Bug: Associating note to devotional material uses wrong reference
Has anyone else seen this (Logos 4 – –
I am reading a devotional such as My Utmost for His Highest – Oswald Chambers. From within this open book I right click and choose “Add Note to MY 2010 Devotional Notes”.
A new note is added to my personal Notes file but when I mouse over the date of the note (eg Jan 2) the reference is not My Utmost for His Highest but is actually pointing to Morning and Evening – Spurgeon. This is true irrespective of whether I have Morning and Evening open.
I do have a collection for Devotional books defined but only My Utmost opened. I have tried removing Morning and Evening from the collection and trying again but same result as before.
Software version: 4.0a.
Reported by David M Reid.
Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/p/8621/68628.aspx#68628
Status: fixed in 4.0b Beta 7