Markups & Highlighting



  • Kevin Grady
    Kevin Grady Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    OK that is a question I have had and could not find answers too.  I also have other iPhone Bible software that will allow me to do that but not in Logos.  To be honest, I was thinking about having an iPad and using that inside of my laptop.  I could use it for reading the bible, comparing translations on verses, have my notes and my sermon.  Would be great if you could just create a link in the message, hit it and it would turn to that page in the Bible.  Has anyone been able to do that yet?

  • Jeff Loven
    Jeff Loven Member Posts: 99 ✭✭

      Would be great if you could just create a link in the message, hit it and it would turn to that page in the Bible.  Has anyone been able to do that yet?

    What you're hoping for is possible on the full version of the software on your laptop. It is not possible, unfortunately, as of yet on the iPhone app. Which of these was your question referring to? 

  • Kevin Grady
    Kevin Grady Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I didn't know you could do that.  I HATE the new home page and wish it was more like the old 3 version.  I am so lost on 4.  I was thinking it would be so nice to have a bible open, have my notes there as well.. and for my next point, just click on a link and it will take me to my next note and verse.   I am not so much caring about iPhone as I am for i Pad. However after looking at HP's possible pad, slate or whatever, I think that maybe worth waiting for.  I should be able to install the full software and it will have a USB 2 port as well as a camera and WiFi and 64 gb drive.  Will run windows 7 and be like a laptop with just the screen.  That would be nice to be able to put the whole program on.  But anyway.. I am more interested in the i Pad and since they do not have a forum for that, I figured someone may know.

  • Terry Poperszky
    Terry Poperszky Member Posts: 1,576 ✭✭✭

     But anyway.. I am more interested in the i Pad and since they do not have a forum for that, I figured someone may know.

    I can't address your question, but I can assure you that at this time, the iPhone forum is the place to post iPad questions. Interestingly enough when you call for support on an iPhone/iPad issue, you are given to the Mac support group.



  • Dave Smith
    Dave Smith Member Posts: 54 ✭✭

    Just adding my $.02 to the discussion. At first I really wanted my notes to sync to the iPhone app. It would be nice to read notes but I don't see myself typing a lot of notes on my iPhone, I'd have to toggle between what I was reading and what I'm typing.

    Then over time I realized how I was using the mobile app. More as a book reader than researching topics. For me I'd prefer to have a simple highlighting tool. I'd even be happy with it just being available in books that are not the Bible. So by "clicking' on a word would bring up a highlight option instead of search. I'd be happy with it being a mobile style so I can search for it back on the PC/Mac and type up my notes. 

  • sffoodie
    sffoodie Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    1. Notes (sync)
    2. Highlighting/visual markup (sync)
    3. Bookmarks (sync)
    4. Split-screen usability/reading
    5. Text and background color adjustment
    6. Offline searching, Passage Guide, Bible Word Study, etc. usage


    I agree with all of this. Specifically, I think the iPad is the killer bible study app and I want to make it my primary study tool. Taking notes and marking up (I use precept) on the iPad and syncing with my mac is imperative. I would like to see more effort towards the iPad because it really is the best way to study the bible. I won't purchase Logos until those two things are available on both mac and iPad

  • Dan Higgins
    Dan Higgins Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    One more for highlights and markups.  I'm not a big fan of Olive Tree.  (I like Mantis better for the UI.  I don't like split screen when space is so limited, Mantis has a cool approach.  But Mantis lacks resources.)  Obviously my greatest investment in resources has been in Logos.  Would be great to have the highlighting.   And have it sync with the highlights I create on the desktop.

  • Kellogg Family
    Kellogg Family Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    I agree, it would be nice ot have a very basic highlighting and notes thing,( like a basic yellow highlighter is you select text and press highlight, or add note to add note to text).

  • spitzerpl
    spitzerpl Member Posts: 4,998 ✭✭✭

    Any suggestions on how to handle choosing from large highlight palettes on a small iPhone screen? Let you pick a highlight and then just use that one through a quick UI? Or make it easy to pick from, say, your last three used?

    This is where I believe more control of the mobile versions in the desktop version is needed. For instance, the desktop version information page for a resource should have "available in mobile format" on it with the  option to download, view, or hide it. it would be the same for highlighting. in order for a highlight to be available on a mobile app a box must be checked stating "make this available on mobile devices." A single control in the program settings would hide or display these settings, defaulting to hide.

    so it would work like this. When I buy my IPad I would go into program settings on my desktop and select "show mobile options?" If I do not change this setting to yes then everything would be available on my mobile device. If I change it to yes options become available throughout the program. Reading plans could be deselected from showing up on mobile devices through the resource panel, as could resources. Right clicking on "Reading Plan" in the "File" tab would have an option that can be toggled somehow to select all reading plans for mobile use or select all to turn off mobile use. Same option would be on the highlighting panel.

    That would at least allow someone to easily "clean up" the clutter on the mobile device.


  • Bohuslav Wojnar
    Bohuslav Wojnar Member Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭

    I think I like your suggestion Philip. I am not sure how much it would technically complicate whole thing, but that is not up to me to know [:)]


  • William Baptiste SFO
    William Baptiste SFO Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    I agree with Peter... one simple highlighter should be sufficient first time around.

    But the important thing in addition to highlighting is making sure it syncs to the computer.

    Ditto!!!  Pretty please, Logos.  This one is really valuable.

    Peace Be With All on Logos Forums!

    I am glad people agree with me on the importance of just getting the basic highlighting functionality working on iPhone as soon as possible - fancier highlighting, and even notes, which would be awkward to do much on a small iPhone anyway, are a much lower priority. 

    The voices are getting more shrill...Logos, give us highlighting, or we die![:D]

    May the LORD bless and keep you all

    Glory be to Jesus Christ!  Glory be Forever!

    -- --

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    I read a lot of books on my iPod touch now.  I find myself trying to select text and hit highlight or note in Logos all the time.  PLEASE let me make notes on my devotional readings or at least highlight things I find important.  Pretty please?

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    Still wishing for even a basic highlighting functionality.  I want to read in my Logos app since it stays in sync with my reading plans and library, but am increasingly looking at other apps that have highlighting.  I certainly am not looking for books I want to just read on Logos anymore.  I know it isn't billed as a e-book reader, but this is a function, and I think one of the primary functions of the iPhone app for some of us.  If I want to do research I will use the full functionality of my computer.  If I want to read on the go, I will use the iPhone app and spend my time wishing I could make markups.

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    Still wishing for even a basic highlighting functionality.

    Coming in a future release. This isn't simple, and for various technical reasons is dependent on our porting our primary display engine...which first needs "pagination" support, etc. It's underway.

  • Kurt Trucksess
    Kurt Trucksess Member Posts: 226 ✭✭

    Bob, thanks for keeping us up to date on this. Many of us are looking for highlighting, notes and clippings. I find myself using my iPad for reading more than my mac. It would be nice to have some of those basic features.
    Can you share with us a roadmap of a few planned features? If not a roadmap, is there a planned regular update schedule like the mac alpha? If not, would it be possible to have one?

    Dr. Kurt Trucksess
  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    Still wishing for even a basic highlighting functionality.

    Coming in a future release. This isn't simple, and for various technical reasons is dependent on our porting our primary display engine...which first needs "pagination" support, etc. It's underway.

    Thanks, Bob, for working on this even though it's not simple.

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • Neal Price
    Neal Price Member Posts: 14 ✭✭

    Holy cow...  I know it's not simple and all, but I REALLY need it!!  I'm in seminary online, and the books being on LOGOS is INCREDIBLE; however, without being able to highlight key points or make some notes, I have to stick with regular books...  *sigh*

    Any fresh news on when this might happen?

    Thanks for making LOGOS amazing!

  • Alejandro Gonzalez
    Alejandro Gonzalez Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    What I do is the following (probably mentioned before):

    1 - Create an Evernote Account

    2 - Create an Email Address linking my Evernote Account so whatever I email go to Evernote

    3 - When I find a passage of interest in my Ipad/Iphone, etc.. I click the passage, then do "Share", then I note what I want to note and email it to my Evernote Account

    Once a week, I review my Evernote Account on my Desktop and add the highlight/notes to the Logos 4 Desktop (forces me to review what I learned that week). 

    So, it is a pretty crude, but workable way to adding notes/evernote integration into Logos 4 Ipad/Iphone.

  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187 ✭✭

    What I do is the following (probably mentioned before):

    1 - Create an Evernote Account

    2 - Create an Email Address linking my Evernote Account so whatever I email go to Evernote

    3 - When I find a passage of interest in my Ipad/Iphone, etc.. I click the passage, then do "Share", then I note what I want to note and email it to my Evernote Account

    Once a week, I review my Evernote Account on my Desktop and add the highlight/notes to the Logos 4 Desktop (forces me to review what I learned that week). 

    So, it is a pretty crude, but workable way to adding notes/evernote integration into Logos 4 Ipad/Iphone.


    I use Evernote but find the trouble with using the process you detail above is that invariably all I get with the "share" option is a hyperlink to the Logos marketing page for the iPhone app. NBG at all.

  • Alejandro Gonzalez
    Alejandro Gonzalez Member Posts: 15 ✭✭

    When you share using email, the subject line is the passage name (i.e. Proverbs 13:25, John 3:16, etc). Just change the email to include your "notes".  It is no where perfect, but it is how I get by until highlighting makes it in the app.



  • lostlogik
    lostlogik Member Posts: 187 ✭✭

    When you share using email, the subject line is the passage name (i.e. Proverbs 13:25, John 3:16, etc). Just change the email to include your "notes".  It is no where perfect, but it is how I get by until highlighting makes it in the app.




    That only works with bibles. Anything else just includes the title of the book, which isn't very helpful. But I can see for bibles it is a sort of cludge

  • Bishop Terence M. Sykes
    Bishop Terence M. Sykes Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    In addition to markups & highlighting, I'd like to see the "copy to clipboard" option added when you slide your finger up and the SHARE option reveals "Email | Twitter | Facebook" items to choose. Sometimes, I just want to include a verse or two in a note that I'm writing on my iPhone or share with a friend in a text message. Being able to copy to clipboard would make the text available in any other app I needed just by pasting. Overall, I love the Logos app for iPhone and am looking forward to having it on my iPad when I get that, as well.

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    I hate to be a squeaky wheel... but any news on updates for markups in Logos?  I know the app itself is free, but personally I have a LOT of value tied up in books through Logos and would really like a better way to read my books on the go.  (Reading as in reading and making highlights/notes, etc)  The seemingly plateaued state of Logos for iPhone/iPad makes me reconsider continuing to expand my library with Logos.

  • Dave Dunkin (Logos)
    Dave Dunkin (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,043

    The seemingly plateaued state of the app is because we were hitting the limits of what we could do with small changes and are now working on big changes, specifically integrating the full Logos display engine. Big changes take longer. Notes and highlighting are coming, just not as soon as we would all like. Thanks for your patience.

  • Jacob Hantla
    Jacob Hantla MVP Posts: 3,874

    Thanks for the update, Dave. We can hardly wait.

    Jacob Hantla
    Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church

  • John Eggen
    John Eggen Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    Thanks for the update.  I can't wait to see what you have in store... especially if it makes its way onto my Android device ;)

  • steve haworth
    steve haworth Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    brilliant ~ i'm very happy to hear highlighting is coming our way [:D] [:)][:D][:)]

  • steve haworth
    steve haworth Member Posts: 37 ✭✭

    one suggestion though when highlighting comes would be great to see all the highlighted sentences gathered in one place, for a quick overview of the important points. These notes hyper linked to the actual pages too for more reading on the context of the highlighted notes