Bug: Topic section results are returned with Field searches during a Basic Search
Bug: Topic section results are returned with Field searches during a Basic Search Results appear in the TOPIC section when a Field is being searched eg. words-of-christ:simeon produces TOPICs for simeon. By contrast (simeon AND son) does not return TOPICS. Software version: 4.0a Beta 4. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link:…
Bug: Various resources are missing headword indexes
Bug: Various resources are missing headword indexes LSJ is not indexed for Greek headwords “NAS Updated Exhaustive Concordance” 2009-10-26 is not indexed for English! Software version: 4.0 SR-7. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/t/3614.aspx?PageIndex=3 This report should be…
Bug: TDNT data type is case sensitive for searching
Bug: TDNT data type is case sensitive for searching When using the abbreviated name for searching it is necessary to use lower case to get the same results as the full name e.g. <tdnt 8.1>. TWOT, LN, GGK, HGK are not case sensitive for searching. Software version: 4.0d. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link:…
Bug: Missing results using a Passage or Passage List in Syntax Search
Bug: Missing results using a Passage or Passage List in Syntax Search A Passage List yields results in a Morph Search but zero for the same query in Syntax Search. Also get missing results when using a Passage as a range. NOTE: mainly affects passages & PL’s in the OT as in forum threads. Software version: 4.0c SR-1.…
Bug: Search Reference ranges without a Title are expanded
Bug: Search Reference ranges without a Title are expanded Ranges entered without a title are displayed as if entered with a Title! 1. This happens to ranges sync’d from 4.0d eg. Psalms ==> Psalms (=Ps) 2. New ranges appear OK but are expanded when displayed for another Resource! Software version: 4.1 Beta 4. Reported by…
Bug: Hebrew/Greek results intermingled in Datasheet from LXX
Bug: Hebrew/Greek results intermingled in Datasheet from LXX Hebrew results intermingled with the Greek in Datasheet results from LXX w/Logos Morph Software version: 4.0a Beta 2. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/t/5711.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0d
Bug: Logos 4.0d crashes upon displaying anything
Bug: Logos 4.0d crashes upon displaying anything It crashes every time I open Logos. It started immediately after I went to 4.0d. A blank layout will start and not crash immediately. I can open resources, but opening a passage guide, word study, exegetical guide or home will crash it. It happens regardless of indexing or…
Bug: Logos 4 Deluxe Map Set Crashing
Bug: Logos 4 Deluxe Map Set Crashing L4 crashes when attempting to select a map Software version: 4.0b. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/p/6411/112127.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0c
Bug: Unnecessary crash when building Home Page
Bug: Unnecessary crash when building Home Page L4 crashed when access to an RSS Feed was unavailable. L4 should continue to build the Home Page as this is recoverable once the user knows what has happened. Software version: 4.0d SR-1. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link:…
Bug: Copy location to clipboard missing
Bug: Copy location to clipboard missing Copy location to clipboard is missing from the menu in reports (such as the passage guides etc.). These seems pointless when you can bookmark those guides, so obviously a link can be generated. Software version: 4.0a Beta 3. Reported by Mark Barnes. Forum link:…