NEW: Kent Edwards Preaching Bundle (4 courses) and TH265 Free Grace Theology

Our latest pre-pubs are the 4-course Kent Edwards Preaching Bundle and TH265 Free Grace Theology.
The Kent Edwards Preaching Bundle includes previously unreleased CM104 Introducing Biblical Preaching: Preaching with Depth and CM210 Preaching Biblical Narrative which are both available for pre-order individually:
Get better equipped to preach biblical sermons with this 4-course bundle by J. Kent Edwards. Understand the importance of preaching biblical sermons. Learn relevant steps of preparing a sermon including how to move from exegesis to exposition. Recognize important aspects of sermon presentation and delivery. Appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and meditation in sermon preparation. Learn how to appreciate the narrative sections of Scripture and make the stories of the Bible relevant to your congregation.
Have you ever wondered, “Can I lose my salvation?” or “Does God choose who is saved?” or “What does Jesus mean when he talks about rewards?” In TH265 Free Grace Theology, Dr. Bob Wilkin explores these and other questions related to salvation. You’ll see how Free Grace theology compares to Calvinism and Arminianism, and how it relates to the Lordship salvation view. Dr. Wilkin walks through the key issues and discusses relevant biblical passages with a clear and simple teaching style. Whether you are a proponent of Free Grace Theology or not, this course will challenge you to think through what the Scriptures have to say.