German Bibles

I use Logos very much and it would be great if I could use more current German translations with Logos 5.
The following translations were interesting and are already offered by other Englisch Bible Software companies (see Accordance, OliveTree,...):
1. Neue Genfer Übersetzung ( (the Geneva Bible Society is interested!)
2. Neues Leben (
3. Hoffnung für alle (
4. BasisBibel (
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Yes!! Please!! Bitte!! Por favor!!
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Yes! Neues Leben Bibel would be awesome!
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I agree!!!
For the exegetical analysis of the New Testament it would be great to have also the Zürcher Bibel and the german translations from Schlachter (2000), Menge ( and Klaus Berger.
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Dirk Kellner said:
For the exegetical analysis of the New Testament it would be great to have also the Zürcher Bibel and the german translations from Schlachter (2000), Menge and Klaus Berger.
Zürcher is logosres:zurcherbbl2007 (was part of SESB 3.0)
Menge is logosres:menge (was part of SESB add-on CD, together with e.g. Einheitsubersetzung, Münchener NT and Stuttgart Study Bible
Schlachter 2000 (sectarian approach based on the TR, if I'm not mistaken it only uses the name "Schlachter" without being connected to the textual tradition of Schlachter - the publisher makes it available freely and may be willing to share it) and Schlachter 1951 (preferable to the 2000) might be found electronically on the web, thus allowing at self-built PB version
Berger/Nord is really interesting, since it contains the NT plus various NT apocrypha and early Christian literature. It wasn't published by a classic bible-publisher, but by Insel-Verlag - AFAIK they publish "literature", belong to well-known literary publisher Suhrkamp and went into insolvency (Chapter 11) together with Suhrkamp. It might still be worthwile to go for this resource.
Have joy in the Lord!
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[Y][Y] to all suggestions!
NB.Mick said:Berger/Nord is really interesting,
"Interesting" is the right word... [:)]
I'd also be interested in other books by Klaus Berger, especially his latest book.
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OT: Does anyone use the Mfchi software? Has it improved in the last few years?
I recently found an old CD-ROM of the Calwer Predigthilfen and was wondering what to do with it. I haven't had this program installed for over 6 years because I didn't like the interface.
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NB.Mick said:
Zürcher is logosres:zurcherbbl2007 (was part of SESB 3.0)
Just to make sure you know, they broke the SESB 3.0 collection and you can get the resources individually.
EDITED: It looks like they do not have it anymore on their site. Anybody knows what happened?
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Bohuslav Wojnar said:
EDITED: It looks like they do not have it anymore on their site. Anybody knows what happened?
There were long threads back then about the two different SESB versions and the GSB bundle that sort of replaced them. I made a spreadsheet back then, trying to help sorting out the content of the varios packages. Unfortunately, most of the modern language bibles from SESB's full edition never made it into - Zurcher was an exception, but you're right, it's gone now. Rights issues, I presume.
Have joy in the Lord!
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H.-J.van der Wal said:
OT: Does anyone use the Mfchi software? Has it improved in the last few years?
I recently found an old CD-ROM of the Calwer Predigthilfen and was wondering what to do with it. I haven't had this program installed for over 6 years because I didn't like the interface.
I had it installed on another machine some time ago (just searched for it: 2008), but it must be years since I last opened it. I don't know if the programmer ever got to improving it - when I last thought about it, I hoped to convert the MFChi stuff to Logos PBs but I'm not sure if this works.
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
There were long threads back then about the two different SESB versions and the GSB bundle that sort of replaced them. I made a spreadsheet back then, trying to help sorting out the content of the varios packages.
For anyone wanting to use this now: note that Logos has added a student version of the new bundle since (which, btw, is on sale for a very good price for a few more days).
Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2
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fgh said:NB.Mick said:
There were long threads back then about the two different SESB versions and the GSB bundle that sort of replaced them. I made a spreadsheet back then, trying to help sorting out the content of the varios packages.
For anyone wanting to use this now: note that Logos has added a student version of the new bundle since (which, btw, is on sale for a very good price for a few more days).
I have taken the opportunity to update the sheet: 4265.Matching SESB editions.update sept 2013.xlsx - in the process I found that some international language bibles are coming up to (Danish is already here) and that the Zuricher Bible that once was available has now been taken out of the GBS bundle as well.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Same here. Just bought Logos 5, very happy to find there a German GUI. Please implement more German functions, ressources aso. Came from Logos 4, SESB and Bibleworks. So please, go ahead with more German stuff.
best regards, frank (nothern germany)0