NEW: PD211 Thy Kingdom Come: Kingdom Perspectives on the Ordinary Christian Life and LD121 Introduci

Our latest pre-pubs are PD211 Thy Kingdom Come: Kingdom Perspectives on the Ordinary Christian Life by Ben Witherington III and LD121 Introducing Transformational Leadership by Mark McCloskey.
In this course Dr. Ben Witherington III unpacks the primary aspects of Christian life through the framework of the kingdom of God. The course covers the topics of work, money, rest, and play, as well as the practices of worship and spiritual formation. Dr. Witherington explores these topics through the eyes of the kingdom, lending a perspective that incorporates both spirit and truth. In his words, those who take this course will find it “not only soul nourishing but challenging in the kinds of ways that it forces them to think about the ordinary, mundane Christian life in a profound, theological, kingdom kind of way.”
Today’s churches, parachurch organizations, and businesses require leadership that is transformational. In this course, Dr. Mark McCloskey, professor of transformational leadership at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, explains his 4R model of transformational leadership. The model provides a biblical framework for leadership based on the cardinal virtues. Dr. McCloskey explores practical ways to use the 4R model in the process of learning, teaching, and practicing leadership. He shows how leaders can apply these lessons to a variety of leadership contexts. Even those who do not have formal leadership roles will find this course informative and practical as they influence churches and organizations where they are members.