L/V 10 Tip of the Day Forum postsData orientedTIP OF THE DAY returns in a new format TIP OF THE DAY 2 conclusion of introductionTIP OF THE DAY 3: Name beginning TIP OF THE DAY 4: Name.identify > Semantic domainsTIP OF THE DAY 5: Name.identify > Semantic domains continued TIP OF THE DAY 6: Name.identify > Syntactic forceTIP OF THE DAY 7: Name.identify > Syntactic force concluded TIP OF THE DAY 8: Name.identify > Morphology search TIP OF THE DAY 9: Name > Original language TIP OF THE DAY 10: Name > Pronunciation TIP OF THE DAY 11: Name > Source (esp. the Bible nameless) TIP OF THE DAY 12: Name > Type and Name > Category TIP OF THE DAY 13: Name.related-names > Substitute TIP OF THE DAY 14: Name > Deity TIP OF THE DAY 15: Name > Deity continued TIP OF THE DAY 16: Name > Group | first post of .docx file of tip posts TIP OF THE DAY 17: Name > Theological import TIP OF THE DAY 18: Name.meaning > Meaning TIP OF THE DAY 19: Name.meaning > Meaning concluded TIP OF THE DAY 20: Name > Etymology TIP OF THE DAY 21: Name > Etymology (conclusion), Variants TIP OF THE DAY 22: Name.related-names > Variants (conclusion) TIP OF THE DAY 23: Name.meaning > historical methods of finding meaning of name TIP OF THE DAY 24: Name.meaning > Acrostic TIP OF THE DAY 25: Name.meaning > Acronym TIP OF THE DAY 26: Name.meaning > Kabbalistic part 1 of 2 TIP OF THE DAY 27: Name.meaning > Kabbalistic part 2 of 2 TIP OF THE DAY 28: Name.meaning > Gematria TIP OF THE DAY 29: Name.meaning > Allegoric, Symbolic TIP OF THE DAY 30: Name.meaning > Archetypal TIP OF THE DAY 30b: Name.Bible-interpretation TIP OF THE DAY 31: EXCURSES: Other Abrahamic religions TIP OF THE DAY 32: Name.meaning > Theophoric TIP OF THE DAY 33: Name.meaning.patronym, matronym, teknonym, papponym, or adelphonyms TIP OF THE DAY 34: Name.meaning.patronym, matronym, teknonym, papponym, or adelphonyms conclusion TIP OF THE DAY 35: Name.meaning: neither familial nor.theophoric; prophetic TIP OF THE DAY 36: Name.form | post of updated .docx file of tip posts TIP OF THE DAY 37: Examples of the use of names in interpretative issues TIP OF THE DAY 38: Not named by Mother, multiple names, names attested to by archeology, trivia TIP OF THE DAY 39: Name as a word; basic linguistics TIP OF THE DAY 40: Distribution of cases for a name TIP OF THE DAY 41: Multiple opinions on morphology; Syntactic force TIP OF THE DAY 42: Filling in some gaps: onomastics and numbers in group names TIP OF THE DAY 43: Name: Grammatical roles clause search TIP OF THE DAY 44: Name: Grammatical relationships TIP OF THE DAY 45: Ambiguity: squinting modifier TIP OF THE DAY 46: Ambiguity: personal name TIP OF THE DAY 47: Ambiguity: various causes TIP OF THE DAY 47b: Filling in gaps in early posts TIP OF THE DAY 48: Ambiguity: Semantic roles, lexical ambiguity TIP OF THE DAY 49: Ambiguity: Prepositions, semantic roles, translations, and Rashi | Rashi workflow TIP OF THE DAY 50: Ambiguity: Example of ambiguity and commentaries on the issue TIP OF THE DAY 51: Non-canonical names TIP OF THE DAY 52: Kinship | third post of .docx file of tip posts TIP OF THE DAY 53:Groups, gender and reading TIP OF THE DAY 54: Direct speech: Speaker and Addressee TIP OF THE DAY 55: Direct speech: Hebrew discourse analysis TIP OF THE DAY 56: Direct speech: Propositional outlines and Andersen-Forbes TIP OF THE DAY 57: Direct speech: SGNT and vocabulary for labels TIP OF THE DAY 58: Sentence types TIP OF THE DAY 59: Speech acts part 1 TIP OF THE DAY 60: Speech acts part 2 TIP OF THE DAY 61: Vocabulary for commands, promises and questions TIP OF THE DAY 62: Commands TIP OF THE DAY 63: Commands distinctive features; questions to ask TIP OF THE DAY 64: Commands, mitzvoth, Talmud TIP OF THE DAY 65: Casuistic law and death penaltyTIP OF THE DAY 66: Reference ranges, passage lists TIP OF THE DAY 67: Jewish division of the law; Noahide lawTIP OF THE DAY 68: Reformed division of the law; Noahide lawTIP OF THE DAY 69: The 3 Decalogues, tort law, haustafelnTIP OF THE DAY 70: Ritual/cultic lawTIP OF THE DAY 71: Red heifer, scapegoat, bloody bird as type-antitypeTIP OF THE DAY 72: Opening books in all search results (filling in gaps)TIP OF THE DAY 73: Introduction to promisesTIP OF THE DAY 74: Are all Biblical statements factualTIP OF THE DAY 75: Speaking to God Part 1TIP OF THE DAY 76: Speaking to God Part 2 and Bible BrowserTIP OF THE DAY 77: Speaking to God Part 3 conclusionTIP OF THE DAY 78: Benedictions part 1TIP OF THE DAY 79: Benedictions part 2TIP OF THE DAY 80: Oaths and vowsTIP OF THE DAY 81: Biblical prayersTIP OF THE DAY 82: Biblical text used as prayer; From speech to characterTIP OF THE DAY 83: Dialogue, comparative characterizationTIP OF THE DAY 84: Bible study from CollectADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 1: Adam in Advent and Christmas Carols TIP OF THE DAY 85: Person to person relationshipsADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 2: Salvation history through the Jesse treeTIP OF THE DAY 86: Person to place relationshipsADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 3: Interfaith messianic evangelizationTIP OF THE DAY 87: Person to thing relationshipsADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 4: Carol/hymn as scriptureTIP OF THE DAY 88: Person to virtues and vices relationshipsADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 5: Luke 2:14 in the early second centuryTIP OF THE DAY 89: Person in apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, folklore part 1ADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 6: Christmas peace declarationTIP OF THE DAY 90: Person in apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, folklore part 2ADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 7: Lessons and CarolsTIP OF THE DAY 91: Person in apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, folklore part 3ADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 8: Three epiphaniesTIP OF THE DAY 92: Odds and ends - transliteration, syntactic ambiguityADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 9: Moravian star and lovefeastTIP OF THE DAY 93: Odds and ends - DeixisADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 10: Akathist (standing) hymn and iconTIP OF THE DAY 94: Ambiguity in wordplay and figurative languageADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 11: Summary of salvation history; Joys of MaryTIP OF THE DAY 95: Ambiguity in wordplay and figurative language part 2ADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 12: Chalking, day following feast, 8 women, octave . . .TIP OF THE DAY 96: Ambiguity in wordplay and figurative language finalADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 13: Eating your way to Christmas (not terribly Biblical so OT)TIP OF THE DAY 97: Ambiguity in discourse analysis part 1ADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 14: Star words, blessings, and responsive readingsTIP OF THE DAY 98: Referred to As section in FactbookADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 15: Litanies including BCP Great LitanyTIP OF THE DAY 99: Related namesADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 16: O Antiphons - O come, O come, EmmanuelTIP OF THE DAY 100: Ambiguity in discourse analysis part 2ADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 17: Four canticles of LukeTIP OF THE DAY 101: Odds and ends - filling in early gapsADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 18: Greening of the church; Chrismon tree; Advent names of JesusTIP OF THE DAY 102: Odds and ends - filling in early gaps; Speaking with style - beginningADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 19: Ephrem the Syrian hymns on the incarnationTIP OF THE DAY 103: Speaking with style - figures of speech continuedADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 20: focus: nativity vs. incarnation; Prudentius hymns on the incarnationTIP OF THE DAY 104: Speaking with style - figures of speech continuedADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 21: Nativity pageants, crèches, putz; Romanos hymns on the incarnationTIP OF THE DAY 105: Speaking with style - figures of speech continuedADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 22: Timket and January 1TIP OF THE DAY 106: Speaking with style - narrative figures of comparisonADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 23: Expanded nativity story to night of the radishesTIP OF THE DAY 107: Speaking with style - common figures of comparisonADVENT TIP OF THE DAY 24: Processions: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Candlemas (end of Advent series)TIP OF THE DAY 108: Speaking with style - related termsTIP OF THE DAY 109: Doctrinal disputes arising from figures of speechTIP OF THE DAY 110: Speaking with style - common figures of word useTIP OF THE DAY 111: Speaking with style - figures of omissionTIP OF THE DAY 112: Speaking with style - figures of emphasisTIP OF THE DAY 113: Speaking with style - rhetorical figuresTIP OF THE DAY 114: Speaking with style - figures of additionTIP OF THE DAY 115: Analyze John 1:1; Speaking with style - aural figuresTIP OF THE DAY 116: Speaking with style - miscellaneousTIP OF THE DAY 117: Speaking with style - structural figures; toledots; critical discourse analysisTIP OF THE DAY 118: Characters round and flatTIP OF THE DAY 119: Character maps and timelinesTIP OF THE DAY 120: Character grammatical rolesTIP OF THE DAY 121: Character semantic rolesTIP OF THE DAY 122: Character narrative roles (not marked in Logos/Verbum)Logos 10 Software function oriented 350 Updating a shared document | update shared document 349 Duplicate notebooks (or workflow or pretty much any document) duplicate documents 348 Counseling guide summary and topics | Counseling guide 347 semantic role vs. grammatical role | semantic and grammatical roles 346 Longacre genre – datatype and label | Longacre genre 345 Adjusting font size | font size 344 Masoretic “verse” boundaries rather than Christian versification | Hebrew marks 343 Search options; search proper names | Search parameters; proper name search 342 Study Bibles, Cultural concepts | Study Bibles; Cultural concepts 341 Thoughts on Kay Arthur’s highlighting and KWL charts | Methods 340 An almost complete bibliography for an author | Bibliography 339 Two different ways to index people dictionaries and their consequences | Shared indicies 338 Same selection rule; different results | Collections 337 2 radical lemmas in Hebrew | Morph search 336 But I want more than 5 Lookups ... | Parallel resources 335 How to get from the words of the text to the literal meaning per ChatGPT | text 334 Sub-verse divisions in Bible references | Bible references 333 Figurative Speech | Search, Concordance section 332 Contextual meaning: time – not resolved by Logos coding | text 331 Logos tagging – contextual meaning | Bible Knowledgebase tagging 330 Highlight nominative case the effortless way | public documents | visual filter 329 Why some Factbook entries lack the expected Key Article | Factbook; Logos controlled vocabulary; Bible knowledgebase 328 Guides ... restoring to default | Guide menu 327 Bible book abbreviations ... they get ahead of documentation | standard book abbreviations 326 Logos shortcuts to keep on your tool bar | Short cuts 325 Using collects (fixed form prayers) to study the attributes of God | Collect prayers 324 synoptic parallel passages | Gospel Reader interactive; harmony resources 323 Using font color in text answer boxes | Course answer box; Notes 322 Using workflows to actually learn something from your reading | workflows, hermeneutical resources 321 Interlinear option on text comparison | Text comparison 320 Yes you can create your own slide template for visual copy | Amber vault 319 Convert your Bible highlight/markup spouse, child, parent, buddy ... to Logos | Workflow, highlighting palette 318 Use of Concordance tool for non-Bibles: references and works cited | Concordance tool 317 Tracking down the odd comment | Commentaries, Context menu 316 Underlining highlight I didn’t add | Visual filter for popular highlights 315 Verses of interest | Passage list 314 And Paul said | Search 313 Identifying the root of a word (for a search) | context menu: root 312 Browsing history History 311 Filter for DSS entries in Dictionary of Classical Hebrew | Visual filter 310 Limit search by publication year | Search 309 Rename favorites folder | Favorites 308 How to see a footnote at the bottom of a page | show footnotes option 307 Syntactic force | Syntactic force 306 Control Hebrew markings on a copy & paste | text converter 305 Shared highlighting palettes | Shared highlighting palettes 304 And the context of the Bible? | liturgical, eclessial, cultural 303 Verse mapping and Jeremiah materials | verse mapping 302 What is a word? no, seriously | lexical unit 301 Unit of meaning ... no “I” is not added to the text | morphemes 300 Logos bias – product vs. process | sentence diagrammer, canvas, interlinears, outline browser, discourse filters . . . 299 Dotted line in Sentence diagram | Sentence diagram 298 In the Word-by-Word section what does the red font mean? | Word-by-word 297 Find Greek (or Hebrew) words for an English word | Factbook, Bible word study 296 Enlarge image | Image editor 295 Logos bias – literal sense of scripture | Collections 294 Copying interlinears into MS Word etc. | Interlinear/Reverse interlinear copy 293 Displaying page numbers | page numbers 292 Logos bias – truth (yes), goodness (sort of), beauty (oops) – the three transcendentals | Music, Proclaim music, Media 291 Expand/collapse status of Guide sections in saved layouts | Guide sections 290 Logos bias – propositional vs. narrative, historic, mythic, covenant . . . | Propositional outline, canvas, Bible people visual timelines, Narrative character maps 289 Make maps follow Bible | Cited by, Factbook 288 Logos bias – harmonization vs. deeper exploration | Logos tools and datasets 287 Forget the Search – find a place on a map | Factbook, Atlas, Search 286 Using a catechism/confession/early church fathers | various resources 285 Forget the Search: What words of the BVM are recorded in scripture? | Bible browser; search 284 Looking up a Greek word in an untagged resource | Lexham Analytic Lexicons 283 Reading status of Logos/Verbum books | Bibliography, mytags, reading status 282 Forget the Search: Did Eve experience a theophany? | Bible browser 281 Forget the Search: What was Sarah called? Where did she die? Where is she buried? | Factbook 280 Forget the Search: What was the name of Noah’s wife | Factbook, Search 279 Basic Concordance feature: word, reference, work cited | Concordance 278 Finding all your lexicons that discuss the use of a particular lemma in a particular verse | Search 277 How to find derivatives of the same root | Search 276 How to find Biblical themes in other people’s language | Thematic tools and resources275 Compare search results between different Bibles | Merge passage list, Search 274 Bible bars, sidebars, and panes | Bible panel 273 Contents of Bible Word Study Guide | Bible Word Study 272 Coding in the Bible for Translators | Bible Translation for Translators 271 Turn off tool tip parsing | Tool tip setting 270 Comprehensive cross-references | Cross-reference, important words, intertextuality 269 Cross-references from all Bibles | Cross-references 268 Distance in Atlas | Distance from Atlas tool 267 Unit of search and proximity in a Search | Bible & morph searches 266 Visual filter must match book’s morphology | Search morphology 265 Efficient search of storefront for a book | Storefront book search 264 Wiki for Morphology codes | Wiki morphology codes 263 Shared Visual Filters (and a plea for users on cleanup) | Shared visual filters 262 How to find things you don’t know how to find | Experimental search on web app 261 Referring to an electronic book without page numbers | Reference for electronic book 260 Link NA28 Apparatus to Manuscripts of the Greek New Testament | New Testament manuscripts 259 Information panel -> definition source | Information panel > Definition section 258 select section of book to export or print | Print/export 257 Font size on sermon exported to MSWord | Export sermon to Word 256 Setting spell checker on/off | Spell checker 255 Weight and measure converter | Weights and measures converter interactive tool 254 example of Text Comparison and Cross-reference usage | Text comparison tool; Cross-references guide section 253 Dead Sea Scrolls functioning as in video / Logos support old videos and customer service 252 Numeric converter interactive tool | Numeric converter 251 Repost for Andersen-Forbes and Mowinckle fans only | Andersen-Forbes coding 250 Abbreviated title | Abbreviated title 249 Active tab and Table of Contents entry | Work space layout 248 Understanding the Interlinear and the Reverse Interlinear | Bible Interliner Explorer; Bible Reverse Interlinear Explorer 247 Visual filter for a Strong’s Number/lemma | Strong’s number/lemma visual filter 246 Overview of Bible book | Factbook and Bible Book Explorer 245 Days of Creation | Days of Creation 244 Finding LXX references in NA28 | LXX references in NA28 243 Counting the Ten Commandments | Counting the Ten Commandments 242 Report a typo in a book | Report typo 241 Transliteration tool | Text converter 240 Export to Keynote or other unlisted app | Export to Mac apps 239 Using classical figure of speech data | Search, Figure of Speech 238 Understanding a timeline date | Timeline; Bible explorer 237 Cross-references only from a specific Bible | Power lookup and passage list 236 Lookup (milestone) vs search (reference) | Lookup, Search 235 Vocabulary matters (sometimes) | Lookup, Search 234 Navigating parallel resources | Parallel resources 233 Visual filter splits words and other oddities | Command line; download button in information panel 232 Context Menu: Labels: Source Criticism (Otto Eissfeldt only) | Label, Search, Andersen-Forbes alternative and related resources 231 Context Menu: Labels: Speech / Interactive: Speaking to God | Label, Bible Browser, Interactive and related resources 230 Context Menu: Labels: Supernatural beings a.k.a. angels, demons, and deities | Label, Bible Browser, Factbook, Search and related resources 229 Context Menu: Labels: Theophany (Christophany, Angelophany, and “Paracletophany”) | Label, Bible browser, Search and related resources 228 Context Menu: Labels: Turning Point | Label and related resources and tools including Factbook and Search argument 227 Context Menu: Labels: Dream and Vision | Label and related resources and tools including Factbook and Search argument 226 Context Menu:Labels: Oath and Vow | Label and related resources and tools 225 Context Menu:Labels: Wordplay | Label and related resources and tools 224 Context Menu: below the line grouping: Labels | Concordance guide section; documentation; visual filter; Bible browser 223 FL anachronistic tagging | Search; Tagging 222 Basic layout functions | Layout menu; program settings 221 Open in floating window | shift key with open 220 FL tagging error or difference of opinion? | Names of God, text comparison, reverse interlinear 219 Forum guidelines | Forum guidelines 218 Hebrew names and Greek/Hebrew words | Meaning of Hebrew names; Greek/Hebrew words 217 Add reference to passage list | Add to passage list 216 URL – reference vs. resource | Context Menu; Panel Menu 215 Match all forms | Match all forms 214 Search with saved parameters | Predefined searches 213 Search only in works of a particular author | Search books 212 Preserving useful references (Catholic charismatic example) | Reading list 211 MAC replace reference with Bible text | MAC specific 210 Book and article citations | Citation section, bibliographic item index 209 Papyri of the Gospel According to John | New Testament Manuscript Explorer 208 Parallelism in the Psalms | Psalm explorer 207 Suppress home page banner | Home page settings 206 God’s actions and speech | Search 205 Label event in which a person was a participant | list of labels for a participant 204 Trinitarian visual filter | Search, visual filter, reverse interlinear 203 Every reference to a person | Search and Factbook 202 Person-events in Topic guide and Factbook | Person events: Topic guide and Factbook 201 Bible sense lexicon equivalence symbol | Equivalence symbol in Bible Sense Lexicon 200 Home page unremovable card | Home page partnership card 199 Homepage Today in Church History | Home page, Factbook 198 Principal parts / Perseus | Perseus links 197 Multiple panels with the same book ... intentionally | duplicate resource panels 196 Moving resources on/off a device | download/remove from device 195 So I have my NT apocrypha ... now what? | NT apocrypha resource 194 Deuterocanonical and Pseudepigrapha indices | Indices for deuterocanonicals and pseudepigrapha 193 Non-scholar’s why is word A translated as B in verse X? | Information panel: translation 192 Search for person doing action | semantic role agent 191 Reopen closed tab | reopen tab 190 Bible parallels ancient classics | Scripture Parallels in Ancient Classics 189 Intertext tab of Bible Books Explorer | Intertext tab of Bible Books Browser 188 Web map links | Atlas; Factbook 187 Nag Hammadi indices | Ancient Literature Guide 186 Note in a single translation/portion of verse | Context menu, note on selection 185 Font size in a panel | Panel font size: keyboard shortcuts and panel menu slider 184 All search | All search 183 Search journals | Author for journal article 182 Open resource on the left | Drag and drop; opening sequence 181 Search of pericopes in a particular translation | search for pericope titles 180 New computer login fails | Computer time setting 179 Two essential keyboard shortcuts | Alt+D and Cntrl+G 178 Change your forum tagline | Forum profile edit 177 Defining Bible Word Study corpus | BWS passage parameter 176 Context Menu: below the line: Grammatical constructions | Context Menu: Grammatical constructions 175 Context Menu: below the line: Preaching theme & theological topic | Context Menu: Preaching theme & Theological topic 174 Context Menu: below the line: Speaker/Addressee | Context Menu: Speaker and Addressee 173 Context Menu: below the line: Biblical events | Context Menu: Biblical event 172 Open hyperlinks in open Bible | Send hyperlinks here; drag and drop 171 Help and training part 4 | Home page, store sites, forums 170 Help and training part 3 | Panel menu help 169 Help and training part 2 | Program settings help 168 Help and training part 1 | Application menu help functions 167 Simplify the creation of collections | Collections 166 Customized commentary lists without the hassle of prioritization | Collections, parallel resources 165 Rules of thumb for search | Search syntax 164 ESV cross-references | ESV cross-reference 163 Search result count with proximity operator | result counts; proximity operators 162 Justification | Program settings: justification; line spacing 161 Searching for Lord | Search for small caps lord 160 Inline search units of text | Inline search units of text 159 Show search results in additional books | Bible search multiview 158 Document and library file dates | Library panel, document menu 157 Limits on reading plans | Reading plan 156 Gem/diamond icon in Concordance tool | Concordance tool 155 Sort a list of references into canonical order | Passage List 154 Gray and bold Bible text | Discourse features visual filter 153 Bible parallels in non-Biblical literature | Ancient literature parallels 152 Non-gospel New Testament parallels/harmonies | Parallel epistles 151 Old Testament use by New Testament | Use of the Old Testament by the New 150 Old Testament harmonies – parallel passages | Synopsis of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles 149 Gospel harmonies – parallel passages | Parallel Gospel reader 148 Bible text formatting, an FYI | Format Bible text 147 Label search: any role | Label search 146 Popular quotes | Search all, Homily builder, Popular quotes 145 View anchor text in Notes | Notes 144 User Interface terminology | User interface workspace terminology 143 Aramaic loan words | Search 142 Notable People dataset | Notable People dataset; Factbook tags 141 Factbook filter | Factbook: referred to as 140 Context Menu: word information group: Bible Knowledgebase elements | Biblical people, place, and thing 139 Context Menu: word information group: Sense (and nyms) | Context Menu: Sense 138 Context Menu: word information group: Strong’s & Louw-Nida | Context menu: Strongs, Louw-Nida 137 Source of timeline dates | Timeline, resources, timeline entry visual filter 136 Text comparison formats | Text comparison 135 Translation of embedded text | Translation tool 134 Compare Pericopes and its equivalents | Compare pericopes 133 Keyboard shortcut/mouse navigation of Bible Sense Lexicon | Bible sense lexicon 132 Split books and links | URL link, context menu, panel menu, milestone, reference 131 Search and the Passage List | Search with Passage List 130 Subordinating conjunctions | Subordinating conjunctions morphology 129 Moving a tab to another tile (pane) | Tab, tile 128 Changing default Bible | Command box, shortcut bar 127 Save note or notebook to Favorites | Notes, favorites 126 Rename a notebook | Notes 125 Enlarge note input box | Resize panel; Notes tool 124 Search documents/notes for tag you added | Search documents, library panel 123 Context Menu: word information group: morphology | Context menu: morphology 122 Context Menu: word information group: lemma and root | Context menu: lemma and root 121 Context Menu: word information group: manuscript | Context menu: manuscript form 120 Select from select menu (pick list) | Selection menu/pick list 119 Pop-up one or multiple translations | F7 text comparison 118 Find repeating words | Word list 117 Search for word – lemma or root | lemma and root original languages searches 116 Available workflows and the related books | Shared workflow templates 115 What software, feature set, and library am I running? | Software version, feature set, and base library 114 Context Menu: more about selection and reference | selection link and image 113 Context Menu: more about references esp. reference milestones | Reference: headword, topic, liturgical date, secular date 112 Context Menu: selection vs. reference | Context menu: selection and reference; search reference and milestone; notes selection and reference 111 Making suggestions | visual filter, feedback.faithlife.com 110 View Old Testament text where used by New Testament | Intertext guide, Information panel 109 Feature set levels | Feature packages 108 Resource panel sidebars | Resource panel, table of contents, notes, favorites, auto-translate 107 New tab options | New tab 106 Tools that open in fixed locations | Highlighting, Reading lists, Favorites, History, Faithlife assistant, Explorer, Cited by, Information, Power lookup, Pronunciation, Community notes 105 Notebook functions | Notebook, visual filter, sharing 104 Navigate Bible Sense Lexicon | Bible Sense Lexicon 103 Search non-contiguous passages | Passage range in Search panel 102 Program settings: prefer lemmas | Program setting: prefer lemmas 101 Print passage list with or without text | Passage list, print/export 100 Questions asked by Jesus | Bible search 99 Flash card/Vocabulary card/Anki deck guidelines | effective flash cards 98 Library to Bibliography | Library: save to bibliography 97 Add reference to passage list | Context menu 96 Resources: New Testament use of the Deuterocanonicals/apocrypha | Forums, Bible Books Explorer, New Testament Use of the Old Testament Interactive 95 Documentation | type:manual 94 hapax legomena and frequency word lists | Word list, Concordance tool 93 Toggling the locator bar on/off (& bug) | Locator bar 92 Find Bible commentary on a particular verse/passage | Search, Bible reference, milestone 91 Help | Help 90 Parashot, sedarim, aliyot, and cantillation | Compare pericopes, Clause visualization, Cantillation interactive, Syntax search 89 Search: Match case, Match all forms, Search field | Search: Match case, Match all forms, Search field 88 Citations | Program settings, citation styles, copy & paste 87 Lexicon use | Lemma, Context Menu 86 #readlater | #readlater 85 Tidbits on your library | About, library, interactive tools, hidden resources 84 Rename Prayer List | Documents and resources 83 Intertext chord chart in Bible Books Explorer | Bible Books Explorer 82 Marks option on Text Comparison | Text comparison options 81 Paul on grace | Search 80 Resource linking – Follow | Linkset follow option 79 Book titles in multi-resource display | Locator bar; multiple resource panel 78 Bible book numbers for Personal books | Personal books (Bible), wiki 77 Auto-translate feature limitations | Auto-translate 76 Find all verses written in Aramaic | Morph search 75 Home page Excerpts | Home page excerpts 74 Facilitate Serendipitous Discovery | Command box 73 Search result colors | Search 72 Verifying search results | Concordance tool, Bible browser, Search, Inline search 71 Reading the Bible verse in the intended translation | collection, parallel resources, link set, send hyperlinks here, text comparison 70 Gematria (and number conversion) | Number converter interactive 69 Quadriga and dilatatio | resources 68 Resources to enhance theme guide section | Theme guide section, resource type of Bible concordance, collection tool, Collection guide section 67 Force the drop-down search menu | Search string 66 Resources used for cross-references lower section | Cross-reference guide section 65 Categories of theology i.e. where do I find ...? | System theologies guide section, Biblical theologies guide section, Theology guide, Lexham Survey of Theology 64 Seven structural menus | Application bar, application, tab (panel level), panel, section bar, selection, context 63 Auto-update resources but not application | Program settings, Command box 62 Tracking bug fixes | Wiki release notes 61 Ligatures and thorns | Search arguments 60 Saving of layouts | Layout menu 59 Navigation box with multiple entry types (Etymological Dictionary) | Navigation box, indexes in information panel 58 Navigation box abbreviated entry | Navigation box 57 Parallel Passages | Parallel passages guide, Parallel Gospel reader, New Testament use of the Old Testament, Biblical event navigator, type: Bible Harmony resources 56 Dictionary used on double-click when set to Look up | Double-click look up, prioritization 55 Why is Timeline, Library ... missing ... | facet bread trails (library, timeline) 54 Putting Lord in small caps | Rich Text editor, keyboard shortcuts 53 Search – proper nouns and capitonyms | Search, match case 52 Turn Factbook links on/off | Factbook filter 51 Select a large chunk of text | Select 50 Left sidebar panel of resource panel | Resource panel, table of contents, notes, favorites 49 Scroll bar markings | Resource pane scroll bar 48 Available counseling themes | external document, Factbook facets 47 Greek New Testament variants visual filter | SBLGNT, Highlighting style, Search fields, Visual filter 46 Screenful of Bible word information | Bible Word Study, Book Search, Reverse Interlinear Bible, Information Panel 45 Comprehensive Bible cross-references | Custom Guide, Context Menu 44 Open Bibles in priority sequence | Bible icon, Bible tab, prioritization 43 Copy and paste multiple, non-contiguous references | Passage List, export, clip board, paste 42 Search Bible verse, chapter, pericope/article | Bible search, Book search 41 Morphology codes interpreted | Morphology coding, Information panel, Interlinears, Context Menu, Wiki 40 Save a layout | Layouts 39 Shortcuts to Universal input and navigation boxes | Command box, Navigation box, keyboard shortcuts 38 Search for all references to a passage | Bible, Context menu, Search 37 Labels for sermons and sermon outlines | Sermon Label, Sermon Guide section, Sermon outline Label, Sermon Outline Guide section 36 Psalm Explorer missing detail information | Psalm Explorer Interactive 35 Single panel for Greek NT, Hebrew, and LXX original Biblical language text | Series 34 Know your DBL | Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains 33 Delete a print book | Library 32 What passages are read in RCL Year C that deal with the topic “repentance”? | Lectionary, Passage List, Search 31 What changed in this software release? | Forum, Wiki release notes, Training Blog 30 Parallel translation in Passage list | Passage List 29 Word Study for every level: Faithlife Study Bible, Factbook, Lexham Analytical Lexicon . . . | Faithlife Study Bible; Factbook; Lexham Research Lexicon; Lexham Analytical Lexicon; Morphology Charts Interactive 28 Controlling Context Menu Lookup for Bible | Prioritization; Context Menu Lookup 27 Who is? .... based on FL coding | context menu and case frame section 26 Visual filter for DSS in DCH | Visual filter for Dead Sea Scroll references in the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew 25 Bible formatting | Visual filters > Resource > Bible text only; Program settings > Red letter 24 Search your notes | document search 23 Power lookup tool | Power lookup 22 Lookup on Greek indeclinable | Context Menu > Lookup 21 Dynamic collections | book search and library field filters 20 Advent is coming ... or has, or will on Sunday, or will on Thursday, or ... | blog; resources 19 Can I open multiple resources at the same time? | Library 18 Create a visual filter for geographic places in the New Testament | Louw-Nida data type as search term; Visual filter 17 How many pericopes in a particular translation? | Reading plan; SQLLite Workbench 16 Is this resource tagged for questions and answers? | Label search (Answer) 15 Managing assets in your File Vault (Amber / Media Browser) | Amber 14 Managing the text comparison tool | Text comparison: case, punctuation, marks 13 Find Hebrew words transliterated not translated in the LXX | Book search with text search argument 12 Prioritize series or volume in series | Prioritization 11 Visual Copy templates and digital asset management tools | Visual copy template; Amber 10 Greek transliteration and technical gobbledygook | Text Converter Interactive 9 Viewing alternative morphologies | Word-by-Word section of Exegetical Guide 8 Finding all the questions in a resource | Find 7 Controlling the Bibles in the Translation section of the Information Panel | Translation section of the Information Panel 6 Turn visual filter on/off on all relevant resources | Visual Filters Icon in Resource Panel 5 Improve lexicon readability | Outline formatting on Visual Filters Icon in Resource Panel 4 Resize some menus | Library, Documents, Tools Menu 3 Move items in Favorites | Favorites 2 Add web site to Shortcut bar | Application tool bar > Shortcut bar 1 Where did my notes go? Trash can option | Recovery from trash can Logos 10 Software function oriented 418. TIP of the day:Term modifiers – Search fields | MJSmith (note to mjes 6.27) 417. Tip: How to use event viewer to diagnose Logos crashes | MJSmith 416. TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 6 | MJSmith 415. TIP of the day (logic): Conductive logic ... the most common form of Commentary | MJSmith 414. TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 5 | MJSmith 413. TIP of the day: interactives – Parallel Gospel Reader | MJSmith 412. TIP of the day: from the blogs – in honor of the art books due to be released soon in Logos | MJSmith 411. TIP of the day: from the blogs – Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary | MJSmith 410. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | MJSmith, Andrew Batishko, James Taylor, Mark Barnes, Jim, Jack Caviness, OneTorah.net, Kyle G. Anderson, Graham Criddle, Keep Smiling for Jesus 409. TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 4 | MJ Smith 408. TIP of the day: Interactives: Names of God (Logos Now) | MJ Smith 407. TIP of the day: Getting your highlights out of Logos into ... | MJ Smith 406. TIP of the day (logic): Science, religion and logic | MJ Smith 405. TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 3 | Mj Smith 404. TIP of the day: Why is Search so ______________ difficult? | MJ Smith 403. TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 2 | MJ Smith 402. TIP of the day: Context menu searches for English New Testament part 1 | MJ Smith 401. TIP of the day: Interactives: Morphology Charts (Greek) | MJ Smith 400. TIP of the day: Interactives: Interlinear Explorer | MJ Smith 399. TIP of the day: Interactives: Systematic theologies (Logos Now) | MJ Smith 398. TIP of the day: Defensive apologetics with Logos | MJ Smith 397. Tip: Follow on a map as you read your Bible | Bruce Dunning 396. TIP of the day: from the blogs – metaphor as cognitive not just linguistic phenomena | MJ Smith 395. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Dave Hooton, NB.Mick, MJ Smith, Bradley Grainger, Lonnie Spencer, Levi Durley, Andrew Batishko, Erwin Stull, Sr., John Schwandt, Eli Evans, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Graham Criddle, Mark Barnes, Todd Phillips 394. TIP of the day (logic): Argument from silence aka argumentum ex silentio | MJ Smith 393. TIP of the day: Getting your highlights out of Logos into ... | MJ Smith 392. TIP of the day (logic):What Dawkins can prove | MJ Smith 391. TIP of the day (logic):To prove a negative you must ... | MJ Smith 390. TIP of the day: Links within the body of a Note | MJ Smith 389. TIP of the day: Interactives: Greek Alphabet Tutor | MJ Smith 388. TIP of the day (logic): Dawkins’ big oops | MJ Smith 387. TIP of the day: seeing footnotes | MJ Smith 386. TIP of the day: Sense lines 2 ways | MJ Smith 385. TIP of the day (logic): Burden of proof – Scripture says vs. Scripture teaches | MJ Smith 384. TIP of the day: from the blogs – position papers | MJ Smith 383. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | alabama24, Graham Criddle, Dave Hooton, Greg W., Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, MJ. Smith, Eli Evans, Mark Barnes, Andrew Perez, Milkman, Bradley Grainger, Gregory S. MacBeth, P A, Bob Pritchett 382. TIP of the day (logic): Logos as research tool for apologetics in the form of dialogue logic | MJ Smith 381. TIP of the day: Pseudo integration of Logos with other software | MJ Smith 380. TIP of the day: Interactive: Manuscript Explorer (Logos Now only) | MJ Smith 379. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – sharpening the view | MJ Smith 378. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – grammar – word and phrase classes | MJ Smith 377. TIP of the day: Interactive: Narrative Character Maps (for Richard) | MJ Smith 376. TIP of the day: Interactives: Weights & Measures Converter | MJ Smith 375. TIP of the Day: Interactives: Text Converter | MJ Smith 374. TIP of the day: Learning/reviewing Greek like a modern old fogey | MJ Smith 373. TIP of the day: Interactives: Numeric Converter | MJ Smith 372. TIP of the day: from the blogs: Dave Brunn on translations + Eugene Nida | MJ Smith 371. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Dave Hooton, MJ Smith, Phil Gons, Fr. Devin Roza, GregW, Jack Hairston, Veli Voipio, Francis, alabama24, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Scott E. Mahle, Ronald Quick, Grahahm Criddle, Mark Barnes, Louis St. Hilaire, SineNomine 370. TIP of the day: Interactives: Days of Creation | MJ Smith 369. TIP of the day: Interactives: Ancient Inscriptions | MJ Smith 368. TIP of the day: Ancient history and user supplied data | MJ Smith 367. TIP of the day: Special search fields – Amplified Bible | MJ Smith 366. TIP of the day: What you can’t do with a media search | MJ Smith 365. TIP of the day: Media search | MJ Smith 364. Tip: Highlight Palette | Sascha John 363. TIP of the day: Indexing and Search fields | MJ Smith 362. TIP of the day: from the blogs: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – mind map summaries | MJ Smith 361. TIP of the day: from the blogs: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – outline | MJ Smith 360. TIP of the day: from the blogs: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – paraphrase, summary and précis | MJ Smith 359. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | MJ Smith, Doc B., Francis, Bruce Dunning, Sascha John, Dave Hooton, alabama24, Tim Hensler, NB.Mick, Steve Clark 358. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – Andersen Forbes visualizations | MJ Smith 357. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – OpenText visualizations | MJ Smith 356. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – text flow diagrams | MJ Smith 355. TIP of the day: Topic Guide Part 5 – Illustrations, Journals and Personal Letters | MJ Smith 354. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Dave Hooton, Graham Criddle, MJ Smith, Denise, Francis, Bruce Dunning, Bradley Grainger, Matthew Lee, Gao Lu, Mark Barnes, Milkman, John Goodman, George Somsel, Rick Brannan, Veli Voipio, Justin Gatlin, Erwin Stull Sr., TC Black, Andrew Batishko, Sascha John, Mark Smith 353. TIP of the day: from the blogs: Vern Poythress on literal interpretation | MJ Smith 352. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – a word for word translation? I hope not. | MJ Smith 351. TIP of the day: from the blogs: some quotations on literal sense | MJ Smith 350. VERBUM TIP of the day: From the blogs: The literal sense of Scripture | MJ Smith 349. TIP: Crear un acceso rápido para un entorno | Victor Ulloa 348. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – finding a figure of speech | MJ Smith 347. TIP of the day: DIY Personal Letter labels | MJ Smith 346. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – Learning to understand figures of comparison | MJ Smith 345. TIP Copy Highlights to Word | Sascha John 344. TIP of the day: Topic Guide Part 4- Sermons | MJ Smith 343. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – figurative especially comparison or contrast | MJ Smith 342. TIP of the day: Topic Guide Part 3- Catholic Topical Index | MJ Smith 341. TIP of the day: from the blogs – the meaning of a word | MJ Smith 340. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Bradley Grainger, Sean Boisen, Justin Gatlin, alabama24, MJ Smith, Greg W, Andrew Batishko, Francis, John Fidel, Reuben Helmuth, Sasha John, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Dave Hooton, Doc B, Rick Brannan, Bruce Dunning, NB.Mick, Graham Criddle 339. TIP of the day: from the blogs Jewish interpretation of scripture | MJ Smith 338. TIP: Church Father Layout | Sascha John 337. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – proper nouns | MJ Smith 336. TIP of the day: Plain meaning/ analytic reading – definitions | MJ Smith 335. TIP of the day: Topic Guide Part 2- Related verses | MJ Smith 334. TIP of the day: Use of equivalent references and events. | MJ Smith 333. TIP of the day: Topic Guide Part 1 – Topic | MJ Smith 332. TIP of the day: A reformatted resource New Nave’s Topical Bible | MJ Smith 331. TIP of the day: from the blogs – rhetorical criticism | MJ Smith 330. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Sascha John, MJ Smith, Graham Criddle, alabama24, Bradley Grainger, Dave Hooton, Bruce Dunning, Mark Barnes, Andrew Batishko, John Fidel, Gau Lu, Integ, Steve Clark, Todd Phillips, Alan, fgh, Justin Gatlin 329. TIP of the day: Sermon Starter Guide part 6 – Interactives, Media, Illustrations and Outlines | MJ Smith 328. TIP Griechisch lesen lernen mit Word Puzzle | Sascha John 327. TIP of the day: Sermon Starter Guide part 5 – Collections | MJ Smith 326. TIP: Interlinear pane is a delightful drag! | Gao Lu 325. TIP of the day: Sermon Starter Guide part 4 – Thematic Outlines and Journals | MJ Smith 324. TIP of the day: Sermon Starter Guide part 3 – sermons and preaching resources | MJ Smith 323. TIP of the day: Sermon Starter Guide part 2 – theme, topics, passages, related passages | MJ Smith 322. TIP: Document Views | alabama24 321. TIP of the day: Introduction to Sermon Starter Guide based on scripture passage Part 1 | MJ Smith 320. TIP of the day: Parallel major Bible traditions | MJ Smith 319. TIP of the day: Oldies but goodies from the Logos Blogs | Michael S. Heiser, Vincent Setterholm, Tyler Smith 318. TIP of the day: from the blogs – kinds of meaning | MJ Smith 317. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Reuben Helmuth, Mike Binks, Graham Criddle, Bradley Grainger, MJ Smith, Rick, Phil Gons, Integ, Jack Caviness, fgh, Mark Barnes, Gao Lu, Bruce Dunning, PA 316. TIP of the day: Finding the plain meaning of the text | MJ Smith 315. TIP of the day: “expanding” an abridged edition | MJ Smith 314. VERBUM TIP of the day: Finding other versions of the papal documents | MJ Smith 313. TIP of the day: Finding DataTypeName and value | MJ Smith 312. LOGOS NOW TIP of the day: Feature documentation | MJ Smith 311. TIP of the day: Add Collection or Commentary; Search milestone or reference | MJ Smith 310. TIP of the day: from the blogs: Confessional Bible Study and Logos | MJ Smith 309. TIP of the day: Finding relevant passages to use for the Systematic Theology section | MJ Smith 308. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #23: Understanding tagging for the Systematic Theologies section | MJ Smith 307. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #22: Sentence flow – clause style | MJ Smith 306. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #21: Lexham Discourse/High Definition tagging | MJ Smith 305. TIP of the day: from the blogs – On the authority of Bible commentary | MJ Smith 304. TIP of the day: Library filters | MJ Smith 303. TIP of the day: Using Logos to check facts | MJ Smith 302. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Derek Fekkes. Bradley Grainger, NB.Mick, Donnie Hale, Mark Barnes, Rick, GregW, Graham Criddle, Dave Hooton, MJ Smith, Michael Aubrey, alabama24, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Matthew, Reuben Helmuth 301. TIP of the day: Lemma searching for Hebrew | MJ Smith 300. TIP of the day: from the blogs – lexical vs. contextual meaning | MJ Smith 299. TIP of the day: Summary and modest proposal re: cross-references | MJ Smith 298. TIP of the day: Biblical person Zare | MJ Smith 297. TIP of the day: from the blogs – SIL Semantic domains | MJ Smith 296. TIP of the day: When is 4:2 actually 3:20? Or is it the reverse? | MJ Smith 295. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part VII | MJ Smith 294. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part VI | MJ Smith 293. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Dave Hooton, GregW, Integ, Mark Barnes, NB.Mick, Graham Criddle, alabama24, Ron, Steve Clark, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Steve, Roy, David A. Egolf, George Sommel, Lee 292. TIP of the day: Make a 2015 Reading Plan Work for 2016 | NB.Mick 291. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part V | MJ Smith 290. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part IV | MJ Smith 289. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part III | MJ Smith 288. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part II | MJ Smith 287. TIP of the day: Why I don’t use the Cross-Reference section of the Passage Guide – Part I | MJ Smith 286. TIP of the day: Keyboard shortcuts for Panel Menu | MJ Smith 285. TIP of the day: from the blogs, etc. – types of cross-references | MJ Smith 284. TIP of the day: Editting notes – keyboard or toolbar ... | MJ Smith 283. TIP of the day: Operational difference between BHS SESB & BHS SESB Core | MJ Smith 282. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #20: Context Menu Tags – Syntax SGNT | MJ Smith 281. TIP of the day: from “Computer-Assisted Bible Study” | MJ Smith 280. TIP of the day: from “What is Text Analysis, Really? ” | MJ Smith 279. TIP of the day: Making pericope parallels useful | MJ Smith 278. TIP of the day: Making sense of the Catholic Topical Index, Themes and Topics | MJ Smith 277. TIP of the day: forum redux on mind maps, concept maps, etc. ... | MJ Smith 276. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Rick Brannan. Gao Lu, Dave Hooton, Mark Barnes, Graham Criddle, alabama24, Fredc, MJ Smith, integ, Bruce Dunning, Sascha John, Steve clark, Bob Pritchett 275. TIP of the day: Merry Christmas | MJ Smith 274. VERBUM TIP of the day: Ancient Literature, Catholic Topical Index, Confessional Documents. | MJ Smith 273. TIP of the day – weekend redux: The book abbreviation “Kgdms” = Samuel/Kings | MJ Smith 272. TIP of the day: Citation styles | MJ Smith 271. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Eli Evans, MJ Smith, Graham Criddle, Reuben Helmuth, Mark Barnes, Fredc, alabama24, Michael Kinch, Integ, Jeff Jackson, Jack Caviness, Rick Brannan 270. TIP of the day: Logos community Advent gifts part III | MJ Smith 269. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | James Taylor, Integ, MJ Smith, Mark Barnes, NB.Mick, Mark Smith, Bradley Grainger, Graham Criddle, alabama24, John Fidel, Dave Hooton, Rick Brannan, Louis St. Hilaire 268. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Hermeneutic Spiral or Circle | MJ Smith 267. TIP of the day: Logos community Advent gifts part II | MJ Smith 266. TIP of the day: Logos community Advent gifts | MJ Smith 265. TIP of the day: Build a Logos training and reference collection | MJ Smith 264. TIP of the day: Collection to make use of your Vyrso resources | MJ Smith 263. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Jack Caviness, Graham Criddle, Bruce Dunning, Dave Hooton, Eli Evans, Mark Barnes, MJ Smith, Bradley Grainger, Reuben Helmuth, John Fidel, Schumitinu, Rick Brannan, NB.Mick, Rodney Phillips 262. Power Tip: Making the most of Commentary Collections | Mark Barnes 261. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #19: Context Menu Tags —> Information Panel Tags | MJ Smith 260. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #18: Context Menu Tags – Labels / Bible Book Guide | MJ Smith 259. Tip – Headings for the Prioritizing panel | Steve Clark 258. CIV – tip | Steve Clark 257. TIP of the day: Manipulating layout tiles | MJ Smith 256. TIP of the day: automatic layouts | MJ Smith 255. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Andrew Batishko, Dave Hooton, NB.Mick, MJ Smith, David Taylor, Jr., Saacha John, Integ, Graham Criddle, Bruce Dunning, Ryan B., Doc B., Eli Evans, Tim Findlay 254. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #17: Context Menu Tags – Labels | MJ Smith 253. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #16: Context Menu Tags – text vs. reference to text | MJ Smith 252. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #15: Literary Typing | MJ Smith 251. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #14: Preaching Themes | MJ Smith 250. Tip: English pronunciation | Steve Clark, Andrew Batishko 249. TIP of the day – from the blogs: on the proper use of etymology | MJ Smith 248. TIP of the day – from the blogs: identifying potentially important words and concepts in a text | MJ Smith 247. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #13: shortcut for Searching on tags | MJ Smith 246. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #12: Factbook datasets – Cultural Concepts | MJ Smith 245. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #11: Factbook datasets – Things | MJ Smith 244. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #10: Factbook datasets – Place | MJ Smith 243. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #9: Factbook datasets – referent and person | MJ Smith 242. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #8: Factbook datasets – events | MJ Smith 241. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #7: Tools ==> Passage Analysis ==> Morph River | MJ Smith 240. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #6: Tools ==> Passage Analysis ==> Compare Pericopes | MJ Smith 239. TIP- Focus Find Follow Pt 8 – where do you want to go from here | John Fiedel 238. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Andrew Batishko, Mark Barnes, Harry Hahne, ND.Mick, Francis, Fredc, Lonnie Spencer, Justin Gatlin, Dylan Rondeau, MY Smith, John Fidel, Graham Criddle, Michael Childs, 237. TIP – Focus Find Follow – Pt 7 – Bible Book Overview | John Fidel 236. TIP of the day: Comparing multiple morphologies | MJ Smith 235. TIP – Find Focus Follow Pt 6 – Elements of a basic study layout | John Fidel 234. TIP of the day: Logos (resource specific) tagging #5 – Andersen-Forbes morphology | MJ Smith 233. TIP of the day: Order of Bibles in Multiview | MJ Smith 232. TIP – Focus Find Follow Pt 5 – The Cited By Tool – Gateway for exploration | John Fidel 231. TIP of the day: Logos (reverse interlinear) tagging #5 – Bible Sense Lexicon | MJ Smith 230. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Fr. Devin Roza, Mark Barnes, Dave Hooton, John Fidel, Integ, Steve Clark, Mark Smith, MJ Smith 229. TIP – Focus Find Follow Pt 4 – Using the Information Window to Create Word Study “Modules” | John Fidel 228. TIP – Focus Find Follow Pt 3 – Information Window (IW) Overview | John Fidel 227. TIP of the day: Logos (reverse interlinear) tagging #4 – Louw-Nida | MJ Smith 226. TIP – Find Focus Follow Pt 2 gateways to your library simple examples | John Fidel 225. TIP of the day: Logos (reverse interlinear) tagging #3 – Strong’s number | MJ Smith 224. Forum Tip: hyperlinking to another reply in your reply | Steve Clark 223. TIP – Focus Find & Follow | John Fidel 222. Guide to Setting up a Better Logos Framework | John Fidel 221. TIP – Setting up and using Floating Windows for extended study | John Fidel 220 Attn: MJ Smith – Question about your tagging system | MJ Smith (sample custom passage guide) 219. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #2 – surface, manuscript, lemma, root | MJ Smith 218. TIP of the day: Read the blog post on How to create a passage list from a ToC, plus some Add-Ons | NB.Mick 217. TIP of the day: Logos.com See Inside – Table of Contents | NB.Mick 216. Logos/Verbum Tip of the day: How to build a custom reading plan | NB.Mick 215. TIP of the day: Logos tagging #1 – speaker and addressee | MJ Smith 214. TIP of the day: Using a interlinear to understand Logos functioning part 2 | MJ Smith 213. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Chiasmus | MJ Smith 212. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | MJ Smith, Greg W., Doc B., alabama24, Mark Barnes, Rick Brannan, Graham Criddle, Robert S. Ogle, Bradley Grainger, Dylan Rondeau, John Fidel, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus 211. TIP of the day: Using a (reverse) interlinear to understand Logos functioning part 1 | MJ Smith 210. TIP of the day: Viewing footnotes, end notes, marginalia, center column cross-references ... | MJ Smith 209. TIP of the day: Basic resource views | MJ Smith 208. TIP of the day: Setting up a daily devotional | MJ Smith 207. TIP of the day: I would have sworn I saw it there yesterday | MJ Smith 206. TIP: Turbo Charging your Topic Studies | John Fidel 205. TIP of the day: Library and bibliography control | MJ Smith 204. TIP of the day: Highlighting via short cuts | MJ Smith 203. Verbum TIP of the day: Saints as role models (includes Methodists, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox ....) | MJ Smith 202. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | John Fidel, Jack Caviness, MJ Smith, Dave Hooton, Justin Gatlin, Graham Criddle, Bradley Grainger, Doc B., Kenneth Neighoff, NB.Mick, Reuben Helmuth 201. TIP of the day: subject vs. nominative vs. agent | MJ Smith 200. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | MJ Smith 199. TIP of the day: From the blogs – a Lutheran take on preaching and exegesis of the propers | MJ Smith 198. TIP of the day: Mary and the gang of Mary’s | MJ Smith 197. TIP of the day: identifying the panel in focus | MJ Smith 196. TIP of the day: “Judas” vs. “person Judas” | MJ Smith 195. TIP of the day: A way to fake a work check list (sometimes) | MJ Smith 194. TIP of the day: Save a location to find it again | MJ Smith 193. TIP of the day: what you can’t do ... so far as I can tell and a work-around ... as well as some tricks | MJ Smith 192. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: | Graham Criddle, MJ Smith, Bradley Grainger, Doc B., Dave Hooton, SineNomine, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus 191. TIP of the day: Adding notes or tags to resource footnotes | MJ Smith 190. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | John Fidel, Mark Barnes, NB.Mick, James Taylor, Andrew Batishko, William, MJ Smith, Gao Lu 189. TIP of the day: Community tag results in Factbook | MJ Smith 188. TIP of the day: Faithlife site integration part 1: stand alone sites | MJ Smith 187. TIP of the day: Added words in translation | MJ Smith 186. TIP of the day: Idioms and translation styles | MJ Smith 185. TIP of the day: arcane features and dreaming | MJ Smith 184. TIP of the day: Christians to emulate | MJ Smith 183. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Mark Barnes, Graham Criddle, Thinking, MJ Smith, NB.Mick, Stephen Ku, Dave Hooton, Mark Smith, alabama24, Timothy Brown, Bruce Dunning 182. TIP of the day: Maintaining a simple Verbum/Logos library with less noise | MJ Smith 181. TIP of the day: Morphological Rivers (with some unanswered questions) | MJ Smith 180. TIP of the day: Don’t wait for Logos ... DIY sermon labeling | MJ Smith 179. TIP of the day: Sermon and Illustrator personal books (with suggestions and MSWord template). | MJ Smith 178. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Mark Barnes, Justin Gatlin, Andrew Batishko, Tim Taylor, Doc B, MJ Smith, alabama24, Fredc, Graham Criddle, Rick Brannan 177. TIP of the day: Note on single translation, all translations and moving between. | MJ Smith 176. TIP of the day: controlling Timeline content. | MJ Smith 175. TIP of the day: Time line date range and look | MJ Smith 174. TIP of the day: Basic navigation to the Timeline | MJ Smith 173. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Don Await, Mark Ward, Disciple of Christ (doc), Brian Collins, Dave Hooton, NB.Mick, Graham Criddle, Steve, MJ Smith, Doc B., Dylan Rondeau, Fredc, Bradley Grainger, Integ, Andrew Batishko, John Fidel 172. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week (catchup) | Dave Hooton, Mark Barnes, John Fidel, Bob Soule, Fredc, Andrew Batishko, Mike Binks, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, JeremyS, NB.Mick, Yasmin Stephen, Graham Criddle, Disciple of Christ (doc), Jeremy Thompson 171. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week (catchup) | Schumitinu, Dave, alabama24, Bradley Grainger, Ruben Sandoval, Jonathan J Watson, Dylan Rondeau, Mark Smith, Disciple of Christ (doc), Steve Clark, Louis St. Hilaire, Dave Hooton, Mark Barnes, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Sascha John 170. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week (catchup) | NB.Mick, Richard Villanueva, Graham Criddle, John Fidel, Dave Hooton, Bradley Grainger, Bruce Dunning, Rick Brannan, Fredc, alabama24, Gabe Martini, Jacob Cerone, elnwood 169. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Jack Caviness, TC Black, Andrew Batishko, Eli Evans, Dave Hooton, Rick, Rosie Perera, Fredc, Doc B., Rick Brannan, NB Mick, Matt Jarka, Bradley Grainger, Graham Criddle, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Clifford B. Kvidahl, alabama24, Mark Barnes, Phil Gons, Gary Mendenhall xxx. CIV – tip | steve clark 168. TIP of the day: How to search for/link to a Logos/Verbum work in a resource | MJ Smith 167. TIP of the day: one common search error and its fix | MJ Smith 166. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Rick, David Knoll, GregW, Mark Barnes, Dave Hooton, Dylan Rondeau, Integ, Donald Quick, Bradley Grainger, Fredc, Francis, Mike Meiser. alabama24, Graham Criddle 165. TIP of the day: Generic reported speech | MJ Smith 164. TIP of the day: God’s Hebrew instructions | MJ Smith 163. TIP of the day: Word of Jesus Christ | MJ Smith 162. TIP of the day: time and place markers | MJ Smith 161. TIP of the day: matching hymns to scripture | MJ Smith 160. TIP of the day: How to access Greek/Hebrew Audio Pronunciation? | NB.Mick 159. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Ignatian and Wesleyan spirituality | Karen R. Keen 158. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Guide issues | Fredc. alabama24, Graham Criddle, NB.Mick, MJ Smith, Bill Shewmaker, Mark Smith, Reuben Helmuth, Steve Clark, TCBlack 157. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Mark Barnes, Fredc, Graham Criddle, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Francis, Andrew Batishko, Dave Hooton, alamaba24, John Fidel, James Taylor 156. TIP of the day: Using Andersen-Forbes coding when you don’t know Hebrew | MJ Smith 155. TIP of the day: time and place markers | MJ Smith 154. TIP of the day: a 10,000 foot view of Search | MJ Smith 153. TIP of the day: Cultural Criticism – extending Logos | MJ Smith 152. VERBUM TIP of the day: A minimal Passage Guide for daily sermons | MJ Smith 151. TIP of the day: Adding Commentaries vs. Collections to Passage Guide | MJ Smith 150. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Clause search issues | Sean Boisen, Ryan Gano, Dave Hooton 149. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Rick, David Knolll, GregW, Mark Barnes, Dave Hooton, Dylan Rondeau, Integ, Ronald Quick, Fredc, Francis, Donnie Hale, Mike Meiser, Graham Criddle 148. TIP of the day: Showing Bible footnotes in the same translation as the Bible itself | MJ Smith 147. TIP of the day: Reverse interlinears – do I have it | MJ Smith 146. TIP of the day: link to article on in-depth word study | MJ Smith 145. TIP of the day: Use of Scripture in Rashi commentary .... | MJ Smith 144. TIP of the day: Tracking down the Source of Early American Imprints and storing in Favorites | MJ Smith 143. TIP of the day: Addendum to Controlling the display format of Bibles | MJ Smith 142. TIP of the day: Erasmian pronunciation of Greek | MJ Smith 141. TIP of the day: Greek Alphabet Tutor | MJ Smith 140. TIP of the day – from the blogs: What are the differences between allegorical and typological interpretation? | MJ Smith 139. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Making Sense of Old Testament Laws | MJ Smith 138. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | TCBlack, Flav, Fredc, David P. Moore, Mike Meiser, Dave Hooton, Erwin Stull, Sr., integ, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Francis, Graham Criddle, MJ Smith, Mike Hogue, Mark Barnes, Don Await 137. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Collection of all my journals | spitzerpt, TCBlack 136. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Stop a search | Chris Efford, TCBlack 135. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: How to delete a collection | Bohuslav Wojnar 134. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: How to get a commentary to follow a Bible / synch Bibles | TCBlack, Mark Smith 133. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Saving a search | Mark Smith 132. TIP of the day – weekend redux: Topic search “The Reformation” | John Fidel, Andrew Batishko 131. TIP of the day: Indices and search fields | MJ Smith 130. TIP of the day: Controlling panel interactions in a layout | MJ Smith 129. TIP of the day: Selling a user of Online Bible software on Logos | MJ Smith 128. VERBUM TIP of the day: Revised Common Lectionary: Sundays and Feasts in Ordinary Time | MJ Smith 127. United Methodist TIP of the day: UMC version of the RCL | MJ Smith 126. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Hillel’s seven rules and the New Testament | MJ Smith 125. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Andersen-Forbes searches | MJ Smith 124. TIP of the day – from the blogs: Block diagram (sentence flow diagram) and discourse analysis | MJ Smith 123. TIP of the day – weekend redux: The book abbreviation “Kgdms” = Samuel/Kings | NB.Mick, Rick Brannan, Dan Francis 122. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Graham Criddle, Mike Meiser, Mark Barnes, Kevin Olson, Peter Venable, Scott E. Mahle, MJ Smith, Integ, Kevin Byford 121. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Frequency/density bar chart (spark graph) | MJ Smith 120. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Choosing English verb in clause search | Graham Criddle, Peter Venable 119. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Why does my lemma search include articles? | Ruben Gomez, Dave Hooton 118. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: How do timeline references work? | TCBlack 117. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Clause Search – Searching for actions by the Kings of Judah | Fr Devin Roza 116. TIP of the day: Additional resource visual filters | MJ Smith 115. TIP of the day: Reading formats | MJ Smith 114. TIP of the day: A gentle introduction to case frames | MJ Smith, Schumitinu 113. TIP of the day: Controlling the display format of Bibles | MJ Smith 112. TIP of the day: Deixis | MJ Smith 111. TIP of the day: Use Logos/Verbum with skepticism | MJ Smith 110. VERBUM TIP of the day: Passage Guides as record of work | MJ Smith 109. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Fredc, Mike Meiser, Ronald Quick, Mark Barnes, Bradley Grainger, MJ Smith, Graham Criddle, James Taylor, Sean Boisen, Andrew Batishko 108. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Speaker Labels | Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, Sean Boisen 107. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Using the timeline | David Beard, Fredc, Annie O’Connor, Glenn Gervais 106. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Translated in Information pane | Bradley Grainger 105. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: “cognate” search | Graham Criddle, Rick Brannan 104. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: The value of hiding resources | Bradley Grainger 103. TIP of the day: Logos only features | MJ Smith 102. TIP of the day: Text comparison | MJ Smith 101. TIP of the day: The Hermeneutical Spiral’s block diagrams with syntactic relationships | MJ Smith 100. TIP of the day: Topics section of Passage Guide and Sermon Starter Guide | MJ Smith 99. TIP of the day: Interesting Words | MJ Smith 98. TIP of the day: Nitty-gritty of the very basic search | MJ Smith 97. Tip of the day: basic search options (Search panel icon menu) and drop-down options | MJ Smith 96. TIP of the day: take a risk – learn something new | MJ Smith 95. TIP of the day: textual boundaries | MJ Smith 94 TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Rosie Perera, Keep Smiling 4 Jesus, tjebme, Fredc, Dave Hooton, James Taylor, Eli Evans, Mike Meiser, NBMick 93 TIP of the Day – from the blogs: Annual plan for reading the Canon of Theologians | Tony Reinke 92 Verbum TIP of the day – from the blogs: Reading the Summa Theologica | The New Theological Movement 91. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Top ten tips/suggestions | Allen Browne 90. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Tracking your Vyrso books | alabama24 89. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Close all on shortcut bar | Robert Pavich 88. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Color coding notes for papers | Logos wiki 87. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: TSK and Power Lookup | Timothy Lovegrove 86. TIP of the day: Connecting a study Bible to the version to which it belongs | MJ Smith 85. TIP of the day: Linking textual notes to the text | MJ Smith 84. VERBUM TIP of the day: starting a new lay person on a prepared Bible study aka what we should have told Mel Part 2a | MJ Smith 83. TIP of the day: starting a new lay person on a prepared Bible study aka what we should have told Mel Part 2 | MJ Smith 82. TIP of the day: Understanding Bible person, place thing tagging | MJ Smith 81. TIP of the day: teacher helping student – Catholic, Lutheran, Messianic Jew ... & community tags | MJ Smith 80. TIP of the day: take a risk – learn something new | MJ Smith 79. VERBUM TIP of the day: Teaching how the lectionary is made | MJ Smith 78. TIP of the day: Best answers of the week | Jack Caviness, James Taylor, Bradley Grainger, Bruce Dunning, Sean Boisen, Andy Evans, Don Await, Graham Criddle, Greg W., Mike Meiser 77. Tip: LLR BookCover Report | Steve Clark 76. TIP of the day – weekend redux: complex Hebrew search in Logos | Fr. Devin Roza, Mark Barnes, George Somsel 75. TIP of the day – weekend redux: Power Tip: Using variables to Search and Replace in Word | Fr. Devin Roza, NB Mick 74. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Search a collection for a Bible range | Mark Smith 73. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Greek-English both the native order | spitzerpl 72. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Go box vs. Command box | Cameron Walters 71. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Visual filter to rearrange text | Robert Pavich 70. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Strong’s, Louw-Nida | Mark Smith, Bradley Grainger 69. TIP of the day: Section title bar menu | MJ Smith 68. TIP of the day: you can get there from here quickly (compare pericope and word tree) | MJ Smith 67. TIP of the day: textual boundaries | MJ Smith 66. TIP: Advanced “Root” Search Example | Fr. Devin Roza, Mark Barnes, Rick Brannan 65. TIP of the day: Hear ye, Hear ye learn to use your Rabbinic resources | MJ Smith 64. TIP of the day: starting a new lay person on a prepared Bible study aka what we should have told Mel Part 1 | MJ Smith 63. Tip – rename your commentaries | Josh Hunt 62. TIP of the day: Word tree – an n-gram concordance | MJ Smith 61. TIP of the day: Build your own chain reference Bible [well almost] Earnhardt as an example | 60. Quick Tip for Slow Learners like me | Mark Barnes 59. TIP of the day: Strong’s numbers – a brilliant and obsolete idea | MJ Smith 58. TIP of the day: meaning and classification of words | MJ Smith 57. TIP of the day: Parallel Gospels | MJ Smith 56. TIP of the day: Equivalent resources | MJ Smith 55. TIP of the day: Tracking down place media MJ Smith 54. TIP of the Day: Forums – How to copy a link to a thread or to an individual post | Rosie Perera 53. TIP of the day – weekend redux: Faithlife supplied product collections | Ray from Faithlife 52. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Reading view | spitzerpl, Bradley Granger 51. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Use of visual filters – words in any language, conjunctions ... | Robert Pavich 50. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: drawing mode | Kevin Becker 49. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Filter by library metadata | Francis, spitzerpl 48. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Save your searches | Robert Pavich, Jason, Jonathan Burke, Bradley Grainger 47. TIP of the day: Reference operators in Search arguments | MJ Smith 46. Is there a simple way of getting a list of all my Collections? | Rick 45. Using prayer lists as to-do lists | Francis 44. TIP of the day: order of basic search results | MJ Smith 43. TIP of the day: Scripture formatted for proclaiming / reading aloud | MJ Smith 42. CIV – tip | Steve Clark 41. TIP of the day: Why read the forums ... or why I wasn’t wasting my time while dilly-dallying ... and why you need a note file | MJ Smith 40. VERBUM TIP of the day: Lectors’/Liturgical readers’ Notes | MJ Smith 39. TIP of the day: Converting Bible study technique to Logos Tool | MJ Smith 38. Tip: Heading OR Largetext search shortcut | James Taylor 37. TIP of the day: Search history | MJ Smith 36. TIP of the day – weekend redux: Custom reading plan 5 OT chapters, 5 NT chapters 1 Psalm | Andrew Batishko 35. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Controlling contents of Commentaries section of Guides | TCBlack 34. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Collections (English Bibles) | Bohuslav Mojnar, Sean Boisen, spitzerpl, Todd Phillips 33. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Copy from Command box | TCBlack, BillS 32. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Finding tags I’ve used | TCBlack 31. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Sympathetic highlighting and commentaries | spitzerpl, TCBlack 30. TIP of the day: Factbook person – dictionary section | MJ Smith 29. TIP of the day: Search foreign languages | MJ Smith, Rosie Perera 28. TIP of the day: Why set a community tag – correcting information | MJ Smith 27. TIP of the day: Why set a community tag – adding information | MJ Smith 26. TIP of the day: where was I? | MJ Smith 25. TIP of the day: New Tab Panel | MJ Smith 24. VERBUM TIP of the day: Verbum adding Catholic theologians to the default lectionary layout | MJ Smith 23. TIP of the day: Word frequency in a pericope | MJ Smith 22. TIP of the day: Learn original language vocabulary ... and not via flash cards | MJ Smith 21. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: wearmarks, search results etc. | Robert Pavich 20. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: BiblePlaces.com | George Allakhverdyan 19. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: text comparison for interlinears | spitzerpl 18. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: Command box | Mitch Davis 17. TIP of the day – oldies weekend: a very oldie but goodie – the fifth post in the Logos 4 forum (Library) | Damian McGrath 16. TIP of the day: Events in the life of a Biblical person | MJ Smith 15. Tip: quick way to highlight | Josh Hunt 14. Working with different notes in the same file: a simple tip | Francis 13. Tip: make text bigger or smaller | Josh Hunt 12. TIP of the day: Controlling where a reference opens | MJ Smith 11. TIP of the day: Be curious ... especially regarding what Faithlife is up to | MJ Smith 10. TIP of the day: Finding an author’s bibliography in and out of Logos | MJ Smith 9. TIP: How to track Vyrso books | alabama24 8. VERBUM TIP of the day: Read your favorite blog with Verbum open beside it | MJ Smith 7. TIP of the day: How to find verse of the day art | MJ Smith 6. Tip of the day: How to select which resource to open in Ancient Literature section | MJ Smith 5. Tip: How to create shortcuts to Media Browser collections | Mark Barnes 4. Tip to use CTL-F to find tags | Francis 3. TIPS: Send to Kindle – Library Messaging & Multiple Kindles | Denise 2. Search for preposition used in a certain case | Fr. Devin Roza, Dave Hooton 1. Making the most of Biblical People Diagrams | Francis See Also Logos Blog and Forum Tips