NEW: TH341 Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium and TH361 Perspectives on the T

Miles Custis
Miles Custis Member, Logos Employee Posts: 411
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

Our newest pre-pubs are multi-view courses featuring some of of the biggest names in Christian scholarship today.

TH341 Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium

Eschatology, the study of end times, is one of the most debated subjects in Christianity. Believers hold different positions on important topics like the rapture of believers, a seven-year tribulation period, and the nature of the millennial reign of Christ. In this course, five preeminent theologians and New Testament scholars put forth their perspectives on eschatology:

  • Darrell L. Bock—Pre-tribulation Premillennialism
  • Douglas J. Moo—Post-tribulation Premillennialism
  • Sam Storms—Amillennialism
  • Peter J. Leithart—Postmillennial Preterism
  • N. T. Wright—New Heavens, New Earth Eschatology

After hearing each side of the eschatology debate, you’ll have a better understanding of the different positions Christians hold about the end times and be able to explain the various issues involved when studying eschatology.

TH361 Perspectives on the Trinity: Eternal Generation and Subordination in Tension

In Perspectives on the Trinity: Eternal Generation and Subordination in Tension (TH361), Drs. Wayne Grudem, Millard Erickson, Fred Sanders, Bruce Ware, and Kevin Giles explore a major question about the Trinity: Is God the Son subordinate to God the Father in eternity, or not? While Jesus certainly seemed to be subordinate to God during His earthly ministry, was this the case before His incarnation? Afterward? Each contributor lays out his perspective on the issue that affects our understanding of who God is, what the Bible teaches, and what the historic church has taught. The activities resource for this course includes additional videos by Drs. Michael Bird and Scott Harrower, helping to frame the background and significance of this topic.
