Bug: M’Cheyne reading plan defaults to starting January 1 – should be able to start “today” also.
Bug: M’Cheyne reading plan defaults to starting January 1 – should be able to start “today” also. Create a reading plan using MCheyne to go through the ESV in one year and try to start it today, rather than Jan 1. When you click GO the date box will revert to Jan 1. There is a video of the behavior here:…
Bug: Prayer list items go directly to completed
Bug: Prayer list items go directly to completed Prayers scheduled for a single day never appear on the ribbon as a to do item. They go directly to completed. Software version: 4.0c Beta 2. Reported by MJ Smith. Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/p/14917/113884.aspx#113884 Status: by-design
Bug: bullet characters showing up when pasting from PowerLookup & Info windows
Bug: bullet characters showing up when pasting from PowerLookup & Info windows When using the copy button from either of these windows and pasting into Word, extra characters are showing up in the pasted text and they appear as bullet characters. see post below. Software version: 4.0d Sr1. Reported by steve clark. Forum…
Bug: Advanced Prioritization does not affect Commentary order in Passage guide
Bug: Advanced Prioritization does not affect Commentary order in Passage guide Commentaries in PG are not ordered correctly when Prioritized by Bible data type & Book (note that the Context menu handles it correctly). Software version: 4.0d, 4.1B2. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link:…
Bug: Indexer downloads resources but does not index them
Bug: Indexer downloads resources but does not index them The files (mainly lbxlls) are downloaded to the \Downloaded folder but are not moved to the \Resources folder and indexed. User also has the resources in L3. Software version: 4.0d. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link:…
Bug: Inconsistent behavior jumping to today’s reading in type:Calendar Devotional
Bug: Inconsistent behavior jumping to today’s reading in type:Calendar Devotional these are all of the type:calendar devotional’s that I have in my system and their behavior broken down. Scroll to any place, strike HOME once and wait a moment till todays’ date appears: * Thoughts for the quiet hour * 365 day devotional…
Bug: Notes not added according to the selected reference
Bug: Notes not added according to the selected reference The results in a Note file from selecting different data type References in a resource are inconsistent i.e. it can be a reference to the data type or be treated as a Selection and reference the data type within the resource. Software version: 4.0d RC1. Reported by…
Bug: Crash when pasting text into a Note
Bug: Crash when pasting text into a Note Appears be connected with hyperlinks. I note http://wiki.logos.com/Bug$3a_Crash_on_paste_into_notes but crashes are still occurring. Software version: 4.0b. Reported by Dave Hooton). Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/t/15164.aspx Also…
Bug: Filter Highlights does not show active Bible references
Bug: Filter Highlights does not show active Bible references When I click on my Active Bible Reference Filter and then try to click on Filter Highlights and down arrow through the Book instead of the active verse showing up all I get is hits with the word Bible, active, reference. Software version: 4.0c Beta 2 Reported by…
Crash on opening L4 under VMWare
Crash on opening L4 under VMWare Logs available – see thread. Software version: 4.0c. Reported by Dave Hooton. Forum link: https://logos.vanillacommunities.com/forums/t/18478.aspx Status: waiting for user response