Logos Community Overview Guide
This article was created from a community discussion. This community is here to connect you with other Logos users, provide resources, and help you grow in your understanding of our product tools and resources. Welcome to the Logos Community—let’s grow together! Feedback vs. Forum Forums: For discussions, questions, and…
Android Release Notes
These notes apply to the following apps: Logos Bible, Faithlife Study Bible, Verbum, Biblia, Faithlife Ebooks for Android and Kindle Fire HD/HDX. Please note: We only support the latest update of our app, regardless of release date. We do not provide users with previous versions of our app. It’s usually not necessary to…
Logos Beta Release History
The Logos Beta Program
Unsupported Obsolete Applications
Upgrading to Logos 8
Upgrading to Logos 9
Upgrading to Logos 7
Diagnostic Logging
Diagnostic Logging Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General See also Uploading Logs Bug Report Screenshot Logos Help Center Report a Problem A diagnostic log is a detailed report of what the Logos program is doing and it is used to diagnose problems. When you are requested to submit logs you need to enable logging, and…
Quick Installation onto Multiple Macs