 4.2, call sales: they can upgrade you for a mere $10. If all you have is the old un-numbered version with the file name BHSMORPH (which was version 2.0 of the Westminster database), then I'm not sure what upgrade pricing is, but give a call to sales. (If you have the 4.0, you should also have the 4.2 - no upgrade fee was necessary to get the minor version number updates.)

  • I suggest you don't use the "1995 edition". In fact, I'd hide that resource so that you're never tempted to look at it again, along with (if you have them) the 3.5 and 4.0 versions of the Westminster database. Major changes to how we handle Hebrew were implemented around the time we shipped the 4.2 version, so digging into the older editions is like taking a time machine back to the Logos of 10 years ago, except worse, because back then we had a number of hacks in place to work around the limitations of not having some features we now take for granted.

    Thanks plus appreciate insights about BHS with older WTS 2.0, 3.5, and 4.0 morphologies.  Appears Logos 4 Mac is missing a number of user interface code hack(s) on Windows so older BHS resource lacks usability so upgrading to newer Hebrew resource(s) is recommended.  Hence, this bug thread does not need a case for Logos development.

    Wonder about thoughts for using BHS with WTS 4.2, BHS with WIVU, and/or "The Hebrew Bible:AFAT" ?

    Noticed English Reverse Interlinear Bible resources (and Lexham Hebrew Interlinear) use same morphology as "The Hebrew Bible: AFAT"

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • ... now I think I have uncovered even another bug; and this is the real bug I think.

    Using Logos 4.5a SR-1, can replicate BHS/WIVU showing vowel points in lemma plus other Bible Word Study sections having nothing to show.

    In contrast, Logos 4.5c Beta 3 screen shot in initial post of this thread shows BHS/WIVU lemma without vowel points plus BWS sections having information.

    Hence, looking forward to stable Logos 4.5c release.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Hence, looking forward to stable Logos 4.5c release.

    Using Logos 4.5c Release Candidate 1, concur "mem" issue is fixed plus encountered a quirk for Bible Word Study (BWS) textual search:


    Clicking on Textual Searches opens Morph Search with resource changed, but keeps other Morph Search settings so BWS result is not found in Morph Search until passage setting is changed.  Personally learned could search using for a lemma using a different morphology than Morph Search settings.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

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