Length of a course
When Logos says a course is 2 or 6 hours long what does that actually mean. I've been doing the course on Mark and it is very long
Discounts for Mobile Ed Courses
I can see that when I purchase a package, I get mobile ed package for free. Are there any other ways to selected mobile ed courses at a discount?
Logos Pro and Mobile Ed
Quick question regarding the Mobile Ed courses that are available for free with the subscription — they change every quarter right? Is there anyway to keep a course or purchase a course I have completed at a discount? At the minimum, I'm hoping for a way to keep my highlights and notes without having to copy the text to a…
TH207 --- English switches to Spanish
Frame, John M. 2018. TH207 The Clarity of Scripture (Videos). Logos Mobile Education. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press. Starting from the second video, my desktop app video switches to Spanish. Clicking the following link takes me to the web app, where there is no problem, English as usual.…
Dark Mode on Logos Ipad Pro
Can you have dark mode on Ipad Pro?
Missing Study Bundles
There are a couple certificate programs now study bundles missing from the website. First is the New Testament: Advanced Study Bundle. The Foundation and Intermediate is there but the Advanced is missing. Second, there's a Biblical Greek Foundation Study Bundle. But there's no Biblical Hebrew Foundation Study Bundle. But…
HB091 Hebrew Alphabet notation error
Hi, In the "Segment 2" item 4 there is a "printable alphabet chart". In the last line, there is an error on the letters 'Sin' and 'Shin'. These letters are reversed in this chart. Please, fix it.
Suggestion: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
Suggestion: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Mobile Ed Course Vote here: https://feedback.logos.com/boards/logos-mobile-ed/posts/introduction-to-biblical-hebrew-course I would like to suggest that Logos produces a Mobile Ed course that teaches/serves as an introduction to Biblical Hebrew. We currently have the GK101 course…
Print/Export of Quizzes not working
When I open a quiz in a Mobile Ed course and then select Print/Export, the dialogue window pops up briefly but then the whole program freezes and then crashes. When I restart Logos and try again, the same thing happens. Seems to affect all Mobile Ed courses at the moment. I had no problem exporting quizzes a few months…
OT325 Transcript
In segment 2, the professor shows a wonderful chart of the OT canon. Might it be possible to have that added to the transcript document?
Hebrew course HB101
This course used to come with Mark Futato grammar book Beginning Biblical Hebrew. But I can't find that book anywhere on the Logos website and I want to know why? I plan on doing HB101 with his grammar but not if you all pulled it I don't know if I can trust the grammar.
Problems with videos hanging
I seem to be having problems with the video playback in LDL121 Also some videos in B161 Is it just me? Or is there a problem with the videos?
Problem with Video in NT361 on Hebrews
I'm going through NT361 on Hebrews from Guthrie. I got to the video on Hebrews 11 Application. The video ends at 5:00 and fades to black, but the black screen keeps playing until 6:48. Minor issue, but I thought I'd bring it to the attention of you fine folk. There's no report typo kind of feature in videos, so that's why…
Deleting highlighting
In the new mobile version 22.0.1. I occasionally highlight something I don't want to be highlighted. I used to be able to delete the highlight in the same feature as creating the highlighting. Now there is no trash can so I can't send the highlighting there. What do I do instead?
GK101 and Flashcard App
The Logos flashcard app is no longer supported, and it's no longer available in the Google Play Store. However, the GK101 activities refer numerous times to the flashcard app. Perhaps the activities text needs to be reissued without these references.
Logos Training Bundle for Logos 10
The Logos Training Bundle (https://www.logos.com/product/190998/mobile-ed-logos-training-bundle) is currently on sale. It appears to be based on Logos 8. Will this be updated to use the Logos 10 user interface? Users that would most benefit from this type of training would likely be confused by the differences.
I cant seem to get my mobile app to synchronize with my pc desktop program. I am signed in to my account on the mobile app and can see my resources.... but shouldnt the study that I am working on with the desktop sync to the mobile app? When I go to the mobile app I cant pick up where I left off. It seems like this feature…
MobileEd Certificate Programs
Does anyone know if the Certificate Program has been shut down? I know there have been some leadership changes, and part of that involved streamlining the company. I hadn’t heard anything about the CPs, but as I am finishing up my current program I decided to look at the requirements, and I cannot find them anywhere. Not…
BI352 Unit 1 Segment 2 doesn't work
video for Segment 1 and segent 3 works fine. But when I try to access video associated with segment 2, I get this message: "We couldn't access the media you're trying to play."
Highlight situation
I bought Bruce Waltke's book Old Testament Theology and his Logos Mobile Education Course for the same subject. I found that that the Logos book is heavily marked with yellow highlight for the suggested readings in the mobile ed course. In Logos 9 I could add my own shadow text highlight overtop the yellow highlights. I…
Biblical Languages
The Greek foundation program is listed. The Hebrew foundation program is not listed. And the Biblical Languages Intermediate Program with BI205 and BI206 is no longer listed.
how to redeem Mobile Ed course purchased as part of a package
I just bought Verbum 10 Eastern Catholic Gold! Part of this Package is also "Mobile Ed Course (You Choose) (Logos 10)"! How can i get this free Mobile Ed Course? i see no link or any hint about that in the confirmation of my order...
Bi205 Resource Issues
I selected Bi205 Old Testament Exegesis as my free course when i purchased Logos 10 Gold today. My normal procedure when getting a new Mobile Ed course is to open the course in the Courses Tool and then scroll down through all the recommended resources to see which ones i might need to purchase. BTW, wouldn't it be…
Is there....?
Is there a course for every book in the bible, or are some books missing? Kindly make a course for every book in the bible.
What is the difference between the Mobile Ed Subscription and Mobile Ed Courses included with Faithl
I have been trying to figure out what the difference is between these. It looks like a $4.99/month subscription to Faithlife TV includes all of the Logos Mobile Ed content, but then there is also the Mobile Ed Subscription for 10x the cost that includes a quarterly rotating subset of the mobile ed courses. I'm assuming…
Mobile Education Biblical Languages Request
We have the biblical languages first year grammar in Mobile education for Hebrew and Greek. We will need more year's grammar like second and third years. I want to request Mobile Education to do this. Can we get more advanced grammar in Mobile Education?
Roadmap through eth MobileEd Courses?
This has likely been asked before but my searches didn't turn anything up, I'd like to do a self-directed course of study through the MobileEd courses that gets me through a path similar to a MA in Biblical Studies or an MDiv. I understand it can't possibly be the same and I mean no disrespect to anyone's education. I…
TH211 and TH212 not for individual sale
How come TH211 and TH212 are not for individual sale? I cannot find them in the Logos store.
Faithlife Courses Survey
Hi Everyone! My name is Daniel Woodcock and I am the product manager for Courses & Curriculum at Faithlife. We would love your feedback if you have 10 minutes to spare! These questions will help us as we continue to make these products even better for you! https://faithlife.com/store/surveys/faithlife-courses-survey
Mobile Ed subscription for April?
Any update on what would be offered for April? Mobile ed staffs have been late this past year on updating on time.