Logos 9.0 FACTBOOK Chi Interface Eng Input Fail to search relative info 中文版「概況」中輸入英文未能搜尋出相關資訊

陶小占 Jimmy To
陶小占 Jimmy To Member Posts: 81 ✭✭

ENG INTERFACE "FactBOOK" input with English success . E.g. Patmos

中文版「概況」中輸入英文 則未能搜尋出相關資訊 E.g patmos 出了希臘文, 卻沒有顯示 地理名(不論是英文或中文資訊) , 

能否在中文版也可以用英文搜尋, 而連結至英文與中文資訊?

不然在中文版要先把英文詞語翻譯成中文再搜尋頗麻煩, 大量的英文資訊亦未能被顯示, 白白浪費了.


  • Yawen Gao (Faithlife)
    Yawen Gao (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 106

    Hi Jimmy, thanks for your reporting and I apologize for the inconvenience. I've reported to the Factbook team and they are working on it. Please allow some weeks for us to address the issue. 

    Yawen Gao 高亚雯Chinese Product Specialist

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