Questions on NT347 & 348

1) The description for both of these courses says that they include both audio and activity resources. Do they actually include these resources at this time?
2) Can anyone compare and contrast these resources in how they treat Colossians? 348 description speaks about "preaching Colossians". How is that handled? Do they both move through the whole text? What is the different emphasis in the teaching? If I were not interested in Philimon, is 348 worth the extra $40?
Thanks for the feedback. Michael
Hi Michael,
I can answer you first question, but I think someone else using the MobileEd courses you are talking about will be more able to give you an accurate answer to question two.
Michael McLane said:1) The description for both of these courses says that they include both audio and activity resources. Do they actually include these resources at this time?
Owning NT347 gives you access to everything for that resource. If you scroll to the "More details about these resources" section here and click the links you'll see each one has a description except the Activities part. It not having a description is a good sign it hasn't been completed yet. We are working on it though.
Miles Custis' post here talks more about that.
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Michael McLane said:
1) The description for both of these courses says that they include both audio and activity resources. Do they actually include these resources at this time?
Michael, at this time the Audio file is availble but not the activity file.
As to whether you are missing anything at this point by not having the activities files is a judgement call. All the activities resources do is move the Guides and Tools sections and Quizzes out of the main courseware textbook into a separate resource and then add it some text boxes where you can add in comments about what you might have learned for example from reading the factbook entry. I can't say whether there will be additional content added to what is already in the current textbook in terms of the Guides and Tools sections, but there will probably be those reflective questions that weren't part of the textbook
e.g. On the left if what you currently get in NT347, and on right is an example from AP101 where the separate activity resource has been created.
Personally I'm not holding off buying a course because the activity book has not yet been created. I'd prefer it was but for me the course is about the content and I can ask myself questions about what I learnt without having the activity book, I still get the quizzes and suggested guides to run, and my view is that I will come back to the courses multiple times, so if frist time I work through course and activity book is not there, the second or third time I do, it may well be there and I will be getting a fresh experience of the course.
You will need to make the choice that is right for you and how you are choosing to use these courses.
Michael McLane said:2) Can anyone compare and contrast these resources in how they treat Colossians? 348 description speaks about "preaching Colossians". How is that handled? Do they both move through the whole text? What is the different emphasis in the teaching? If I were not interested in Philimon, is 348 worth the extra $40?
Hope below helps a little with your question. I have not yet worked through these courses so can't offer direct comment as yet.
NT347 Syllabus
Course Description
Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians (NT347) works through the book of Colossians, considering its historical and cultural context and then analyzing the book according to the flow of Paul’s argument. It expounds key themes such as prayer and intercession, Christ’s work in creation and redemption, union with Christ, and sanctification. Particular attention is given to Paul’s Christology in the book and its importance for faith and ethics.
Course OutcomesUpon successful completion you should be able to:
• Describe the cultural, historical context of the book of Colossians
• Outline the book’s major sections and arguments
• Identify significant Greek words and phrases in the book and explain their impact on the book’s message
• Identify the thesis of the book of Colossians
• Summarize the book’s depiction of Christology and its central role in Christianity
• Describe the relationship between theology and ethics in Colossians
• Discuss how the book of Colossians applies today
Jipp, J., 2015. NT347 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.NT348 Syllabus
Course Description
Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon (NT348) explores the theology and themes of Colossians and Philemon. The course examines the implications of the Christ hymn in Col 1:15–20 and looks at how Paul addresses the “Colossian heresy” as well as social and ethical issues like slavery and reconciliation in Colossians and Philemon. It examines the backgrounds and structure of these two letters and includes segments on preaching from them.
Course OutcomesUpon successful completion you should be able to:
• Review Paul’s theological appeal to the supremacy of Christ
• Discuss the implications of the believer’s union with Christ
• Demonstrate the relationship between theology and practice
• Describe the occasion which prompted Paul to write the Letter to Philemon
• Contrast Paul’s approach to Philemon with Paul’s authoritative appeal in other letters
• Discuss the value of Philemon for teaching, preaching, and Christian living
Campbell, C.R., 2015. NT348 Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
NT347 Course OutlineIntroduction
Introducing the Speaker and the CourseUnit 1: Introduction and Background
1. Basic Hermeneutical Principles
2. The Author of Colossians
3. Finding Evidence for Pauline Authorship
4. The Recipients of Colossians
5. The Purpose and Form of an Epistle
6. Comparing the Introduction Sections of New Testament Epistles
7. The Contemporary Message of Colossians
Unit 1 QuizUnit 2: Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession (Col 1:1–14)
8. Introduction to the Letter
9. Paul’s Thanksgiving
10. Finding All New Testament Prayers of Thanksgiving
11. Paul’s Intercession
12. The Role of Prayer in Paul’s Letters
Unit 2 QuizUnit 3: The Christ Hymn (Col 1:15–23)
13. Christology
14. Hymns in the New Testament and Early Christianity
15. Christ’s Cosmic Work in Creation
16. Christ’s Cosmic Work in Redemption
17. Exploring the Metaphor of “Head” in the Bible
18. The Rhetorical Function of the Christ Hymn
Unit 3 QuizUnit 4: Paul’s Ethos Argument (Col 1:24–2:5)
19. Paul’s Authority
20. The Role of Exemplars in Religious Antiquity
21. Paul’s Vicarious Sufferings
22. Researching Persecution in the Early Church
23. Paul Proclaims God’s Mystery
24. Paul’s Cosmic Proclamation
25. Review and Introduction
Unit 4 QuizUnit 5: The Heart of Paul’s Letter (Col 2:6–15)
26. Walk in Him
27. The Thesis Statement of Colossians
28. Understanding and Searching for Occurrences of Causal Clauses
29. Sharing in the Fullness of God
30. Finding Prepositional Phrases Related to Union with Christ
31. Sharing in Christ’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection
32. The Defeat of Death, Sin, and Evil
Unit 6: Futility and Fullness (Col 2:16–23)
33. The Situation in Colossae
34. Christology Is All You Need
35. Asceticism and Spiritual Arrogance
Unit 6 QuizUnit 7: Antidote to Error (Col 3:1–16)
36. Hidden with Christ
37. A Practical Wisdom
38. Rooted in the Messiah
39. The Application of Christology
40. The Believing Community
41. The New Humanity
42. The Characteristics of the New Community
43. Researching Paul’s Use of Positive and Negative Imperatives
Unit 7 QuizUnit 8: Sanctification of the Ordinary Life (Col 3:17–4:6)
44. Life under the Lordship of Christ
45. The Household Codes: Part 1
46. The Household Codes: Part 2
47. The Household Codes: Part 3
48. The Church’s Responsibilities
Unit 8 QuizUnit 9: Paul and His Churches (Col 4:7–18)
49. A Significant Ending
50. Letters and Envoys
51. A Family Identity
52. The Success of the GospelUnit 10: The Legacy of Colossians
53. Christology as Antidote
54. The Root of Christian Behavior
55. A Guide for Prayer
Units 9–10 QuizConclusion
56. Prayer for YouFINAL EXAM
Jipp, J., 2015. NT347 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.NT348 Course Outline
Introducing the Speaker and the CourseUnit 1: Introduction to Colossians
1. Overview of Colossians
2. Comparing Colossians with Ephesians
3. Colossians: Structure
4. Colossians: Background
5. Locating Colossae with the Atlas Tool
6. Colossians: Themes
7. Searching for Prepositional Phrases in Colossians
8. Christ’s Sufficiency and Supremacy
Unit 1 QuizUnit 2: Theological Instruction (Col 1:1–2:23)
9. Address (Col 1:1–2)
10. Identifying the Groups Paul Addresses in Colossians 1:1–2
11. Thanksgiving (Col 1:3–8)
12. Prayer (Col 1:9–14)
13. Christ Hymn, Part 1 (Col 1:15–17)
14. Exploring All Hymns in the New Testament
15. Christ Hymn, Part 2 (Col 1:18–20)
16. Impact of the Gospel (Col 1:21–23)
17. Revelation of Christ (Col 1:24–27)
18. Paul’s Ministry: Goals (Col 1:28–29)
19. Paul’s Ministry: Desires (Col 2:1–5)
20. Paul’s Ministry: Summary (Col 1:21–2:5)
21. Growing in Christ Alone (Col 2:6–8)
22. Participation in Christ (Col 2:9–12)
23. Results of Participation in Christ (Col 2:13–15)
24. Colossians: Application for Today
25. Confronting the Heresy (Col 2:16–19)
26. False Rules (Col 2:20–23)
27. Summary of Paul’s Attack on the Heresy
28. Union with Christ in Colossians
Unit 3: Practical Instruction (Col 3:1–4:18)
29. Living in the Resurrection (Col 3:1–4)
30. Examining Paul’s Use of First Class Conditional Statements
31. Setting Aside the Old (Col 3:5–11)
32. Putting on the New (Col 3:12–14)
33. Investigating Biblical Teaching on Forgiveness
34. Living in Peace (Col 3:15–17)
35. Summary (Col 3:1–17)
36. Wives and Husbands (Col 3:18–19)
37. Determining the Significance of the Phrase “in the Lord”
38. Complementarianism (Col 3:18–19)
39. Children and Parents (Col 3:20–21)
40. Slaves and Masters (Col 3:22–4:1)
41. The New Testament and Slavery
42. Prayer and Speech (Col 4:2–6)
43. Final Greetings (Col 4:7–18)
44. Preaching from Colossians
Unit 3 QuizUnit 4: Philemon
45. Introducing Philemon
46. Opening Greeting (Philemon 1–3)
47. Thanksgiving (Philemon 4–7)
48. Preamble to Paul’s Appeal (Part 1, Philemon 8–12)
49. Researching Paul’s Use of Endearing Terms
50. Preamble to Paul’s Appeal (Part 2, Philemon 13–16)
51. Paul’s Request (Philemon 17–22)
52. Closing Greetings and Blessing (Philemon 23–25)
53. Philemon and Brotherhood in Christ
54. Preaching from Philemon
Unit 4 QuizUnit 5: Conclusion
55. Final WordsFINAL EXAM
Course Exams
Campbell, C.R., 2015. NT348 Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.0 -
Michael McLane said:
1) The description for both of these courses says that they include both audio and activity resources. Do they actually include these resources at this time?
Michael, at this time the Audio file is availble but not the activity file.
As to whether you are missing anything at this point by not having the activities files is a judgement call. All the activities resources do is move the Guides and Tools sections and Quizzes out of the main courseware textbook into a separate resource and then add it some text boxes where you can add in comments about what you might have learned for example from reading the factbook entry. I can't say whether there will be additional content added to what is already in the current textbook in terms of the Guides and Tools sections, but there will probably be those reflective questions that weren't part of the textbook
e.g. On the left if what you currently get in NT347, and on right is an example from AP101 where the separate activity resource has been created.
Personally I'm not holding off buying a course because the activity book has not yet been created. I'd prefer it was but for me the course is about the content and I can ask myself questions about what I learnt without having the activity book, I still get the quizzes and suggested guides to run, and my view is that I will come back to the courses multiple times, so if frist time I work through course and activity book is not there, the second or third time I do, it may well be there and I will be getting a fresh experience of the course.
You will need to make the choice that is right for you and how you are choosing to use these courses.
Michael McLane said:2) Can anyone compare and contrast these resources in how they treat Colossians? 348 description speaks about "preaching Colossians". How is that handled? Do they both move through the whole text? What is the different emphasis in the teaching? If I were not interested in Philimon, is 348 worth the extra $40?
Hope below helps a little with your question. I have not yet worked through these courses so can't offer direct comment as yet.
NT347 Syllabus
Course Description
Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians (NT347) works through the book of Colossians, considering its historical and cultural context and then analyzing the book according to the flow of Paul’s argument. It expounds key themes such as prayer and intercession, Christ’s work in creation and redemption, union with Christ, and sanctification. Particular attention is given to Paul’s Christology in the book and its importance for faith and ethics.
Course OutcomesUpon successful completion you should be able to:
• Describe the cultural, historical context of the book of Colossians
• Outline the book’s major sections and arguments
• Identify significant Greek words and phrases in the book and explain their impact on the book’s message
• Identify the thesis of the book of Colossians
• Summarize the book’s depiction of Christology and its central role in Christianity
• Describe the relationship between theology and ethics in Colossians
• Discuss how the book of Colossians applies today
Jipp, J., 2015. NT347 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.NT348 Syllabus
Course Description
Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon (NT348) explores the theology and themes of Colossians and Philemon. The course examines the implications of the Christ hymn in Col 1:15–20 and looks at how Paul addresses the “Colossian heresy” as well as social and ethical issues like slavery and reconciliation in Colossians and Philemon. It examines the backgrounds and structure of these two letters and includes segments on preaching from them.
Course OutcomesUpon successful completion you should be able to:
• Review Paul’s theological appeal to the supremacy of Christ
• Discuss the implications of the believer’s union with Christ
• Demonstrate the relationship between theology and practice
• Describe the occasion which prompted Paul to write the Letter to Philemon
• Contrast Paul’s approach to Philemon with Paul’s authoritative appeal in other letters
• Discuss the value of Philemon for teaching, preaching, and Christian living
Campbell, C.R., 2015. NT348 Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
NT347 Course OutlineIntroduction
Introducing the Speaker and the CourseUnit 1: Introduction and Background
1. Basic Hermeneutical Principles
2. The Author of Colossians
3. Finding Evidence for Pauline Authorship
4. The Recipients of Colossians
5. The Purpose and Form of an Epistle
6. Comparing the Introduction Sections of New Testament Epistles
7. The Contemporary Message of Colossians
Unit 1 QuizUnit 2: Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession (Col 1:1–14)
8. Introduction to the Letter
9. Paul’s Thanksgiving
10. Finding All New Testament Prayers of Thanksgiving
11. Paul’s Intercession
12. The Role of Prayer in Paul’s Letters
Unit 2 QuizUnit 3: The Christ Hymn (Col 1:15–23)
13. Christology
14. Hymns in the New Testament and Early Christianity
15. Christ’s Cosmic Work in Creation
16. Christ’s Cosmic Work in Redemption
17. Exploring the Metaphor of “Head” in the Bible
18. The Rhetorical Function of the Christ Hymn
Unit 3 QuizUnit 4: Paul’s Ethos Argument (Col 1:24–2:5)
19. Paul’s Authority
20. The Role of Exemplars in Religious Antiquity
21. Paul’s Vicarious Sufferings
22. Researching Persecution in the Early Church
23. Paul Proclaims God’s Mystery
24. Paul’s Cosmic Proclamation
25. Review and Introduction
Unit 4 QuizUnit 5: The Heart of Paul’s Letter (Col 2:6–15)
26. Walk in Him
27. The Thesis Statement of Colossians
28. Understanding and Searching for Occurrences of Causal Clauses
29. Sharing in the Fullness of God
30. Finding Prepositional Phrases Related to Union with Christ
31. Sharing in Christ’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection
32. The Defeat of Death, Sin, and Evil
Unit 6: Futility and Fullness (Col 2:16–23)
33. The Situation in Colossae
34. Christology Is All You Need
35. Asceticism and Spiritual Arrogance
Unit 6 QuizUnit 7: Antidote to Error (Col 3:1–16)
36. Hidden with Christ
37. A Practical Wisdom
38. Rooted in the Messiah
39. The Application of Christology
40. The Believing Community
41. The New Humanity
42. The Characteristics of the New Community
43. Researching Paul’s Use of Positive and Negative Imperatives
Unit 7 QuizUnit 8: Sanctification of the Ordinary Life (Col 3:17–4:6)
44. Life under the Lordship of Christ
45. The Household Codes: Part 1
46. The Household Codes: Part 2
47. The Household Codes: Part 3
48. The Church’s Responsibilities
Unit 8 QuizUnit 9: Paul and His Churches (Col 4:7–18)
49. A Significant Ending
50. Letters and Envoys
51. A Family Identity
52. The Success of the GospelUnit 10: The Legacy of Colossians
53. Christology as Antidote
54. The Root of Christian Behavior
55. A Guide for Prayer
Units 9–10 QuizConclusion
56. Prayer for YouFINAL EXAM
Jipp, J., 2015. NT347 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.NT348 Course Outline
Introducing the Speaker and the CourseUnit 1: Introduction to Colossians
1. Overview of Colossians
2. Comparing Colossians with Ephesians
3. Colossians: Structure
4. Colossians: Background
5. Locating Colossae with the Atlas Tool
6. Colossians: Themes
7. Searching for Prepositional Phrases in Colossians
8. Christ’s Sufficiency and Supremacy
Unit 1 QuizUnit 2: Theological Instruction (Col 1:1–2:23)
9. Address (Col 1:1–2)
10. Identifying the Groups Paul Addresses in Colossians 1:1–2
11. Thanksgiving (Col 1:3–8)
12. Prayer (Col 1:9–14)
13. Christ Hymn, Part 1 (Col 1:15–17)
14. Exploring All Hymns in the New Testament
15. Christ Hymn, Part 2 (Col 1:18–20)
16. Impact of the Gospel (Col 1:21–23)
17. Revelation of Christ (Col 1:24–27)
18. Paul’s Ministry: Goals (Col 1:28–29)
19. Paul’s Ministry: Desires (Col 2:1–5)
20. Paul’s Ministry: Summary (Col 1:21–2:5)
21. Growing in Christ Alone (Col 2:6–8)
22. Participation in Christ (Col 2:9–12)
23. Results of Participation in Christ (Col 2:13–15)
24. Colossians: Application for Today
25. Confronting the Heresy (Col 2:16–19)
26. False Rules (Col 2:20–23)
27. Summary of Paul’s Attack on the Heresy
28. Union with Christ in Colossians
Unit 3: Practical Instruction (Col 3:1–4:18)
29. Living in the Resurrection (Col 3:1–4)
30. Examining Paul’s Use of First Class Conditional Statements
31. Setting Aside the Old (Col 3:5–11)
32. Putting on the New (Col 3:12–14)
33. Investigating Biblical Teaching on Forgiveness
34. Living in Peace (Col 3:15–17)
35. Summary (Col 3:1–17)
36. Wives and Husbands (Col 3:18–19)
37. Determining the Significance of the Phrase “in the Lord”
38. Complementarianism (Col 3:18–19)
39. Children and Parents (Col 3:20–21)
40. Slaves and Masters (Col 3:22–4:1)
41. The New Testament and Slavery
42. Prayer and Speech (Col 4:2–6)
43. Final Greetings (Col 4:7–18)
44. Preaching from Colossians
Unit 3 QuizUnit 4: Philemon
45. Introducing Philemon
46. Opening Greeting (Philemon 1–3)
47. Thanksgiving (Philemon 4–7)
48. Preamble to Paul’s Appeal (Part 1, Philemon 8–12)
49. Researching Paul’s Use of Endearing Terms
50. Preamble to Paul’s Appeal (Part 2, Philemon 13–16)
51. Paul’s Request (Philemon 17–22)
52. Closing Greetings and Blessing (Philemon 23–25)
53. Philemon and Brotherhood in Christ
54. Preaching from Philemon
Unit 4 QuizUnit 5: Conclusion
55. Final WordsFINAL EXAM
Course Exams
Campbell, C.R., 2015. NT348 Book Study: Paul’s Letters to the Colossians and Philemon, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.0 -
Doc, thanks so much for taking the time consider my questions and to respond. The contents really help. Also, the explanation of the movement of materials from one resource to consolidate them to another new resource really helps me understand what is going on as I have been asking about that in the forums lately. Perhaps FL had explained that and I just did not catch on. [:O]