Did you miss this Lexham Press book Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition
Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition | Logos Bible Software Logos blurb: Holy Scripture requires holy reading 2023 Credo Magazine Book Award Winner - Theological Retrieval Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture…
Coverdale apocrypha - Greek additions to Esther mislabeled; Daniel not versified
In Ball, C. J. The Ecclesiastical or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament Commonly Called the Apocrypha. London; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Melbourne; Sydney; New York: Eyre & Spottiswoode, n.d. The Greek Esther is marked Chapter 11 Esther but tagged Chapter 16 Judith … Additions to Daniel and Prayer of Manasseh lack…
1662 Book of Common Prayer Commentaries - Resource Requests
Hey everyone, Just letting you know that I have put a couple of resource requests up for some commentaries on the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (Church of England/Anglican). These are all recommend as standout commentaries by Bray & Keane in their recent 2024 work 'How to Use the Book of Common Prayer' (pg 165). All the…
Books by Guy King
Guy King's expositions are rewarding reading. They include: Colossians: True Life in Christ 1 John: The Fellowship 1 Timothy: A Leader Led II Timothy: To My Son James: A Belief that Behaves Philippians: Joy Way They are published by CLC I'd like to see them in Logos.
Attention Church of England Anglicans: 2024-25 Almanac and Lectionary Personal Book
I've taken some freely available data and created a Word document to help you build your own 2024-25 Church of England Almanac and Lectionary personal book. This year, I've enhanced the table of contents and made some formatting tweaks to make the book even more user-friendly. If someone wants to turn this into a complete…
Now Available: ACNA Lectionaries
The daily office and Sunday lectionaries from the Anglican Church in North America's Texts for Common Prayer are now available for purchase: https://www.logos.com/product/129540/anglican-church-in-north-america-daily-office-lectionary…
2024 C of E Lectionary File for Building a Personal Book.
Further to the forum thread: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/211082.aspx I had a bit of a play this weekend to clean up the file made available on https://almanac.oremus.org/ It's still not super pretty and it does not have an table of contents, but it is better than the raw CSV file that I posted about in the…
Reading Plans - Morning and Evening Psalter according to the 1662 BCP
Thought I would share two reading plans I recently created, one for the morning, one for the evening. Together they cover the entirety of the Psalter according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Why? Because the 1662 BCP is not yet included in the Logos lectionary feature, and even if it was, you might just want to read…
Is there a section we can report spelling errors?
Reading J.C. Ryle’s commentary on Mark 11:27-33, and there is a spelling error. The sentence says “The plain truth is that we ought to he very slow to give credit” and it should say that “we ought to be very slow”.
39 Articles in Modern English
I've been reading in the ACNA Catechism. It has references to individual entries of the 39 Articles. The references are taken from the book "The Anglican Tradition: A Handbook of Sources." It does link to a correct entry, however, it uses the 1571 Articles. The 1662 Articles with modern English spelling is also included in…
ACNA Lectionary and BCP
Go to https://feedback.logos.com/boards/logos-book-requests?sort=trend_score&filter=Not+done and find, "Anglican Church in North America Daily Office Lectionary" and "Book of Common Prayer 2019" and "Include the 2019 Book of common prayer from the ACNA." They are well down the list, so you need to be persistent. Click on…
Book of Common Prayer: lectionaries, Verbum vs Logos, I am so confused
What are the versions of Book of Common Prayer being used by the different churches? Which ones are available as a fully functioning lectionary in Logos? Does a Book of Common Prayer lectionary work better in Verbum than Logos? So Anglican is officially Protestant, and people kill each other over that, but when it comes to…
Book Suggestions: Robert Farrar Capon
This has gone unnoticed for too long on the generic Suggestions forum (almost four years now). How about getting some Robert Farrar Capon, please?! He was an Episcopalian, so I am guessing the Anglican Products forum is the best way to get someone on it. Right, Ben? The original post: I'd like to see a collection of books…
Church of England Lectionary
Hi All -- A gap for me, unless I am missing something, is having the Church of England Lectionary in Logos. Without this, you have to copy and past references into Logos. I think I may have found part of a solution through the website https://almanac.oremus.org/ The author provides the lectionary in CSV format. I was able…
Question about the BCP
I noticed this morning that my copy of the BCP is the Episcopal edition. I live in Northern Ireland, so I was trying to find a Church of England edition, but I couldn't find any either in my library or on the webstore. Is there a CoE edition available in Logos? If not, are Anglicans (as opposed to Episcopalians) content…
BCP 2019
Is there any hope of getting the BCP 2019 in Logos? It would be so helpful for many ACNA Anglicans. I asked about it here, but I forgot that I wasn't posting in the Anglican products forum: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/211091/1230165.aspx#1230165
Bug reports?
I'm not sure where to report issues with files, but the ECUSA RCL lectionary file has scrolling issues in Logos 10 on Apple Silicon. (Really liking the upgrade and the deals. Not surprising there are a few rough edges in older files.)
SUGGESTION: Beyond Smells & Bells
Beyond Smells & Bells: The Wonder and Power of Christian Liturgy by Mark Galli from Amazon blurb "Liturgy lures us through our senses, grounds us in a great tradition, and plants us in the midst of a diverse community, present and past. Are you attracted to liturgy but don’t know why? Are you considering changing to…
Is Prayer Book Commentary an Anglican Genre?
Is Prayer Book Commentary an Anglican Genre? Do we have anything in Logos that would be considered in the genre of Prayer Book Commentary? https://northamanglican.com/john-boys-and-the-tradition-of-prayer-book-commentary/ Philip Tovey observes that “[p]rayer book commentary is a particularly Anglican genre” that emerges in…
1922 BCP Lectionary
Can we get the 1922 "Revised Table of Lessons" from the Canadian BCP and the current print edition of the Cambridge University Press 1662 BCP made available as a lectionary? Some links: https://www.eskimo.com/~lhowell/bcp1662/info/cal_1922/index.html http://lectionarycentral.com/Dailylessons.html…
Is Verbum Ordinariate the Anglican version of Verbum?
Is Verbum Ordinariate the Anglican version of Verbum? What exactly is Ordinariate?
2019 Book of Common Prayer
I would like to suggest that the new 2019 Book of Common Prayer be added to Logos (to go beside the 1928 and 1979 editions). I have been using it and it is a great improvement and I would love to see it in Logos!
Collected Works of John Nelson Darby
This has been on community pricing for 3 years and has little or no movement. I get Darby's ideas probably are not popular in the 21st century but he is the reason the church was tainted with dispensation doctrines in the 20th century. I would love to have this in the software. So, please go bid.…
Complete works of J.I. Packer
I know it's been suggested before, and Logos does already have a few of Packer's works, but I couldn't find a comprehensive list of them on any of the suggestions forums, and I'd like a product manager to take ownership of getting these, so I'm posting it here (Packer is an Anglican after all). Already available in Logos:…
Dashboard bug
In my Anglican version of Logos 9 I open up the program. On my Dashboard I have two Anglican referenced on the Dashboard: * Anglican Church of North America Sunday and Red Letter Day Lectionary * Anglican Church of North America Daily Office Lectionary As you from the attached screenshot both cards look correct but... * If…
Well this is embarrassing. Help needed with the Book of Common Prayer.
I was doing a bit of research on collects and read: [quote] The Proper of the Church Year includes the appointed Collects; the Proper Prefaces, directions for which are to be found in the pages following; and the appointed Psalms and Lessons, which appear in tables beginning on page 889. The Episcopal Church, The Book of…
Anglican Catechism: Is it the Approved Edition?
Anyone know if the To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism that is now available on Logos is the approved edition? I cannot find any explicit indicators inside the text that it is. There were some changes for the approved edition and I am not sure if the one on Logos reflects that. I appreciate any tips!
Collected Essays of N.T. Wright Set?
Any idea when/if this will be available on Logos? N.T. Wright typically get published quickly in Logos but not sure if I've seen a mention of this. Collected Essays of N.T. Wright Set: Essays on the Gospels, 3 Volumes…
SUGGESTION: Alternative Saints
I would like to see Richard Symonds' Alternative Saints: The Post-Reformation British People Commemorated by the Church of England. It contains biographic chapters on the following people: * Thomas More * William Tyndale * Thomas Cranmer * Richard Hooker * Lancelot Andrewes * George Herbert * Nicholas Ferrar * Charles I *…
Anglican products needing a bit of a push
Yes, these are Tractarians i.e. Anglo-Catholics - a group where those who converted to Catholicism are better represented in Logos than those who did not.We need both to have a realistic view of the movement. * Plain Sermons (10 volumes) by John Henry Newman, John Keble, E.B. Pusey, Isaac Williams, William John Copeland -…
Canadian BCP
Can we get the Canadian Edition of the Book of Common Prayer from 1962 added to the BCP Collection? Here's is the 1962 Canadian BCP online: http://prayerbook.ca/resources/bcponline/ And in PDF: https://www.anglican.ca/wp-content/uploads/BCP.pdf You could also consider the 1918 Canadian Edition too:…
Litton's The Church of Christ
You have recently published Edward Arthur Litton's Dogmatics. Here is another book of his which might be worth adding to Logos. The church of Christ, in its idea, attributes, and ministry : with a particular reference to the controversy on the subject between Romanists and Protestants…
The Book of Common Prayer (2019, Anglican Church in North America)
The UserVoice suggestion for The Book of Common Prayer (2019, Anglican Church in North America) has hitherto done quite well (130+ votes) even without a dedicated thread in this forum. I wonder if some people have missed it.
Lambeth Conferences in Logos/Verbum
Have I missed something, or are the documents of the numerous Lambeth Conferences, beginning in the 19th century, absent from Logos.com?
Henri Nouwen works (With all these new Products forums, why is there no Catholic one?)
I need a place to post my question: When are we going to get some Henri Nouwen resources? He's actually got broad appeal, to Catholics and Protestants alike, so it wouldn't necessarily be something the Catholic product manager should look into, but could someone please find out why it's so hard getting Nouwen? There have…
Odd behavior with RCL Episcopal lectionary vs 79 BCP lectionary
I'm not sure if this is something that's a problem on my end, or with the data-set for the latest version of the RCL Episcopal Sunday lectionary. When I right-click on a lection passage in the list at the beginning of a Sunday in the 79 BCP lectionary, I get an option to open a passage guide, exegetical guide, etc. When I…
Speaker's Commentary (13 vols.) STALLED
The Speaker's Commentary (13 vols.) This massive work is not getting much more in the way of preorders, even though it covers all of the Bible and Apocrypha. Also even though this work is by Anglican's it is composed during the same time that saw famous converts to Catholicism like Cardinal Newman. And at $45 dollars for…
Anglican workflows please?
Okay, I'm the agitator asking the Anglicans in the forums to press for some Anglican oriented work flows. I am not particularly familiar with the territory except at a lay teacher level so the sort of thing I would suggest is Ujamaa CBS Bible Study Manual or African Ubuntu Bible Study or . . .
Lectionary issues
Hi, I just prioritized a lectionary and it keeps setting to the wrong date.
1928 Book of Common Prayer lectionaries now available
These resources are now produced and shipped. If they were included in a base package, they should automatically download. https://www.logos.com/product/54642/book-of-common-prayer-1928-daily-office-lectionary https://www.logos.com/product/54640/book-of-common-prayer-1928-sunday-lectionary Please let me know if you have…
Christianity: A Guide for the Perplexed
Christianity: A Guide for the Perplexed We have under 30 days to get this under contract before it is pulled from pre-pub. From the sample pages this seems very interesting ... One reviewer referred to it as more or less a brief systematic theology from a liberal perspective. From that review and the sample pages I decided…
Suggestion: "A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church" Bundle
Could we please get a collection of all of the volumes from the "A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church" series? At the moment, it would include works from: https://www.logos.com/product/52229/collected-homilies-of-st-john-chrysostom https://www.logos.com/product/9623/works-of-st-cyril-of-alexandria…
Is the Anglican products/forum dead?
Wow! Last post in January. I guess Faithlife has lost the Anglican community. https://community.logos.com/forums/112.aspx
Anglican Wish List
Beside the liturgical books in the other thread, I'd also like to suggest the following:* Henry Bettenson and Chris Maunder (eds): Documents of the Christian Church (OUP) (latest edition!). Perhaps also * Henry Bettenson: The Early Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings of the Fathers from St. Clement of Rome to…
Question about Peter T O'Brien Resources
I am curious if Logos will withdraw the right to use these resources after they are removed? I have the NIGNT volume on Philippians , and the two Pillar Volumes. If we already own them, will we have the right to keep them?…
Newman the Anglican going unrecognized
It is easy to forget that the Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman of the Congregation of the Oratory spent a good chunk of his life as an Anglican. Quite a number of his works were written and published while he was an Anglican. At present, all of Newman's works are classified as Catholic by Faithlife, which makes sense…
New Anglican Portfolio
I was wondering why Anglican Portfolio shows up under the New Titles section of the website. I know that it has been out for a while, so are there new titles in the package? Thanks
J.I. Packer's Dissertation
This book has been on pre-pub for some time and could use a little push to get it moving again. https://www.logos.com/product/42859/redemption-and-restoration-of-man-in-the-thought-of-richard-baxter It's Dr. Packer's Oxford dissertation, a very important work.
The Fathers for English Readers - Oops!
The Latin Fathers for English Readers (9 vols.) is rightly tagged on Logos.com as Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican, given their patristic subject matter and Anglican authors. Likewise The Greek Fathers for English Readers (5 vols.). Unfortunately, The Fathers for English Readers (14 vols.), a collection which merely…
Possible Anglican Gold+ 7.0
I respectful would like you to consider placing the following into the next family of Anglican Products: The Speaker's Commentary (13 vols.) A New Commentary on Holy Scripture Including the Apocrypha You have done something similar before when releasing the works of Gill in the Reformation package, even though it had not…