Taylor Bunch bundle please

Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson Member Posts: 73 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Could we have a bundle of the writings of Taylor Grant Bunch?

Here are the books I could find.

Prevailing Prayer (1946)

The Perfect Prayer (1939)

Love: A comprehensive exposition of 1 Corinthians 13 (1952)

The Road to Happiness

Exodus and Advent Movements in Type and Antitype

The Ten Commandments--The Law of Liberty

The Ten Commandments (without the subtitle. Not sure if it is the same resource or not)

The Revelation

Behold the man: A review of the trials and crucifixion  of Jesus

Memorials of Calvary

Bible Paradoxes

The beatitudes

The armor of righteousness

Valiant in fight

The seven epistles of Christ

Secrets of Godly living

Studies in the Revelation (1933)

The Everlasting Gospel versus Babylon the Great

...........did I miss anything?

The spirit of a pilgrim greatly facilitates praying. An earth-bound, earth-satisfied spirit cannot pray.--E. M. Bounds
