Taylor Bunch bundle please
Could we have a bundle of the writings of Taylor Grant Bunch?
Here are the books I could find.
Love: A comprehensive exposition of 1 Corinthians 13 (1952)
The Road to Happiness
Exodus and Advent Movements in Type and Antitype
The Ten Commandments--The Law of Liberty
The Ten Commandments (without the subtitle. Not sure if it is the same resource or not)
The Revelation
Behold the man: A review of the trials and crucifixion of Jesus
Memorials of Calvary
Bible Paradoxes
The beatitudes
The armor of righteousness
Valiant in fight
The seven epistles of Christ
Secrets of Godly living
Studies in the Revelation (1933)
The Everlasting Gospel versus Babylon the Great
...........did I miss anything?
The spirit of a pilgrim greatly facilitates praying. An earth-bound, earth-satisfied spirit cannot pray.--E. M. Bounds
Taylor Bunch's books--at least a sampling of them--are on my list.
"Behold the Man" is my personal favorite.
Thanks for the suggestion, Brian.
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I would also like the list of Books of Taylor Bunch in my library. What about some of M. L. Andreason's works? What about a "Pioneer Library". I have some as Personal Books, but the Logos edition would be much better.
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I've had talks with the TEACH people about pioneer materials. So many titles . . . so little time to get them all processed. But thanks for the suggestions.
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I too would love to see some Taylor Bunch in LOGOS- especially "The Revelation". Thanks ! Sam Hackenberger
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All these books are worthy of publication in Logos, but it's been difficult to get SDA items through pre-pub. And now I must present a compelling business plan for all new pre-pubs, that they will be responsibly profitable. It's hard to make that argument based upon past performance of SDA pre-pubs. We've had much more success selling base packages.
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Martin Weber said:
It's been difficult to get SDA items through pre-pub. And now I must present a compelling business plan for all new pre-pubs, that they will be responsibly profitable.
Maybe the fact is that if at least some of the books suggested are not available now then no new customers now.
We, the current customer base, grew up with the building of the current SDA [[and other]] packages.
Maybe new customers expect all of the suggested books to already be in Bronze [[at $600]] and above. [[or maybe in Starter at $300?]]
Ellen G. White Lifeworks Collection sells for $70. One can get all of it and more for $20. [[without all the tagging]]
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I understand and share your disappointment with this situation, David. The acquisitions process has changed as I've described, and I'm doing my best to serve you all within the new constraints.
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I will need the books of Taylor Bunch and that of M L Andreasen in my library please!
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You will find much of M LK Andreasen's work available as Personal Books, ready to be downloaded and compiled into Logos, in the SDA Faithlife Group. Go to https://faithlife.com/seventh-day-adventist/activity and go to documents and comb through the contents.
I am sorry but I cannot help you with Taylor Bunch books0