VERBUM 9 SUGGESTION re: "liturgical ribbon"

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,768
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Note: I am not the person who suggested this first. Unfortunately, I have forgotten who did.

Please bring back the "Home Page" ribbon on the left from Logos 7. The card format consistently forces one to take extra steps - especially when one is looking as a reference rather than wanting to read the resource. But bring it back as a Verbum tool that one can open in a narrow panel on the left and include in layouts. It should include at least the following elements

  • Lectionary(s) - display as in L7
  • Saint(s) of the day - display as in L7
  • Daily devotionals - by secular date, liturgical date, or numbered date
  • Reading plans
  • Prayer lists (optional)

The Prayer lists I label as "optional" because I have had a theological beef with them for over a decade. If you enter anything in the "answer" area it closes the prayer off. My God has a tendency to give partial answers. We sorely need a workable prayer list AND a prayer tool that recognizes not all prayer is petition/intercession.

Mobile ed plans I omit because they are not tied to daily liturgical cycles in any way.

As in L7, I would want clicking on an entry to open a layout and for that layout to be customizable.

It would be useful for teachers and pastors to be able to select a date at the ribbon level, not just at the item level, so they can plan for future dates.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."


  • Greg Rose
    Greg Rose Member Posts: 114 ✭✭

    I too would like the Home Page Ribbon returned again in Verbum 9 (that was there in Logos 7).

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    The same is needed in Logos 9 and should not be limited to Verbum. Why should Verbum users alone hace the best options available to them. A Logos user may be less likely to use Saint(s) of day but would potentially use all of the other options. 

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 1,802 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Please bring back the "Home Page" ribbon on the left from Logos 7.

    +1 for Logos, too. The new home page has been my biggest disappointment with L8--it looks good but is basically useless. I use Reading Plans a lot, and the L7 implementation on the left side of the screen was much more useful and handy. Same for the lectionary feature. 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,768

    Why should Verbum users alone hace the best options available to them

    Oh, I have so many smart-aleck responses that don't belong on the forums ... sorry, I can't share. [A]

    My reasoning for putting the request as a Verbum request is as follows: it is my experience that the Faithlife staff as a whole

    • lacks the perspective of broader canons (RSV/NRSV ecumenical, Anglican, Lutheran, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox ...) whether considered canonical or cultural perspective
    • is unfamiliar with the expansion of sanctoral cycles (saints calendars) into Presbyterians, Methodists and the groups listed above
    • is unfamiliar with liturgical prayer esp. morning and evening prayer for which I have Mennonite examples, Celtic Christianity, and almost all of the groups listed above
    • are comparatively unaware of the requirements for multi-passage scripture study and homily preparation despite the use of lectionaries by the liturgical churches plus
      • United States
        • American Baptist Churches, USA
        • Church of the Nazarene
        • Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches
        • Community of Christ
        • Disciples of Christ
        • Episcopal Church in the United States of America
        • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
        • King's Chapel, Boston - an autonomous Unitarian Universalist church in the Anglican tradition
        • Moravian Church in America
        • Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
        • Presbyterian Church USA
        • Reformed Church in America
        • United Church of Christ
        • United Methodist Church
        • Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
      • Canada
        • Anglican Church of Canada
        • Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
        • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
        • Mennonite Church Canada
        • Presbyterian Church in Canada
        • United Church of Canada
      • United Kingdom
        • Church of England
        • Church of Scotland
        • Church in Wales
        • Methodist Church of Great Britain
        • Scottish Episcopal Church
        • United Reformed Church
      • Philippines
        • Apostolic Catholic Church
        • Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches
        • Episcopal Church of the Philippines
        • Philippine Independent Church
        • United Church of Christ in the Philippines
        • United Methodist Church in the Philippines
      • Australia
        • Anglican Church of Australia
        • Uniting Church in Australia
      • Italy
        • Waldensian Evangelical Church
        • Italian Methodist Church
        • Baptist Evangelical Christian Union of Italy (UCEBI)
        • Evangelical Reformed Baptist Churches in Italy
    • are comparatively unfamiliar with the lectionary-like ISSL unified Sunday school lessons - despite Logos selling ISSL materials, they show no interest in adding them to the liturgical ribbon (see
    • show little or no interest in converting traditional reading plans for catechisms and creedal documents (think Heidelberg Confession or Book of Concord) into predefined reading plans
    • include sermon preparation sites for single passage/evangelical-style sermons but don't link to broader lectionary based sites such as Text This Week

    Therefore, I can only guess who among the current Logos staff would be willing to spearhead pushing these issues. I know I can get some support out of the denominational forums but I often have to spend a fair amount of effort showing the forums users why the features would be useful to them. Many who were at one time vocal about the needs have been worn down into silence. Don't get me wrong. It is not that the collective Faithlife staff doesn't want to meet the needs, it is that they do not understand the needs. So, I do the obvious - I appeal to the Verbum staff which will have more familiarity with the needs, easier access to genuine experts in the needs, and a way to make their voices heard. I am open to any suggestions on how Logos/Verbum users can pressure Faithlife into providing more support for their needs and therefore increase their share of the Logos customer base.

    What I would love to see is users from each of the theological streams, request the lectionaries, Sunday School lessons, sermon preparation, church documents, creedal/catechism reading plans, reading lists, devotional works etc. that are important to them. I want this rather than settling for software that meets only the single scripture at a time needs and requires a collection of other tools for a full environment to create sermons, reflections, lessons, etc.

    See SUGGESTION: What would full lectionary support look like? for some positive suggestions.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    The same is needed in Logos 9 and should not be limited to Verbum.

    Of course. I encourage you to do everything you can to get these features into Logos 9.

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara

  • Kevin S. Coy, OFS
    Kevin S. Coy, OFS Member Posts: 332 ✭✭

    I agree.  Please bring it back.

    “Let us begin, brothers, to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing.”  St. Francis of Assisi