Mobile Ed "Notes" Template from Faithlife should list the topic of the section (in an unowned resour

I'm sure that I am not the only one that doesn't have every resource in my "library" when it comes to a Mobile Ed course. I have several Mobile Ed courses now and the most frustrating item is in the "See Also" section of the syllabus. If you click on an unowned resource, it will open a panel that sometimes gives you a brief view of the content within that resource (and that is fine). I know that I've mentioned this before and will probably be frustrated each time I encounter one of these "unavailable resource" place holders. It would really be nice to have a way to search other resources for the topic suggested in the extra reading, but all it gives is "resource unavailable" and nothing about what is covered in that particular suggestion.
Please Faithlife Groups, when you write the templates, list what the topic of study is instead of just saying "Unavailable Resource!"