Logos 7 P & C

I love logos but I can't get my head around the product types ..... many of the authors added to P & C are the introductory material I personally purchased before I learn't how to really study the bible.
Maybe I'll go for the Baptist package
If you don't already have a standard base package, it may be worth checking one of those prior to a denominational package. They offer an all around set of resources.
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Robyn VH said:
...many of the authors added to P & C are the introductory material...
My personal challenge right now with the Gold base package is the large number of random commentaries simply labeled "Hosea" with no series, title, or author information. I know they have been working on getting the information pop-ups up and running, but the number of "generic" commentaries is discouraging.
Additionally, even looking at the description page of the sets, the gold only rates "Intermediate" in the higher tiers of Academic Research and such. Is it a state of the "denominational" scholarship or is it the state of the pickings and offerings of the Tradition Package? I know there are several scholars and authors I would love to see that would probably fit well within the scope of this set (they removed DDD from the last round, which is an awesome resource) and I would have loved to see Craig Keener (his Miracles or Acts volumes would have been most welcome) or even some additional Fee and Carson. Not sure if Tozer was removed due to the reestablishment of the Moody relationship, but that's a bit of a bummer. I will say, the application Commentaries and counseling resources are nice to see, but otherwise, it's definitely an "add-on" type of package and not a strong foundational package. I'm leaning heavily towards the Methodist Platinum.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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I have upgraded my Standard to the latest Gold but will almost certainly pass on the Pentecostal and Charismatic upgrades this time as there is little that I would find useful. Personally I think that until Faithlife can do a deal with one of the major Pentecostal Denominational publishers the Pentecostal material will remain weak.
I'll probably take time to check out the Methodist/Wesleyan offerings as they are useful and are in touch with Pentecostalism's roots.
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Graham Owen said:
Personally I think that until Faithlife can do a deal with one of the major Pentecostal Denominational publishers
That may simply rest on wether or not they can have a dedicated rep within their ranks to facilitate a deal. I've gathered that from past forum conversations and threads. Worldwide, I would imagine a large drive from this segment of Christian Tradition, but maybe it's not as large a drive from the US market?
The Methodist/Wesleyan libraries are much stronger IMHO.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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[:D] Thanks I have decided to go Bronze in M & W - whilst scoping resources I located a great revival bible that is not linked to any package [:(]
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Yes two of you mentioned the same library, it is where I found better quality resources - maybe there is a need for a global perspective as that denomination is extremely small in NZ and I hadn't even contemplated it as an option.
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Seems we are on the same search, I have DDD - enjoy Keener and Tozer - if only the $ 's were unrestricted the decision process wouldn't be so consuming.
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Robyn VH said:
Seems we are on the same search
Right!? I will say the current offerings are not "throw-away", and I would still consider purchasing one. But there's till rooms for some significant improvement, especially for that one or two "gotta have" resources in the package.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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As one of the Pentecostal (specifically conservative A/G type) ministers who have used Logos for a long time, I concur that the upgrades on the Logos 7 P&C are not compelling at all. In fact for me they are a huge disappointment. I've been begging Logos to add The Fire Bible notes and articles to their offerings for years and years now, to no avail. And yet this resource is offer in several of their competitors' software.
I've gone as high as I can go in the company (in other words, taking the opportunity in a personal email exchange with Bob P. to ask him to look into it) seeking for more resources in the Pentecostal stream. I communicated with the one brother who was in charge of P&C acquisitions a couple of years ago, but he was out of the company quickly and as best I can tell they still have no one dedicated specifically to our grouping. It's a huge problem, and I can't see myself investing in Logos 7 until I have more assurance the Pentecostal community at Logos is better represented and served. The Fire Bible I asked for is the study bible of the Assemblies of God, the largest Pentecostal denomination on the planet. If Logos can't even offer that resource, while competitors do, there's a problem.
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Gary Osborne said:
as best I can tell they still have no one dedicated specifically to our grouping
I wonder if there is a job vacancy...
As part of one of Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) I would naturally like to see books published by Pathway Press in Logos.
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Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Robyn VH said:
I have decided to go Bronze in M & W
I also went Methodist Bronze. Nothing in either the L6 or L7 P&C packages has been that appealing to me.
I mostly do systematic theology, and while Pentecostals don't have a strong presence in that discipline, more and more significant works are coming out all the time. It would be good to have them in Logos.For my theological needs, I've made myself mostly content with L6 Reformed Gold. While it's not exactly a natural fit, they do write an awful lot of theology. [;)]
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Sean said:
Anything specific in Methodist and Wesleyan Bronze? This is me just being lazy.
Agree that there are some good Theological publications coming out and it is good to see William Kay on prepub. Personally I'd rather see more of his and Steven Jack Land's works than another study Bible or Sermon Series.
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Graham Owen said:
Anything specific in Methodist and Wesleyan Bronze? This is me just being lazy.
Lazy is good in these sort of things!
I only got one new systematic theology from it, but I went chiefly for the commentaries: the socio-rhetorical one and a few Wesleyan ones are all new to me. It has most of J. Wesley's works, a bunch of things by B. Witherington, and the Common English Bible for which I have a niche need.
Mainly it was the most bang for the buck I could get in a new base library, and in doing so I got $70 off the AYBD, the real object of the whole exercise. [:P]
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Sean said:
Lazy is good in these sort of things!
After 20 years of Logos purchases I'm probably in the category that Faithlife most struggles with those with over 10k resources who are now filling in gaps and so are a bit more focused in their purchases. I long ago gave up the aspiration to be in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the largest Logos Library.
I did Standard Gold to fill in some blanks and then added some commentaries to my sets as they were on offer.
I did think that I would also do one of the P & C packages as well but for me they seem more C than P hence my interest in the M & W as they tend to help with the Arminian rooted aspects of our denominational teachings.
Heard good things about the CEB and like Witherington, of to check it out, thanks.
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Graham Owen said:
I did think that I would also do one of the P & C packages as well but for me they seem more C than P...
Big unfortunate A-M-E-N to that sentiment, Graham. Being a traditional Pentecostal who isn't really interested in a lot of the Charismatic/3rd Wave/Word-of-Faith material, I find Logos really lacking in conservative Pentecostal material from groups like the A/G and C/G. I'd love to see much more from Gospel Publishing House or Pathway Press. And I'll never be at rest until the Fire Bible (aka Full Life Study Bible) articles and notes are offered.
Come on, Logos. Help a brother (and many sisters) out!
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Gary Osborne said:
Gospel Publishing House or Pathway Press
My vote is firmly placed for Pathway Press.
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Graham Owen said:Gary Osborne said:
Gospel Publishing House or Pathway Press
My vote is firmly placed for Pathway Press.
I'll take either over what we have now, which is little to nothing. If given a choice, I'd obviously prefer GPH if for no other reason than the vastness of material. But either one would be a very welcome addition.
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Agree that either would be good, selfishly Pathway would increase the likelihood of me quoting "official" references.
This is not just a problem on the Logos side, I think that some of the denominational publishers need a shift in focus and may be looking at lost of hardcopy rather than increased sales of digital.
Also, not sure what the rest of the world is like but in the UK I see a lot of interest in Logos when people see it in action with a reluctance to start the journey of building a library. Subjectively it seems that many want a library that took me 20 years to build for the price of Bronze.
I notice that the AOG ministerial training resources are in Logos, be interesting to know if that has led to an increased number of AOG ministers buying Logos. We have similar materials and I think it would be a good start if these were available with some good supporting materials as a package for those starting the credentialing process.
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Hi Graham
I have attended Christian college here in NZ obtaining a leadership diploma however theological study was minimal - it was all group management and leadership strategies can you direct me to the " AOG ministerial training resources are in Logos" so I can check them out - it seems some of what I am looking for may well be in logos I am just not looking in the right places.
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Graham; amen to Pathway Press!! Used to love their songbooks at Mt Paran in the 70's....I'm afraid everything is overhead projector now.....
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Robyn VH said:
direct me to the " AOG ministerial training resources are in Logos"
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Agree 100%. I just recently purchased Logos 7 Gold to test drive for 30 days but so far I'm not to overly impressed. In addition they discontinued AG's Global training that used to be available in most all base packages. What other software would you recommend? Currently I'm considering switching to a standard Gold package or changing software altogether.
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Welcome to the forums!
Cindy, It would matter what you are looking for. Is there something specific you want? Dictionaries, Language Tools, Commentaries?
I was pleased with the Methodist Wesleyan Package (I purchased Platinum, but the Gold has a solid set of commentaries - Bible Knowledge, Socio-Rhetorical, IVPNT, Interpretation, Blacks, etc.) The Gold Standard has a good mix as well (ACC, Pillar, Tyndale, NIGTC, Anchor Yale Dictionary) so I would think those would be better than the P&C Gold. P&C seems really supplemental to me, as opposed to being a starter-library for Logos.
I was hoping to see Mark Barnes expand on his buying guides (which are a HUGE help in seeing an overview of the base packages) but I don't think he has completed them. There are lots of options in base packages.
What are you looking for?
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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Cindy Colbert said:
In addition they discontinued AG's Global training that used to be available in most all base packages
The post above yours provides the link to the AG's Global training ... I've not picked it up in any base package so I'm not sure where it has been included in the past.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
I've not picked it up in any base package so I'm not sure where it has been included in the past.
I'd concur, I don't remember this either. Especially if this is in reference to the Berean School of the Bible If so, I know it has been available as a bundled set, and individually, but not as part of a base package.
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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Honestly I'm still researching what all is available & worthwhile to purchase in building my library. I've just recently completed my 2nd year of training through the Illinois School Of Ministry & am currently awaiting licensing credentials from AG General Council. Thank you for taking time to answer. God Bless :-)
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Correct regarding the Berea School of the Bible. I currently have completed their first 2 years (hard copy print editions) & back when I was first considering the purchase I believe it was available in the Gold 6 standard base package. Was looking forward to having them in digital copy as well but no big deal either way. Since I have the printed editions, having a separate valuable resource would be best.
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Cindy Colbert said:
Honestly I'm still researching what all is available & worthwhile to purchase in building my library.
Congrats on completing your training! If you're looking for help in making choices or discerning what some of the more preferred resources are, the forums have been helpful for many. If you have an idea of what you want to do with Logos, then it helps you find out what you need (will you be using Logos for counseling, sermon prep, devotional bible study, sunday school prep, furthering your education in additional seminary courses, etc.) so you can spend your money wisely. I know for me, it's easy to get bogged down in the multitudes of resources and get into decision fatigue. Lol.
The buyer's guides are not completed, but here's a link that leads you to the first two Mark has prepared: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/129632/842432.aspx
MBPro'12 / i5 / 8GB // 3.0 Scholars (Purple) / L6 & L7 Platinum, M&E Platinum, Anglican Bronze, P&C Silver / L8 Platinum, Academic Pro
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Graham Owen said:Gary Osborne said:
as best I can tell they still have no one dedicated specifically to our grouping
I wonder if there is a job vacancy...
As part of one of Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) I would naturally like to see books published by Pathway Press in Logos.
As a member of the AoG and a ministerial student I would love to see resources from Gospel Publishing House.