USERVOICE review: Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability

Add Themes to personalize colors/colours and improve readability
This sort of request I strongly support if the request supports accessibility. If it is solely for the users aesthetic taste then I have higher priorities. That translates into "outside my area of expertise".
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
MJ. Smith said:
This sort of request I strongly support if the request supports accessibility.
Colorful theme combinations in suggestion are a smallish subset of aesthetic possibilities. "Street sign" theme combinations came from Traffic signs, which are designed for easy reading to allow drivers to quickly read and comprehend.
One color theme combination came after using Kindle reader's dark brown text with yellow background, which had no eye strain.
Black background "night mode" have several useful foreground color options: yellow, red, green, light blue, and white (have used these combinations for many hours in command line interfaces: e.g. production "red" reminder to "stop" and review before entering command; "green" for development with "go" for learning).
Related threads => USERVOICE review: black background and => User Voice Suggestion ? Add Themes to personalize colors/colours ?
Logos wiki has => Night Mode that includes Negative Screen link, which has a disadvantage for scroll indicators in Logos and Verbum when a black background is in use. Scroll indicators essentially disappear since dark gray and black are difficult to visually distinguish. Thankful for three usable "night" modes in Negative Screen with white (smart inversion), red, and green foreground colors (have created a blue foreground, but shade of blue is too dark).
Technical challenge for theme implementation is coordinating Highlighting color modifications (possibly emulate Negative Screen's matrix modification or F.lux color balance shift). Ideally, a theme shifts all application colors while retaining usable contrast for reading. Currently, Logos and Verbum applications only allows resource background color to be chosen from a list so choosing a High Contrast color theme in Windows changes Windows default background to black, which causes black text to effectively disappear (applications ignore Windows foreground color choice).
Keep Smiling [:)]