NEW: NT276 Pauline Theology, NT391 Hospitality in the New Testament, and CO121 Pastoral Counseling:

Our latest pre-pubs are NT276 Pauline Theology by Doug Moo, NT391 Hospitality in the New Testament by Joshua Jipp, and CO121 Pastoral Counseling: Foundations and Practices by Gary Barnes.
In NT276 Pauline Theology Dr. Douglas J. Moo organizes Paul’s theology within the new realm of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the lives of Jesus’ followers. After comparing the new realm to the old realm of the law, Dr. Moo takes you on a journey from the inauguration of the new realm to its culmination, stopping to discuss the people of the new realm and how Jesus’ followers enter into, live within, and enjoy this new realm. This course provides you with a foundation to read, study, teach, and preach the message of the apostle Paul.
What does hospitality look like for the authors of the New Testament? Dr. Joshua Jipp presents the biblical concept of hospitality through a thorough examination of the relevant literature in Luke-Acts, the Gospel of John, and the Pauline Letters. The course begins by exploring the ancient background of hospitality as practiced in the Graeco-Roman world and ancient Israel. Dr. Jipp pays particular attention to Jesus because the hospitality that he practiced, as both guest and host, became the exemplar for the apostles and the early church, and should be the model that the church exhibits today. Jipp’s masterful study of a common, yet understudied, theme in the New Testament is highly organized, exegetically sound, and theologically stimulating, thus giving this course great potential for application in the local church and beyond.
Pastoral Counseling: Foundations and Practices (CO121) will equip you to face a diverse array of problems in your pastoral counseling practice. In the course, licensed clinical psychologist and ordained minister Dr. C. Gary Barnes introduces theological anchor points for pastoral counseling as well as the identity and role of the pastoral counselor in the counseling process. You will also study the interdisciplinary integration of theology and psychology and the intradisciplinary integration of theology and psychology with pastoral counseling. Alongside these, you will gain a thorough understanding of Christian personality theory so you can approach people holistically in your practice.
After laying a foundation for the course, Dr. Barnes walks you through a variety of strategies to initiate change in the individual, couple, family, and group dynamics, and he corrects some common myths regarding issues facing pastoral counselors.